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20. 12. 2018 science.apa.at
Finnland untersucht Rolle von 1.400 Freiwilligen in SS-Einheit

Tel Aviv (APA/dpa) - Finnland untersucht die Rolle von mehr als 1.400 finnischen Freiwilligen in der SS-Einheit "Wiking" bei Gräueltaten während des Zweiten Weltkriegs more...

12. 01. 2017 hamodia.com
Report Says Top Nazi War Criminal Died Under House Arrest in Syria

NEW YORK - Infamous Nazi war criminal Alois Brunner, who has been described as “Eichmann’s right-hand man,” spent his last years living under house arrest in a dank basement in Damascus, according to a new report more...

02. 04. 2016
De naziheld die een Mossad-agent werd
SS-officier Nazi Otto Skorzeny liquideerde na de oorlog een Duitse raketgeleerde, schrijft de Amerikaans-joodse krant The Forward more...

01. 04. 2016
Bivši oficir SS-a ubijao za Mossad
Otto Skorzeny je 60-tih godina prošlog vijeka radio za izraelsku obavještajnu službu i ubijao naciste more...

01. 04. 2016
Hitlerov super komandos ubijao za Mosad
Oficir nacističke SS jedinice i pripadnik jedinice koja je bila pod direktnom komandom Adolfa Hitlera, Oto Skorzeni je, nakon Drugog svetskog rata, ubijao naciste za izraelski Mosad more...

25. 02. 2016
Vienna rows back after BDS invite
Austria's Parliament has cancelled an event due to take place on International Women's Day (March 8) after learning that one of the eyewitnesses invited has compared Israel to Nazi Germany more...

11. 03. 2013
Huffington Post
Austrians Believe Nazi Party Could Win Parliament Seats Today; Some Say Hitler's Rule 'Not All Bad'
A new poll published in Austria suggests modern Nazis could win elected office in the European country if given the chance. In addition, of the several hundred Austrians surveyed, about 42 percent said that Hitler's Austria wasn't all bad. more...

10. 03. 2013
'Hitler wasn't all bad', 42% of Austrians say — RT News
Over 40 per cent of Austrians believe the Hitler era wasn’t ‘all bad’, according to the latest poll conducted by the Linz Market Institute. more...

21. 06. 2011
Alleged war criminal dies in Austrian retirement home
(JTA) -- An alleged Nazi war criminal, Milivoj Ašner, died in an Austrian retirement home. more...

21. 06. 2011
Croatie: Un oustachi accusé de crimes de guerre meurt en Autriche
Milivoj Asner, ancien membre des forces du régime croate oustachi [mouvement fasciste de la première moitié du 20e siècle] et accusé de crime de guerre par la justice croate, est mort en Autriche à l'âge de 98 ans, a rapporté lundi l'agence de presse autrichienne APA. more...

20. 06. 2011
אוסטריה: הלך לעולמו מבוקש נאצי שנמלט מהדין
מיליווי אסנר גירש מאות יהודים, סרבים וצוענים מקרואטיה למחנות הריכוז הנאצים במהלך מלחמת העולם השנייה. הוא אותר ב-2005 ונאלץ להימלט לאוסטריה, שם חי ללא הפרעה עד לפני שבוע. מכון ויזנטל: מותו - לעג למערכת המשפט האוסטרית

20. 06. 2011
Milivoj Ašner in Kärnten verstorben
Milivoj Ašner, der während des zweiten Weltkrieges für die Verfolgung und Deportation von hunderten Juden, Sinti und Roma verantwortlich gewesen sein soll, ist nun in einem Klagenfurter Pflegeheim verstorben. more...