Wiesenthal Center Welcomes Decision to Deny Nazi War Criminal Priebke the Right to Work; Urges His Incarceration in Jail Rather than House Arrest

Jerusalem – The Simon Wiesenthal Center today welcomed the decision yesterday by military judge Isacco Giorgio Guistiniani suspending the permission granted last week to convicted Nazi war criminal Erich Priebke to go to work in his lawyer’s office in Rome.

In a statement issued in Jerusalem, the Center’s chief Nazi-hunter Israel director Dr. Efraim Zuroff reiterated the Center’s ironclad opposition to the granting of any privileges to convicted Nazi war criminals. “Unrepentant Nazi murderers do not deserve any privileges, consideration or sympathy, regardless of their age. People who executed civilians and had no mercy on their innocent victims do not deserve to be treated with kindness,” said Zuroff.

According to Zuroff:

“Yesterday’s photo of Priebke on the back of a scooter on the streets of Rome on his way to work was a shocking reminder of the practical implications of last week’s decision. If anything, it shows that Priebke is healthy enough to be incarcerated in jail (rather than under his current house arrest) and we strongly urge the Italian authorities to consider such a step.”

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