30 June 2012
Efraim Zuroff’s Helsinki Appearances Now on YouTube

Three public appearances in Helsinki, Finland, over the past week by Dr. Efraim Zuroff are now available on YouTube. Dr. Zuroff, the Holocaust historian, Nazi hunter, and justice seeker, is also a noted champion of the narrative of the Holocaust against well-oiled East European state sponsored revisionism, a revisionism he began to expose over two decades ago.

He is the author, most recently, of Operation Last Chance. The Helsinki visit marked the launch of the Finnish language edition of the book.

Some of the week’s appearances are available on YouTube.

These include a Helsinki press conference, a talk at the Turku Synagogue, and critically for Holocaust narrative issues, a lecture at the University of Helsinki that explores the essential difference between “collaboration” in Eastern Europe vs. other areas under Nazi rule during the Holocaust, and the causal interrelationship of the “eastern” genre of collaboration with current East European led efforts to rewrite and revise the history of the Holocaust.
