June 2004  


  During World War II Croatia, which during the interwar period had been part of Yugoslavia, was established as an “independent” satellite state of Nazi Germany which was ruled by the “Ustasha” Croatian fascists and implemented policies of genocide and ethnic cleansing against local minorities. Hundreds of thousands of innocent civilian Serbs, Jews and Gypsies were harshly persecuted and/or murdered by the Croatian authorities who established numerous concentration camps throughout the country to implement their racist policies. The largest of these was Jasenovac, which was nicknamed “the Auschwitz of the Balkans” and in which at lest 85,000 civilians were murdered. more...


A. Osnovni razlozi

Nužnost da se zlocinci koji su pocinili zlocin Holokausta privedu pravdi može biti ocigledna, ali prakticne poteškoce da se to postigne sve su vece kako vrijeme prolazi. Postoje još tisuce osoba koje su aktivno sudjelovale u provodenju «Konacnog rješenja» i koje nisu sudene za pocinjene zlocine. more...