Jewish population prior to the Holocaust |
185,000 (1938) |
Jews murdered in the Holocaust |
65,000 |
Operation Last Chance Launched |
September 15, 2003 in Vienna |
Wiesenthal Center: Austria’s Decades-Long Failure to Prosecute Majdanek Guard Erna Wallisch Ultimately Allowed Her to Escape Justice Despite Recent Re-Opening of Her Case
February 21, 2008 (PR)
Wiesenthal Center Urges Austrian Justice Minister to Expedite Re-Opened Case of Majdanek Guard
January 29, 2008 (PR)
Wiesenthal Center: Massaker Von Rechnitz Neu Aufrollen
October 19, 2007 (PR)
Jahresbericht Des Wiesenthal Centers Für 2007: Zahl Der Verurteilten Ns-Täter Weltweit Gestiegen – Aber Österreich Versagt Nach Wie Vor Total Bei Der Verfolgung Nazi-Verbrechern
September 3, 2007 (PR)
Wiesenthal Center's 2007 Annual Report on Worldwide Investigation and Prosecution of Nazi War Criminals Notes Continued Failure of Austria to Take Legal Action Against Holocaust Perpetrators
September 3, 2007 (PR)
Wiesenthal Center Welcomes Decision By Austrian Government To Offer 50,000 Euros Reward For Information Leading To Arrest Of Number One And Number Two Most Wanted Escaped Nazi War Criminals Alois Brunner and Dr. Aribert Heim
July 13, 2007 (PR)
On Birthday of Austrian-Born Nazi War Criminal, Wiesenthal Center Urges Austrian Government To Participate In Reward Offered For Capture of Dr. Aribert Heim- “Dr. Death” of Mauthausen
June 28, 2007 (PR)
Wiesenthal Center Welcomes Opening of Investigation by Austrian Authorities of the Display of Fascist Ustasha Symbols at Recent Bleiburg Gathering
June 12, 2007 (PR)
Wiesenthal Center Protests Failure of Austrian Authorities to Prevent Widespread Use of Ustasha (Croatian Fascist) Symbols at Gathering of Extreme Nationalists in Bleiburg, Austria
May 16, 2007 (PR)
Wiesenthal Center Renews Call For Resignation Of Tyrol Governor Van Staa In Response To His Falsification Of The Nazi Past Of Former Innsbruck Deputy Mayor Obenfeldner
March 7, 2007 (PR)