22.06. 2020 |
Shoah distortion
An important but imprecise book about how the narrative of the
Holocaust is being rewritten
16.12.2019 |
blogs.timesofisrael.com |
Croatia Must Live Up to Its Heavy Holocaust Guilt
When Croatia takes on the European Union’s six-month rotating presidency on January 1, it aims to present itself as a liberal, tolerant country. Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic says that his country will attempt to pursue a “Europe that develops, Europe that connects, Europe that protects and Europe that is influential.”
18.11.2019 |
balkaninsight.com |
How Holocaust Memory was Hijacked in Post-Communist States
Many East European countries are wary of
beginning an honest conversation about the crimes committed on their territory during World War II, and instead have appropriated the memorialisation of the Holocaust to denigrate communism
09.08.2019 |
blogs.timesofisrael.com |
Israel’s warm ties with nations that duck their Holocaust crimes
ed-carpet treatment for Croatia's president, whose approach to past war crimes is at best ambivalent, is an affront to victims of former Nazi collaborators
Failure to sincerely and honestly confront Ustasha crimes
Thompson is notorious for his ultra nationalist lyrics and his glorification of Croatia’s notorious genocidal World War II Ustasha regime
09. 10. 2017 |
tabletmag.com |
Croatia Is Brazenly Attempting to Rewrite its Holocaust Crimes Out of History
The leadership of the small Jewish community in Croatia, along with representatives of the country’s Serb minority, has boycotted the last two government-sponsored Holocaust commemorations in 2016 and 2017.
17. 07. 2016 |
defendinghistory.com |
Is There Still A Breeding Ground for Ustaša in Croatia?
Croatia is a nation that has been bathed in blood during numerous conflicts, as the victim of the odious Serbian aggression during the recent civil war, and for its football team proudly wearing the red and white checkered reproduction of the national flag.
The tip of a huge iceberg of Holocaust distortion
If anyone hoped that these two declarations would dampen the enthusiasm of Croatia’s neo-fascists, they were sadly disappointed
Croatia’s troubled history
Unless the government starts actively and unequivocally fighting against Ustasha nostalgia, and rising neo-fascism and anti-Semitism, it looks like the situation in Croatia will only get worse
09. 2015 |
balcanicaucaso.org |
Croatia: the fascist legacy |
An initiative advocating the use of the Ustaša salute ‘Ready for the homeland’ in the Croatian army has caused shock in the local public, indicating the persistence of a fascist legacy in Croatia. more...
02. 2012 |
jewishpress.com |
Report: Croatia Probes Former US Citizen on Auschwitz War Crimes |
Croatian authorities are investigating a 90-year-old man suspected of committing war crimes as an SS soldier and guard at the Auschwitz death camp. more...
memorial in Croatia a disgrace to Europe
service for Hitler is unthinkable. So why is the world quiet
in response to a service for Ante Pavelić?
Imagine for a minute that memorial masses were held in two major cities
in Germany on the anniversary of the death of Adolf Hitler. more...
11. 2011 |
blogs.wsj.com |
Jasenovac concentration camp, often described as the “Auschwitz of the Balkans” for the raw brutality exhibited by its fascist commanders and guards who ran
the camp from 1941 to 1945 in the Independent State of Croatia,
continues to stir strong emotions. But, shamefully, often the
wrong ones and for the wrong reasons. more...
05. 2011 |
Ha-Aretz "Books" supplement |
equivalency canard
this bold attempt to reframe a critical period in modern Eastern
European history, Yale historian Tim Snyder redraws historical
boundaries to create an artificial geographic entity that he
dubs “the Bloodlands,” taking in the area from central Poland to western Russia through Ukraine, Belarus
and the Baltics. more...
grave of history: Vatican's WWII identity crisis |
controversy over the canonization of Pope Pius XII concerns
whether he spoke out enough against the slaughter of Jews during
World War II. But that question is a red herring when trying
to grasp the big picture of the Vatican's role during the war. more... |
speech delivered by Mr. Vladimir Vukčević, the Serbian War
Crimes Prosecutor, at the press conference held during the
visit of Dr. Efraim Zuroff, the Director of the Israeli Wiesenthal
Center, to the War Crimes Prosecutor's Office |
we have turned a new page in the history of our judicial institutions,
which have already earned significant credibility. At this
point, as a truly democratic and civilised state, Serbia is
more determined than ever to cope with the crimes committed
in the 1940s. more... |
2008 |
guardian.co.uk |
in the sunshine |
is a "small country for a big vacation", as the ads tell you. But beyond the marketing and optimistic reports of millions
of holidaymakers spending their "big vacation" there, there is less cheerful news, casting an unpleasant shadow over that small
tourist paradise on the Adriatic. more... |
Vaterland |
decision by Perth Magistrate Barbara Lane on Wednesday to allow
the extradition of Karoly (Charles) Zentai to Hungary to stand
trial for the murder of Jewish teenager Peter Balazs in Budapest
on November 8, 1944, paves the way for an unprecedented, historic
victory for Holocaust justice in Australia. more... |
2008 |
sueddeutsche.de |
Vaterland |
Absichten seien patriotisch gewesen, sagte man, und der Umstand,
dass er sein Ziel mit Gewalt verfolgt hatte, dass es gar zu
einem Toten kam, sei bloß ein Unglücksfall gewesen. more... |
2008 |
globalvoicesonline.org |
The Death of Dinko Šakic |
most people outside the Balkans, the name, Dinko Šakic, the location of Jasenovac, and the group named Ustaša will have little meaning. For Croatians though, these names keep coming back
time and again to replay on a national and international level. more... |
je da Sakica zovu uzorom Hrvata"
(It is a disgrace that Sakic is treated like a role-model for Croatians) |
death in Zagreb early last week of former Jasenovac commandant
Dinko Sakic is a strong reminder that Croatia is rapidly approaching
the end of an important phase of its confrontation with its
World War II history and the legacy of the NDH. more... |
2008 |
baltimoresun.com |
evil |
want to understand the evil of Radovan Karadzic, the former
Bosnian Serb leader who was arrested last week for war crimes
committed in the Balkans during the early 1990s? Then read
the obituary that has just appeared of Dinko Sakic, who was
convicted of war crimes in the Balkans during the Holocaust.
And consider, too, the behaviors, beliefs and psychologies
of mass murderers in other places, both leaders and followers,
who were no less monstrous than they were. more... |
the Nazi |
looks like any sprightly old gent raising a glass to his team
at Euro 2008. But nearly 70 years ago Milivoj Asner played
a part in the greatest crime in human history. more... |
Open Letter to Marko Perkovic" |
am probably the last person you were expecting to hear from
these days, but in the wake of the controversy and polemics
surrounding your recent concert in Maksimir Stadium, I thought
that the best way to clarify the important issues being debated
would be to turn to you directly. Before I pose my questions,
I have to admit that you have inspired the love and support
of Croatians all over the world, many of whom have rushed
to defend you against my criticism. more... |
22.01.2007 |
juliagorin.com |
it, so you don’t have to Lest We Believe Mainstream Nazism be Dead |
editor at the Baltimore Sun tells me that the secretary, who
has been there for ages, has never in all her years in the
newspaper business, witnessed the storm that my article last
week elicited. In case you missed it, the piece was titled “When Will World Confront the Undead of Croatia?” and it called attention to the fact that not only has Croatia not sufficiently
acknowledged its zealous Nazi past of WW2, but the past followed
it into the 1990s — and the criminals of that decade are widely celebrated by Croatians even today.more... |
JERUSALEM, ZAGREB -- Vecernje Novosti writes that WW2 Croatian
war criminal Ivo Rojnica may soon be extradited to Serbia. |
hope he is extradited and face justice for his crimes. Age
is of no importance. more... |
28.06.2005 |
to Israel, Prime Minister Sanader |
visit of Ivo Sanader, the first by a serving Croatian prime
minister to Israel, is a milestone in the rapidly-improving
bilateral ties between the two countries, and an encouraging
sign that Croats and Jews have opened a new page in their
relations following the tribulations of the past century. more... |
24.07.2004 |
Dalmacija |
director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center comments on the Croatian
reaction to “Operation:Last Chance”.
It is a well-known psychological phenomenon that the more threatened someone
feels, the more likely he or she is to make threats or
even violently attack the individual or group that they
perceive as responsible for ostensibly endangering them. more... |
22.07.2004 |
search spurs death threats |
recent public campaign launched by the Los Angeles based Simon
Wiesenthal Center to uncover any Nazis still alive in eight
countries across Europe has spurred Croatian death threats
on the life of the director of the center's Jerusalem office,
Ephraim Zuroff, and against Jews living in Croatia. more... |
and murder |
investigates: what is the Croatian Revolutionary Brotherhood
(CRB) that is signing the newest series of death threats
to several public figures and State officials
Through the whole time of its existence, the core of the CRB was in Australia,
so it is not surprising that police investigators, after
the newest series of threats to domestic traitors, found
the server from which these Internet threats are being
sent, in Australia. more... |
is being threatened with a visit to Levar |
are underway to establish the location and identity of a certain
Domagoj who is on behalf of the Croatian Revolutionary Brotherhood
signing messages received by Vesna Škare Obolt, Zoran Pusic and some high ranking officials of the Interior Ministry and
State Prosecution. more... |
hunter on Pavelics killers |
is revealing: who is the man who informed the SWC that has
recently started the Last chance operation, pursuit for the
last living Nazi criminals who escaped justice, about the 92-year
old Milivoj Ašner, member of the Ustaša movement, chief of the town police in Poega from 1941. until 1942, accusing him for enforcing racial laws of the NDH,
thus causing the death of hundreds of Jews and Serbs from Poega, as well as suffering of Croatian antifascists and other «unsuitable elements» more... |
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