Wiesenthal Center Urges Polish Government to Reconsider Controversial Legislation Regarding Holocaust History Recently Passed by Polish Parliament
January 28, 2018 (PR)
Llevando los últimos nazis a la Justicia
Efraim Zuroff, infobae
January 26, 2018 (Writings)
Bringing the last Nazis to justice
Efraim Zuroff, The Jerusalem Post
January 20, 2018 (Writings)
Efraim Zuroff, The Jerusalem Post Magazine
January 4, 2018 (Writings)
Wiesenthal Center Welcomes Indictment in Germany of Two Stutthof Guards; Continues to Seek Survivors of the Camp
November 16, 2017 (PR)
79th anniversary of Kristallnacht
Efraim Zuroff, The Jerusalem Post
November 8, 2017 (Writings)
Why Naujaneriai is also important
Efraim Zuroff, The Jerusalem Post
September 28, 2017 (Writings)
Wiesenthal Center: Lithuanian Military Exercises at Holocaust Mass Murder Site "Totally Inappropriate"
September 3, 2017 (PR)