Budapest – The Simon Wiesenthal Center and the Targum Shlishi Foundation today announced the inauguration of a new hotline/infoline for “Operation: Last Chance” in Hungary, in order to receive information regarding the current whereabouts and wartime activities of suspected Hungarian Nazi war criminals.
In a press conference held here today, the Center’s chief Nazi-hunter Dr. Efraim Zuroff revealed the new number (06) 205-500-142 and issued a call to the Hungarian public to submit all pertinent information and especially details regarding its number one Hungarian suspect Karoly (Charles) Zentai, a Hungarian army officer who is accused of the murder of at least one Jewish teenager in Budapest in November 1944 and of the persecution and torture of numerous additional Jews kidnapped by Zentai and two fellow army officers who were tried for their crimes after World War II. Zentai escaped from Hungary and was tracked down by the Center in Perth Australia, where he has been living since 1950.
Zuroff, who met with officials of the Hungarian Justice Ministry yesterday regarding the case, expressed his hope that Zentai would be tried in Hungary as quickly as possible, in accordance with the Wiesenthal Center’s preference that Nazi war criminals be brought to justice in the country in which they committed their crimes or in their country of origin.
For more information call +972-50-721-4156.