14. 03. 2020 sputniknews.com
Research to Reveal Names of 96 Ex-Members of Latvian SS Legion Living in Various Countries

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The names of 96 former members of the Latvian Legion of the Nazi German SS organisation who are still alive and reside in various countries around the world will be disclosed during a round table at the Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency in Moscow on Monday more...

26. 03. 2016 ucsj.org
Latvian lawmakers to participate in annual SS march through capital

Around sixty seven out of seventy thousand Latvian Jews died in the holocaust, he said. more...

25. 03. 2016 kloty.blogspot.co.il
Deutsche Antifaschisten abgeschoben – der Skandal bleibt

Nachdem fünf Mitglieder der VVN-BdA mehrere Stunden auf dem Flughafen von Riga festgehalten worden waren, weil sie sich an den Protesten gegen den Ehrenmarsch für die Waffen-SS beteiligen wollten, wurden sie schließlich mit unbekanntem Ziel in einem Gefangenentransportwagen zeitweise unter Blaulicht fortgeschafft. more...

18. 03. 2016 neurope.eu
Latvian Antisemitism: a recurring theme every March

Latvia’s Antisemitism is a ghost that makes European headlines every March. This week, a Latvian MP of the ruling coalition bloc, Kārlis Seržants, was on the record on Tuesday, March 15, making profoundly anti-Semitic comments. more...

17. 03. 2016 securitymagazin.cz
Pochodu veteránů jednotek SS se letos zúčastnilo asi 1000 Lotyšů

Riga (ČTK) - Přes mezinárodní protesty se i letos v Rize konal každoroční pochod na oslavu lotyšských veteránů, kteří za druhé světové války bojovali po boku německých nacistů proti sovětské armádě more...

17. 03. 2016 tol.org
Latvia's 'Nazi' Veterans Stage Parade

Riga police say over 1,000 people joined veterans who fought Soviets to mark key 1944 battle. more...

16. 03. 2016 cjnews.com
Lawmakers march alongside Nazi Waffen SS veterans in Latvia

Several hundred ultranationalists, including seven veterans of Nazi Germany’s Waffen SS, marched through Riga on the independence day of the Baltic nation of Latvia. more...

04. 03. 2016 m.sputniknews.com
Latvia's Riga City Council Authorizes Nazi Vet Parade on March 16

Riga City Council authorized a public parade by former Nazi military veterans in the Latvian capital on March 16, a council's spokesman said Friday. more...

15. 04. 2015 israelhayom.com
Unabashed anti-Semitism in the Baltics

Two months ago, as Israelis were deciding for whom to vote during a bitter election campaign, nationalist and anti-Semitic demonstrators marched proudly through the streets in the heart of Baltic capitals. more...

29. 03. 2015 unity.lv
Историк: Запад никогда не осудит крики против России

Запад проигнорировал марши националистов в Прибалтике, пишет израильский историк Эфраим Зурофф в своей статье для сайта канала i24news. more...

29. 03. 2015 i24news.tv
One man's journey to the heartland of fascism

Hostility to minorities and attempts to rewrite Holocaust history in Baltics - but no one cares, except Russia. more...

21. 03. 2015 deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de
Die EU schaut weg: Im Baltikum werden SS-Veteranen als Helden gefeiert
In den EU-Staaten im Baltikum findet ein neuer Kult um die Veteranen der Waffen-SS statt. Die rechtsextremen Umtriebe werden von der EU-Politik ebenso ignoriert wie die Aktivitäten der rechtsextremen Milizen in der Ukraine. more...

18. 03. 2015 jewishvoiceny.com
Latvian Nazi Compatriots March in Riga
Latvian veterans who fought on Nazi Germany's side against the Soviets in World War II staged a controversial march in Riga on Monday to mark the anniversary of a 1944 battle. more...

18. 03. 2015 neurope.eu
Latvians march to commemorate those who fought with Nazis
Latvia’s annual and highly controversial rally in Riga was held on March 16 with more than 1,000 people marching to commemorate the Latvians who fought in Germany’s Waffen-SS divisions against the Soviet Union during World War II. more...

16. 03. 2015 wsj.com
Latvian March Remembers Veterans Who Fought Alongside Nazis
RIGA, Latvia—Some 1,500 people marched in Riga Monday to commemorate Latvians who fought in Germany’s Waffen-SS divisions against the Soviet Union during World War II. more...

16. 03. 2015 unity.lv
Зуроф: люди, прославляющие нацизм, не являются героями
Люди, которых называют легионерами, не являются героями Латвии, сказал "охотник за нацистами", директор Центра Симона Визенталя Эфраим Зуроф, наблюдая за памятными мероприятиями, проходящими 16 марта в Риге. more...

16. 03. 2015 ria.ru
Директор Центра Визенталя: легионеры СС не герои Латвии
Эти люди не заслуживают того, чтобы находиться здесь, потому что они боролись на стороне нацистской Германии, они не герои, заявил директор Центра Симона Визенталя Эфраим Зуроф. more...

16. 03. 2015 delfi.lt
Rygoje – Latvijos SS legiono atminimo renginiai
Rygoje pirmadienį keli šimtai žmonių dalyvavo eitynėse, skirtose pagerbti latvių karius, kurie per Antrąjį pasaulinį karą kovėsi nacistinės Vokietijos „Waffen SS“ divizijoje. more...

16. 03. 2015 europeonline-magazine.eu
Gedenkmarsch für lettische SS-Veteranen in Riga ohne Zwischenfälle
Riga (dpa) - Mit einem umstrittenen Gedenkmarsch haben Veteranen der Waffen-SS am Montag in Riga ihrer im Zweiten Weltkrieg getöteten Kameraden der Lettischen Legion gedacht. more...

16. 03. 2015 fakty.interia.pl
Protesty po marszu weteranów Waffen SS
Ok. 1500 osób uczestniczyło Rydze w marszu łotewskich weteranów oddziałów Waffen SS, które walczyły z wojskami sowieckimi podczas drugiej wojny światowej; uczczono pamięć poległych towarzyszy broni. Marsz i tym razem wywołał zdecydowany protest. more...

16. 03. 2015 abcnyheter.no
Latviere hedret sine Nazi-styrker i minnemarsj i Riga
1.500 personer hedret mandag den latviske legionen som kjempet for Nazi-Tysklands Waffen SS i 1944. Det skjedde i Riga, der EUs presidentskap dette halvåret befinner seg. more...

16. 03. 2015 polskieradio.pl
Łotwa: 1500 osób w marszu weteranów Waffen SS
Ok. 1500 osób uczestniczyło w Rydze w marszu łotewskich weteranów oddziałów Waffen SS, które walczyły z wojskami sowieckimi podczas II wojny światowej. Marsz i tym razem wywołał zdecydowany protesty. more...

16. 03. 2015 lucenec.virtualne.sk
Obrazom: Asi tisíc Lotyšov vzdalo úctu legionárom Wafen-SS
Mnohí Lotyši museli počas druhej svetovej vojny nedobrovoľne nastúpiť do oddielov Waffen-SS známych ako Lotyšská légia, zatiaľ čo iní tak robili dobrovoľne. more...

16. 03. 2015 fr.metrotime.be
Des vétérans lettons ayant combattu aux côtés des SS défilent à Riga
Des vétérans lettons qui avaient combattu l’URSS dans les rangs des SS aux côtés de l’armée allemande, et leurs sympathisants, ont défilé lundi à Riga au milieu d’un important dispositif policier. more...

16. 03. 2015 leta.lv
People who glorify Nazism are no heroes - Zuroff
The people, who are called Legionnaires, cannot be considered heroes of Latvia, Simon Wiesenthal Center Director Efraim Zuroff told reporters after observing the procession commemorating WWII Latvian Legion soldiers in downtown Riga today. more...

16. 03. 2015 leta.lv
Latvian Legion Day procession and ceremony end peacefully
The traditional procession from St. John's Church to the Freedom Monument in downtown Riga, organized to commemorate the WWII Latvian Legion soldiers, ended without incident today. more...

16. 03. 2015 b92.net
LRiga: Parada nacističkih veterana
Riga -- Veterani iz Letonije koji su se borili na strani nacističke Nemačke protiv Sovjeta u Drugom svetskom ratu održali su kontroverznu paradu u Rigi. more...

16. 03. 2015 lefigaro.fr
Les ex-SS lettons défilent à Riga
Des Lettons qui avaient combattu l'URSS dans les rangs SS pendant la deuxième guerre mondiale, et leurs sympathisants, ont défilé ce jour à Riga au milieu d'un important dispositif policier. more...

16. 03. 2015 mz-web.de
Veteranen der Waffen-SS halten Parade ab
Im Zweiten Weltkrieg kämpften sie als Mitglieder der deutschen Waffen-SS gegen die Rote Armee: In Lettland sind 1500 Veteranen durch Riga marschiert. more...

16. 03. 2015 timesofisrael.com
Latvian veterans who fought alongside Nazis hold parade
1,500 participate in annual Riga march marking 1944 battle; Nazi hunter decries ‘distortion of history’. more...

16. 03. 2015 en-maktoob.news.yahoo.com
Latvian march honors veterans who fought alongside Nazis
RIGA, Latvia (AP) — About a thousand people marched on Monday to pay tribute to Latvians who fought in German Waffen SS units against the Soviet Union during World War II, despite jeering from protesters who say the parade glorifies fascism. more...

16. 03. 2015 orf.at
Über 1.000 bei Marsch zu Waffen-SS-Gedenken in Riga
Mehr als 1.000 Menschen haben heute in der lettischen Hauptstadt Riga am traditionellen Marsch zum Gedenken an die Mitglieder der Waffen-SS teilgenommen. more...

12. 03. 2015 foxnews.com
Jews in Baltics fear creep of anti-Semitism
Jews in the Baltics fear a series of disturbing events in the three-nation region of Eastern Europe may be signaling a revival of the Holocaust-era hatred that once nearly wiped out their numbers. more...

15. 02. 2015 i24news.tv
Four Baltic marches, one dangerous racist trend
This coming week will see the opening of what I refer to as "Baltic Neo-Nazi/Ultranationalist March Month." Within exactly 29 days, four such marches will take place in the capital cities of the Baltic European Union members - Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. more...

16. 1. 2015 rt.com
Ex-Nazi collaborators equating USSR with fascists to whitewash own sins – Jewish intl. organization
There has been “a struggle going on for several years over the narrative of WWII and the Holocaust,” chief of the Nazi-hunting Simon Wiesenthal center, Efraim Zuroff, told RT.more...

31. 10. 2014 israelnationalnews.com
Latvian Nazi Musical Stirs Jewish Outrage
The Jewish community of Latvia has come out in protest of the musical 'glorifying' Nazi Herbert Cukurs, known as the 'Butcher of Riga'. more...

31. 10. 2014 israelhayom.com
Musical about Nazi collaborator enrages Jewish community
Aviator Herbert Cukers served as deputy head of Arajs Commando, which was central in annihilating Latvian Jews during World War II • Latvian-born Israeli filmmaker Boris Maftsir "disturbed" to see story of war criminal get standing ovation. more...

30. 10. 2014 en.ria.ru
Whitewashing Nazis in Eastern Europe Equate Nazism to Communism: Expert
MOSCOW, October 30 (RIA Novosti) - Eastern Europeans, who attempt to whitewash Nazi war crimes, try to liken Nazism to communism to create an illusion that the Soviet Union is as responsible for what happened during World War II as the Third Reich, Ephraim Zuroff, director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, warned in a discussion hosted by Radio VR’s moderator Dmitry Babich. more...

24. 10. 2014 timesofisrael.com
Israel slams Latvian musical celebrating Nazi’s life

Herbert Cukurs personally participated in the near annihilation of Latvian Jewry after the Nazis invaded Latvia. more...

24. 10. 2014 thejc.com
Latvian musical celebrates life of Nazi commander

A musical which celebrates the life of an alleged Nazi war criminal has been condemned by the Israeli government. more...

24. 10. 2014 rubaltic.ru
В Латвии пытаются превратить «страну убийц» в «страну жертв»

Большой общественный резонанс, возникший вокруг нового латвийского мюзикла о нацистском преступнике Герберте Цукурсе, получил развитие теперь и за пределами Европы. more...

23. 10. 2014 jta.org
Israel slams Latvian show celebrating Nazi’s life

JTA) — Israel’s Foreign Ministry slammed the production in Latvia of a show celebrating the life of alleged Nazi war criminal Herbert Cukurs more...

23. 10. 2014 rus.delfi.lv
МИД Израиля осудил постановку мюзикла о Цукурсе

23 октября МИД Израиля обнародовал позицию по поводу мюзикла "Цукурс. Герберт Цукурс", премьера которого состоялась несколько недель назад в Лиепае, сообщает Newsru.co.il more...

15. 10. 2014 en.itar-tass.com
Russia urges world condemnation of musical show in Latvia glorifying Nazi criminal - FM

The show undermines collective efforts of international community to resist neo-Nazism, says the Russian Foreign Ministry’s commissioner for human rights, democracy and rule of law Konstantin Dolgov. more...

11. 10. 2014 ma.hu
Lett musical ellen tiltakozik a Wiesenthal központ igazgatója

Zuroff Twitter-üzenetében közölte, hogy "mélyen undorító" a Herbert Cukursnak szentelt darab. Lettországban többen nyílt levélben arra szólították fel a kormányt, hogy ítélje el az előadást. more...

11. 10. 2014 wyborcza.pl
"Kat Rygi" bohaterem musicalu

Przed wojną sławny pilot, w czasie okupacji "kat Rygi" strzelający na oślep do kobiet i dzieci, stał się bohaterem przedstawienia, które o zbrodniach nie mówwi. Łotwa nadal nie potrafi rozliczyć się z przeszłością. more...

10. 10. 2014 klubradio.hu
Egy musical ellen tiltakozik a Wiesenthal központ

Efraim Zuroff, a jeruzsálemi Simon Wiesenthal központ igazgatója, aki egykori nácikat kutat fel, elítélően írt arról, hogy szombaton Lettországban egy olyan musical bemutatóját tartják, amely egy második világháborús náci kollaboránsról szól. more...

10. 10. 2014 gondola.hu
Tiltakozás egy lett musical bemutatása ellen

Efraim Zuroff, a jeruzsálemi Simon Wiesenthal központ igazgatója, aki egykori nácikat kutat fel, elítélően írt arról, hogy szombaton Lettországban egy olyan musical bemutatóját tartják, amely egy második világháborús náci kollaboránsról szól. more...

10. 10. 2014 postimees.ee
Läti muusikal sai natsikütilt hävitava hinnangu

Lätis lavale tulev muusikal Teise maailmasõja ajal natsidega koostööd teinud omakaitseväe üksuse Arāja Komando (Sonderkommando Arajs) liikmest Herberts Cukursist sai tuntud natsikütilt neljapäeval hävitava hinnangu. more...

10. 10. 2014 ntv.ru
В Латвии поставили мюзикл о «выдающемся» гитлеровском карателе

В Латвии до предела накалились страсти вокруг завтрашней премьеры мюзикла о «легендарном полете, приключениях и трагической судьбе выдающегося авиатора». Так Герберта Цукурса, которому посвящен спектакль, характеризуют авторы постановки. Однако в историю Второй Мировой он вошел совсем в другом качестве — как один из главных карателей в рижском гетто, считающийся соучастником убийств 25 тысяч евреев. more...

09. 10. 2014 faz.net
SS-Scherge wird Musical-Star

Der Lette Herberts Cukurs war an der Ermordung Zehntausender Juden beteiligt. Nun geht er auf Tournee - als Figur in einem Musical. Eine moralische Instanz des Landes schlägt Alarm. more...

09. 10. 2014 timesofisrael.com
Nazi hunter pans musical about Latvian death squad leader

Latvia foreign ministry condemns show for portraying Herberts Cukurs as hero, but says it supports free speech. more...

09. 10. 2014 hvg.hu
Náci hősnek tiszteleg egy lett musical: tiltakozik Efraim Zuroff

Herbert Cukurs a hírhedt Arajs Kommandó parancsnokhelyettese volt, amely vezető szerepet játszott a zsidók tömeges lemészárlásában Rigában. A neki emléket állító musical ellen sokan tiltakoznak. A lett külügyminisztériumnál azt mondták: "teljesen elfogadhatatlan, hogy ilyen embereket hősöknek állítsanak be", viszont mióta Lettország demokratikus állammá vált, tiszteletben tartja a szólásszabadságot. more...

08. 10. 2014 baltic-course.com
Zuroff criticizes Latvian musical about Herberts Cukurs

The Simon Wiesenthal Center's head Efraim Zuroff has criticized a Latvian musical about the famous Latvian aviator Herberts Cukurs, who also participated in the massacre of Jews during WWII, informs LETA. more...

08. 10. 2014 diepresse.com
Scharfe Kritik an Musical über "Henker von Riga"

Herberts Cukurs war lettischer Nazi-Kollaborateur und soll für den Tod zehntausender Juden verantwortlich sein. "Cukurs. Herberts Cukurs" versuche, den Massenmörder zu rehabilitieren, schreibt das Wiesenthal-Zentrum. more...

08. 10. 2014 salzburg24.at
Wiesenthal-Zentrum kritisiert “Henker von Riga”

Ein Musical über das Leben eines NS-Verbrechers in Lettland hat scharfe Kritik des Simon-Wiesenthal-Zentrums ausgelöst. “Das Theaterstück ist ein schamloser Versuch das Bild eines der berüchtigtsten Massenmörder der Juden im Baltikum während des Holocaust zu rehabilitieren”, schrieb Efraim Zuroff, der Direktor des Zentrums. more...

08. 10. 2014 postimees.ee
Natsikütt Zuroff kritiseeris Lätis lavale jõudvat muusikali

Herberts Cukursile pühendatud ja laupäeval Liepājas esilinastuv muusikal on põlastusväärne, ütles natsikurjategijaid otsiv Simon Wiesenthali keskuse Iisraeli büroo juht Efraim Zuroff. more...

07. 10. 2014 kompravda.eu
«Охотник за нацистами» обвинил латвийских авторов мюзикла в реабилитации участников Холокоста

Директор Иерусалимского отделения центра Симона Визенталя Эфраим Зурофф выступил с резкой критикой авторов постановки в Латвии мюзикла про летчика Герберта Цукурса, который во время Второй мировой войны участвовал в массовом истреблении евреев и гражданского населения. more...

19. 08. 2014 defendinghistory.com
What Riga Ghetto Survivors Recall about Herberts Cukurs, Now “Hero” of New Show in Latvia

Herberts Cukurs (1900-1965) had been an officer and a famous aviator during the years of the interwar Latvian Republic (1918-1940). After Nazi Germany’s 1941 occupation of Latvia, he became a significant figure in the infamous Arājs Kommando (or Sonderkommando Arajs), a notorious killing unit during the Latvian Holocaust. The Arājs group consisted of about 1,200 people, mostly local Latvians. It was established at the beginning of July 1941 within the German security services. more...

15. 05. 2014 baltic-course.com
Балтийские марши – на опасном направлении

Today, Latvian Saeima passed in the final reading amendments to the Criminal Law, which make gross derogation of genocide, crimes against humanity, crimes against peace or war crimes against Latvia perpetrated by the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany a criminal offense, informs LETA. more...

11. 04. 2014 newswe.com‏‏
Балтийские марши – на опасном направлении

В то время, как внимание всего мира приковано к Крымcкому кризису, на улицы балтийских столиц, нынешних и довоенных, выходят ультранационалисты. Маршируя, они хотят продемонстрировать свой исключительный патриотизм и одновременно демонстрируют экстремизм, ксенофобию и опасное стремление к пересмотру признанной истории Второй мировой войны и Холокоста. more...

28. 03. 2014 tabletmag.com‏‏
Standing up to Anti-Semitism in the Baltics

I first started demonstrating for Jewish causes almost 50 years ago, in the mid-1960s, as a young and impressionable high school student recruited for the Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry by its founder, Jacob Birnbaum. more...

21. 03. 2014 blogs.timesofisrael.com‏‏
Avet neofašizma na Baltiku

Iako je pažnja svetske javnosti usredsređena na razvoj krize na Krimu, baltički ultranacionalisti izašli su na ulice aktuelnih i predratnih prestonica da bi demonstrirali svoj ekstremni patriotizam, izrazili ksenofobiju i promovisali opasnu doradu prihvaćene priče o Drugom svetskom ratu i Holokaustu. more...

18. 03. 2014 jpost.com
Baltic marches to a dangerous drum
Ultra-nationalists pitch a dangerous revision of the accepted narrative of World War II and the Holocaust. more..

18. 03. 2014 ucsj.org
Latvian minister to be fired for endorsing SS vets
(JTA) — Latvia’s prime minister said she would fire a Cabinet minister planning to march with local SS veterans. more..

17. 03. 2014 bbc.co.uk
В Риге вновь прошло шествие в память легионеров СС

16 марта в Риге прошло традиционное шествие памяти латышских легионеров Waffen SS, а также акции, организованные их идеологическими противниками. more...

17. 03. 2014 israelnationalnews.com
Latvians Who Fought with Nazis Hold Annual March
Latvian veterans who fought on Nazi Germany's side against the Soviets in World War II staged a march in Riga on Sunday, amid a heavy police presence and low-key protests, AFP reports. more..

17. 03. 2014 neues-deutschland.de
International gegen SS-Verherrlichung
Seit über 20 Jahren marschieren Veteranen und Sympathisanten derfrüheren lettischen Waffen-SS-Divisionen am 16. März durch Riga, um die Nazi-Kollaborateure als Freiheitskämpfer darzustellen. more..

17. 03. 2014 jungewelt.de
Marsch für Waffen-SS
Antifaschisten mehrerer Länder protestieren in der lettischen Hauptstadt Riga. Zerwürfnis in der Regierung des EU-Mitgliedsstaats. more..

17. 03. 2014 saarkurier-online.de
Antifaschistischer Protest gegen SS-Veteranen-Aufmarsch in Riga
Riga – Am Vormittag des 16. März 2014 protestierten Antifaschisten aus verschiedenen europäischen Ländern auf dem Freiheitsplatz in Riga gegen den geplanten Ausmarsch der SS-Veteranen und ihrer jungen Verherrlicher. more..

16. 03. 2014 gulfnews.com
Tight security as Latvian ‘Nazi’ veterans march
Riga: Latvian veterans who fought on Nazi Germany’s side against the Soviets in the Second World War staged a march in Riga on Sunday, amid a heavy police presence and low-key protests. more..

16. 03. 2014 derstandard.at
SS-Veteranen marschierten erneut in Riga
Riga - Trotz internationaler Proteste haben lettische Veteranen der deutschen Waffen-SS erneut mit einem Marsch durch Riga ihrer im Zweiten Weltkrieg getöteten Kameraden gedacht. Bei frostigen Temperaturen zogen hunderte Menschen am Sonntag durch die Hauptstadt des baltischen EU-Lands. more..

14. 03. 2014 jta.org
Latvian minister to be fired for endorsing SS vets

(JTA) — Latvia’s prime minister said she would fire a Cabinet minister planning to march with local SS veterans . more...

03. 12. 2013 rus.ruvr.ru
Один из самых опасных убийц не должен был прожить в спокойствии

В рамках проекта "Рассекреченная разведка" "Голос России" публикует интервью директора израильского отделения Центра Симона Визенталя доктора Эфраима Зуроффа, в котором рассказывается об "одном из самых знаменитых убийц Второй мировой войны" - латвийском летчике Герберте Цукурсе, который в 1941 году принял участие в уничтожении 25 000 евреев в Рижском гетто. more...

02. 08. 2013 aktuell.evangelisch.de
Efraim Zuroff: "Gaucks Besuch im Baltikum war beschämend"

Unter dem Motto "Spät. Aber nicht zu spät! Operation Last Chance" hat das Jerusalemer Simon-Wiesenthal-Zentrum in Berlin eine Plakatkampagne zur Suche nach Nazi-Verbrechern in Deutschland gestartet. more...

11. 07. 2013 aurora-israel.co.il
Conmemoran la invasión nazi de Letonia

El Centro Simon Wiesenthal, condenó los planes de los nacionalistas letones para celebrar un evento de la Segunda Guerra Mundial que llevó a la masacre de la población judía de la ciudad. more...

04. 07. 2013 au.news.yahoo.com

RIGA (AFP) - The Simon Wiesenthal Centre on Wednesday condemned plans by Latvian nationalists to mark a World War II event that led to the massacre of a town's Jewish population. more...

01. 05. 2013 israelnationalnews.com‏‏
Op-Ed: Interview with Efraim Zuroff: Baltic Anti-Semitism

The Genocide in the Holocaust is equated with the evils of Communism in all three Baltic coutries, says the "Last Nazi Hunter" to Arutz Sheva. more...

21. 04. 2013 lessakele.com‏‏
Les Pays Baltes, La Shoah Et L'antisémitisme.

“L’antisémitisme contemporain, dans les pays baltes, emprunte ses thèmes essentiels à l’antisémitisme traditionnel, qui avait cours avant la Seconde Guerre Mondiale. On y trouve des accusations, à propos du contrôle supposé des Juifs sur l’économie mondiale, le système bancaire et les médias. more...

18. 04. 2013 thejc.com‏‏
Dispute over Nazi marches

The Minister for Europe has refused to back critics of marches in Latvia and Lithuania that honour Nazi collaborators. Tory MP David Lidington said in a letter that condemnation of the marches, which honour the Waffen SS and the Lithuanian Activist Front, was "a matter for the respective governments". more...

17.03.2013 taz.de
Historischer Kurzschluss
Man mag einwenden, es stehe gerade uns Deutschen nicht an, ein Land wie Lettland wegen des Umgangs mit seinen ehemaligen SS-Angehörigen zu kritisieren. more...

23.09.2012 europeonline-magazine.eu
Latvian memorial to Waffen SS sparks tension with Russia
Riga (dpa) - Almost 70 years after the end of World War II, a controversial monument to local Waffen-SS troops in Latvia has increased tensions between Russia and the Baltic state. more...

20.09.2012 europeonline-magazine.eu
Freiheitskämpfer oder SS-Schergen? Umstrittenes Gedenken in Lettland
Das Gedenken an Mitglieder der SS-Legion sorgt knapp 70 Jahre nach Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs für böses Blut zwischen dem EU-Land Lettland und Russland. more...

18.09.2012 english.pravda.ru
Latvia unveils monument to Nazi butchers
The authorities of the Latvian town of Bauska, located to the south of Riga, unveiled a monument to three battalions of the Latvian legion of Waffen SS punitive police, RBC reports. more...

18.09.2012 itar-tass.com
Russia brands monument to SS established in Latvia as act of disgrace
MOSCOW, September 18 (Itar-Tass) —— The Russian Foreign Ministry has expressed indignation over a monument, recently established in the Latvian town of Bauska, to former police battalions which belonged to the Legion of the Latvian Waffen SS. more...

20. 03. 2012 lettera43.it
Lettonia, orgoglio nazista Onorificenza alle ex Ss baltiche.
Una proposta choc ha agitato il parlamento di Riga: i reduci delle Waffen Ss lettoni, le legioni di volontari non tedeschi fedeli al nazismo, potrebbero ottenere ufficialmente la nomina di «combattenti per la libertà». more..

20. 03. 2012 taz.de
„Unglaublich, dass so etwas passiert“
Die Organisatoren des SS-Marsches in Riga zerstören den Kranz von Vertretern der jüdischen Gemeinde. Die Polizei schaut zunächst tatenlos zu. more..

17. 03. 2012 epl.ee
Läti leegionäride päev – palju kära, vähe villa, nagu juba tavaks
Langenute mälestamise päevast on saanud uue sõnasõja iga-aastane võitjateta lahing. more..

17. 03. 2012 trust.org
Wiesenthal Center director Zuroff attends protest against annual procession commemorating Latvian Waffen SS unit, the Legionnaires, in Riga
Simon Wiesenthal Center Director Efraim Zuroff stands beside a poster showing Nazi war crimes as he attends a protest against the annual procession commemorating Latvian Waffen SS unit, also known as the Legionnaires, in Riga March 16, 2012. more..

17. 03. 2012 israelnationalnews.com
Nazi March Proceeds in Generally ‘Peaceful’ Manner
About 1,500 veterans of the Waffen SS division and other Nazi supporters marched through Latvia in an annual parade on. more..

16. 03. 2012 focus.de
SS-Veteranen marschieren durch Riga
Freiheitskämpfer oder Nazi-Schergen? Der Gedenkmarsch der SS-Veteranen sorgt im EU-Land Lettland alljährlich für böses Blut. Die auch gegen Moskau gerichtete Veranstaltung verliert allerdings an Rückhalt. more..

16. 03. 2012 romandie.com
Des anciens combattants lettons des Waffen SS défilent à Riga
RIGA - Des vétérans lettons qui avaient combattu dans les rangs de la Waffen SS contre l'armée soviétique pendant la Seconde guerre mondiale ont défilé vendredi à Riga au milieu d'un important dispositif policier, a constaté un journaliste de l'AFP. more..

16. 03. 2012 baltische-rundschau.eu
Veteranenmarsch ohne Zwischenfälle beendet
Riga/BR. Der Aufmarsch der lettischen Waffen-SS Veteranen endete ohne größere Zwischenfälle. Nahezu 300 Legionäre, Seima-Mitglieder und Bürger sammelten sich am Morgen in die Rigaer Domkirche, wo Erzbischof Jānis Vanags einen Gottesdienst hielt. more..

16. 03. 2012 yahoo.com
Heroes or villains? Latvian SS march angers Russians
RIGA (Reuters) - Veterans from a Latvian World War Two SS division and their nationalist backers marched through Riga on Friday, angering the country's large, Russian-speaking minority and drawing a rebuke from its former imperial master Moscow. more..

16. 03. 2012 delfi.ee
Natsikütt Efraim Zuroff osaleb Riias antifašistide konverentsil
Ühendus Natsismi Vastu korraldab reedel Riias konverentsi, mis on pühendatud „natsismi taassünnile Lätis“. Üritusele saabub teiste hulgas Simon Wiesenthali keskuse direktor, tuntud natsikütt Efraim Zuroff. more..

16. 03. 2012 newstatesman.com
Why does Latvia still honour the Waffen-SS?
No EU member state should be honouring members of the biggest Jew-killing machine in world history. more..

16. 03. 2012 cbsnews.com
Latvians pay annual tribute to Waffen SS fighters
RIGA, Latvia — Nearly 1,500 Latvians paid tribute on Friday to soldiers who fought in Nazi Germany's Waffen SS divisions, while nearby Russians held a counterprotest to recall war crimes committed against Jews and other minorities. more..

16. 03. 2012 reflexion-blog.com
Der Super-GAUck.
Am kom­men­den Sonn­tag, den 18.03.2012, wird eine große deut­sche Koali­tion den zukünf­ti­gen Bun­des­prä­si­den­ten Joa­chim Gauck wäh­len. Begeis­te­rung von der BILD-Zeitung bis zur Jun­gen Frei­heit. more..

16. 03. 2012 tagesschau.de
Lettische SS-Veteranen marschieren trotz Protest
Mit einem umstrittenen Gedenkmarsch haben lettische Veteranen der deutschen Waffen-SS in Riga ihrer im Zweiten Weltkrieg getöteten Kameraden gedacht. more..

16. 03. 2012 delfi.ee
VIDEO ja FOTOD: Sajad Läti politseinikud tagasid, et leegionäride mälestuspäev mööduks rahumeelselt
Riias lõppes reede pärastlõunal vahejuhtumiteta vastuolulisi reaktsioone pälviv Läti leegionäride iga-aastane mälestusrongkäik. more..

16. 03. 2012 delfi.ee
DELFI VIDEOD: Zuroff: katseid luua müüt „vabadusvõitlejatest“ tuleb hinnata kui kuritegu
Reede hommikul tulid Riia Vabadussamba juurde Läti erinevate antifašistlike organisatsioonide esindajad, et asetada sinna lilli hitlerliku režiimi kuritegude ohvrite mälestuseks. more..

16. 03. 2012 ejpress.org
Latvian 'Nazi' veterans march passes off peacefully
RIGA (AFP)---Latvian veterans who fought on Nazi Germany's side against the Soviets in World War II paraded in the Baltic state's capital Friday, amid a heavy police presence and low-key counter-demonstrations. more..

16. 03. 2012 20minutes.fr
Lettonie: Des anciens combattants des Waffen SS défilent à Riga
Des vétérans lettons qui avaient combattu dans les rangs de la Waffen SS contre l'armée soviétique pendant la Seconde guerre mondiale ont défilé ce vendredi à Riga au milieu d'un important dispositif policier, a constaté un journaliste de l'AFP. more..

15. 03. 2012 mixnews.lv
Зурофф: легионеры не отстаивали свободу Латвии
В современной Латвии пытаются связать латышский легион с борцами за свободу и независимость государства. Такое мнение в программе "Прямая речь" на радиостанции Baltkom высказал глава Центра Симона Визенталя Эфраим Зурофф. more..

15. 03. 2012 defendinghistory.com
500 Honor the Waffen SS at Riga’s Liberty Monument; Event is Praised by Latvia’s President, Condemned by the European Commission
RIGA—According to most estimates, there were around 1500 participants today in the city-center ceremony honoring the Waffen SS, about 1000 police, and about one hundred protesters who turned out in opposition to the event. more..

11. 03. 2012 thejc.com
Calls to ban Baltic neo-Nazi marches
International petitions are being put together to urge the governments of Lithuania and Latvia to ban upcoming marches by neo-Nazis through their respective capitals. more..

04. 03. 2012 ynetnews.com
Latvian president defends 'Nazi' commemoration
Andris Berzins backs controversial annual parade honoring World War II Latvian Legion who fought under Nazi Germany, claims they deserve respect. more..

24. 03. 2011 thejc.com
Where Hitler's thugs are treated as heroes
Latvia's Waffen SS were marching again last week. Their objective was more modest than the one for which the army of 140,000 Latvian men was formed by the Nazis in 1943. Then they were recruited to help Germany occupy the Baltics, advance on Leningrad and defeat the Soviet army. more..

16. 03. 2011 boston.com
Latvians honor Waffen SS fighters
RIGA, Latvia—More than 1,000 people paid tribute Wednesday to Latvians who fought on the side of Nazi Germany in Waffen SS detachments during World War II. more..

16. 03. 2011 thelocal.de
Latvian court allows march honouring Waffen SS forces
Hundreds of people met in the Latvian capital of Riga on Wednesday to remember World War II veterans who fought with Nazi Germany in the Waffen SS, after a court overturned a ban on the controversial annual gathering. more..

15. 03. 2011 europeonline-magazine.eu
Von unsererem dpa-Korrespondenten und Europe Online
Riga (dpa) - Ein Gericht in Riga hat am Dienstag eine umstrittene Kundgebung lettischer Veteranen der Waffen-SS genehmigt. more..

15. 03. 2011 monstersandcritics.com
Court grants permission for Latvian Waffen-SS commemoration
Riga - A court in the Latvian capital Riga on Tuesday granted permission for a controversial commemoration of Waffen-SS troops to go ahead. more..

16. 11. 2010 theage.com.au
Australia soft on Nazi war crimes, says US report
A SPECIAL report commissioned by the US Justice Department - kept secret since 2006 - portrays Australian efforts to prosecute suspected Nazi war criminals as lacklustre at best. more..

15. 10. 2010
Главный охотник за нацистами стал мишенью для своей "дичи"
Известный охотник за нацистами Эфраим Зурофф впервые может стать… обвиняемым. Иск против него за клевету подал бывший нацистский коллаборационист, подозреваемый в военных преступлениях Шандор Кепиро. more...

01. 07. 2010 jpost.com
Neo Nazi march denied in Latvia
Riga police on Thursday evening prevented several dozen people from conducting their planned march which was set to commemorate the Nazi occupation of the Latvian capital on July 1, 1941, following a year of Soviet occupation, Latvian National News Agency LETA reported. more..

01. 07. 2010 jpost.com
Latvian group to mark Nazi invasion
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) condemned Thursday a march in Riga celebrating the anniversary of the Nazi invasion of Latvia on July 1, 1941, calling it the “height of insensitivity to victims of Nazism in Latvia and across Europe.” more..

30. 06. 2010 in.reuters.com
Latvian police stop Nazi commemoration procession
(Reuters) - Latvian police prevented a procession from going ahead on Thursday to mark the 1941 arrival of Nazi troops in Riga, although some people laid flowers in a commemoration criticised by officials and Jewish groups. more..

30. 06. 2010 telegraf.lv
Зурофф осудил празднование годовщины вхождения фашистских войск в Ригу
«Это непостижимо, чтобы в стране, которая входит в ЕС и состоит в НАТО, происходили бы подобные вещи. more..

30. 06. 2010 regnum.ru
Зурофф критикует латвийский суд за решение, разрешающее шествие неонацистов в Риге 1 июля
Директор Центра Симона Визенталя Эфраим Зурофф подверг критике решение административного районного суда разрешить 1 июля провести в Риге уличное шествие в ознаменование годовщины ввода в Латвию германских войск и отступления советской армии. Об этом сообщает сегодня, 30 июня, агентство BNS. more..

30. 06. 2010 adnkronos.leonardo.it
Lettonia, da tribunale via libera a marcia filonazista. Imbarazzo nel governo
Riga, 30 giu. (Adnkronos/Dpa) - C'è forte imbarazzo nel governo della Lettonia, paese membro della Nato e dell'Ue, dopo che un tribunale ha dato via libera ad una marcia che domani celebrerà l'anniversario dell'invasione nazista del 1941. more..

30. 06. 2010 google.com
JAVÍTÁS - Zuroff bírálja Riga náci megszállásának évfordulójáratervezett megemlékezést
Felhívjuk előfizetőink figyelmét, hogy a 2010.június 30. 01:45 órakor kiadott, Zuroff bírálja Riga náci megszállásának évfordulójára tervezett megemlékezést című anyagunk ötödik bekezdése helyesen: A náci csapatok a Vörös Hadsereg kiűzése után, 1941. július 1-én vonultak be Rigába. A német megszállást követően rövidesen megkezdődött a zsidók tömeges kiirtása.more..

30. 06. 2010 google.com
Zuroff bírálja Riga náci megszállásának évfordulójára tervezettmegemlékezést
Efraim Zuroff, a jeruzsálemi SimonWiesenthal Központ vezetője bírálta, hogy egy rigai kerületi bíróság engedélyezte a július 1-re a Szabadság emlékműhez tervezett menetet. more..

30. 06. 2010 thejc.com
Nazi hunter slams Latvian Holocaust parade
The world’s most prominent Nazi hunter has condemned Latvian officials for allowing an event commemorating the Nazi invasion of Riga to go ahead. more..

30. 06. 2010 ynet.co.il
Rechte Gruppen feiern Nazi-Einmarsch von 1941
בית המשפט בריגה אישר צעדה לכבוד יום השנה לפלישה הנאצית ללטביה. הגעת הכוחות הגרמניים נחשבת בלטביה לרגע השחרור מהכיבוש הסובייטי, אך במרכז ויזנטל קוראים לעצור את החגיג

30. 06. 2010 derstandard.at
צעדה בלטביה "חוגגת רצח יהודים בשואה"
Gericht hob Aufmarschverbot auf - Regierungsvertreter "verwundert und entsetzt" more..

30. 06. 2010 delfi.lv
Зурофф: в Риге позволяют прославлять нацизм
Центр Симона Визенталя распространил сообщение, в котором категорически осудил решениe Административного районного суда о снятии запрета РД на проведение националистами в центре Риги мероприятий в память об освобождении столицы Латвии от СССР и вхождении в Ригу нацистских войск Германии. more..

29. 06. 2010 mixnews.lv
Суд разрешил отметить годовщину вхождения в Ригу фашистов
Административный районный суд разрешил 1 июля провести мероприятие у Памятника свободы, посвященное освобождению Риги от войск СССР и вхождению столицу армии нацистской Германии. more..

29. 06. 2010 reuters.com
Nazi hunter criticises Latvia over commemoration
RIGA June 29 (Reuters) - A well-known Nazi hunter criticised a Latvian court on Tuesday for allowing a procession to commemorate the day in 1941 when Nazi troops entered the country's capital after ejecting the Soviet Union's Red Army. more..

23. 03. 2010 delfi.lv
Зурофф: Латвия скрывает участие местных жителей в Холокосте
Директор Центра Симона Визенталя Эфраим Зурофф осудил Латвию за попытки "прикрыть участие соотечественников в преступлениях Холокоста". Он также подверг резкой критике высказывания экс-министра иностранных дел Мариса Риекстиньша (НП) об одинаковом характере нацизма и коммунизма. more..

19. 03. 2010 prensajudia.com
Protestas durante una marcha que rinde honor a veteranos nazis
AJN.- Alrededor de mil veteranos letones nazis marcharon por las calles de Riga como parte de una conmemoración pacífica de su participación en los comandos de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Muchos veteranos, fueron abucheados por decenas de personas que aparecieron para protestar contra la conmemoración al grito de “No hay lugar para los nazis”, o “Hagan que los nazis se vayan de Latvia”.more..

18. 03. 2010 inosmi.ru
Зурофф: преступления нацизма и коммунизма отличаются
Беседа с директором Центра Симона Визенталя Эфраимом Зуроффом, который в эти дни находился в Латвии, принял участие в конференции по изучению холокоста и осудил шествие легионеров 16 марта. more...

17. 03. 2010 rian.ru
Глава МИД Латвии не согласен с позицией Центра Симона Визенталя
ВИЛЬНЮС, 17 мар - РИА Новости. Министр иностранных дел Латвии Марис Риекстиньш назвал речь директора Центра Симона Визенталя на международной конференции "Итоги Второй мировой войны: жертвы, праведники, освободители и палачи", в которой тот резко раскритиковал события в Латвии, происходящие ежегодно 16 марта, неприемлемой, сообщает в среду агентство LETA. more..

17. 03. 2010 rus.ruvr.ru
Нечего на зеркало пенять...
Латышские националисты ополчились на директора Центра Симона Визенталя more..

17. 03. 2010 delfi.lv
Риекстиньш: поминовение павших — это не прославление нацизма
Любые попытки представить поминовение павших солдат как прославление нацизма абсолютно неадекватны и неприемлемы", — заявил министр иностранных дел Марис Риекстиньш (НП), комментируя высказывания директора Центра Симона Визенталя Эфраима Зуроффа по поводу событий 16 марта. more...

17. 03. 2010 ruvr.ru
Тысячи людей пришли почтить память латвийских эсэсовцев
Европейские союзники консерваторов поддержали марш, несмотря на протесты еврейских организаций more...

18. 03. 2010 delfi.lt
E.Zuroffas: naciai blogesni už komunistus, bet jų niekas negaudo
Simono Wiesentahlio centro Jeruzalėje direktorius Efraimas Zuroffas pareiškė nesuprantantis, kodėl Latvija neturi savo „vyzentalių“ ir „zurofų“, kurie ieškotų komunistinio režimo nusikaltėlių. Apie tai „nacių medžiotojas“ pareiškė interviu leidiniui „Latvijas Avize“.
E. Zuroffas eilinį kartą pabrėžė, kad jam nepriimtini mėginimai sulyginti nacizmą ir komunizmą. more..

18. 03. 2010 delfi.ee
Läti välisminister pani Riiat väisanud Zuroffi paika
Läti välisminister süüdistab Riiga traditsioonilisele Relva-SSi leegionäride mälestuspäevale saabunud kurikuulsat natsikütti Efraim Zuroffi ebaadekvaatsuses suhtumises sündustesse. more..

18. 03. 2010 altrimondi.gazzetta.it
Riga, sfilano le ex SS: «Eroi anti-sovietici». E’ scontro in Lettonia
Hanno sfilato insieme, giovani e anziani che si aiutavano con i bastoni nelle stradine imbiancate, lungo il percorso che parte dalla cattedrale luterana della vecchia Riga. Un migliaio di persone, una marcia ordinata tra due ali di bandiere bianche e rosse, come le rose deposte sul monumento alla Libertà tra preghiere e cori militari. more..

17. 03. 2010 blic.rs
U Rigi marširali esesovci
Bivši letonski legionari izašli su juče na tradicionalni marš u Rigi, prestonici zemlje, na 67. godišnjicu bitke letonskih „Vafen SS“ jedinica koje su se borile na strani Hitlerovih nacista sa sovjetskim snagama. more..

17. 03. 2010 ifat.com
ד''ר אפרים זורוף, מנהל מכון ויזנטל: התומכים במצעד בריגה ניסו ליצור את האשליה שהנאצים היו לוחמי חופש- עוות השואה חמור יותר מהכחשתה.

17. 03. 2010 isria.com
Latvia - Foreign Minister Maris Riekstins: it is immoral to 'weigh pain' of war victims' relatives
In response to the questions from the media about his point of view on the recent opinions voiced by Efraim Zuroff, director of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre office in Israel, regarding the 16 March events in Latvia, Foreign Minister Maris Riekstins noted that any attempts to characterise the commemoration of fallen soldiers as the glorification of nazism are absolutely inadequate and unacceptable. more..

17. 03. 2010 wiadomosci.gazeta.pl
Dzień łotewskich SS-manów
Ponad tysiąc Łotyszy złożyło wczoraj hołd Łotewskiemu Legionowi SS w Rydze. - Miałem 14 lat, chciałem walczyć z Sowietami, nie byłem nazistą - tłumaczył jeden z weteranów SS. more..

17. 03. 2010 inforadio.hu
Kínos Riga számára a Légiósok felvonulása
Ismét felkorbácsolta az érzelmeket a lezáratlan történelmi múlt Kelet-Európában - ezúttal Lettországban. Rigában lett SS-veteránok vonultak fel, megsértve a korábbi tilalmat, hogy megemlékezzenek bajtársaikról. Az orosz kisebbség tagjait a rendőrök tartották vissza, európai vezetők elítélték az eseményt. more..

17. 03. 2010 20min.ch
SS-Veteranen marschieren durch Riga
Ein Marsch von Veteranen der Waffen-SS in der lettischen Hauptstadt Riga könnte zum Problem werden für David Cameron, den Chef der britischen Konservativen. more..

17. 03. 2010 ves.lv
Эсэсовской тропой
Вчера был поставлен абсолютный рекорд по числу полицейских, престарелых эсэсовцев и молодых неонацистов на традиционном легионерском шествии — столько сразу город не видел уже давно! more..

17. 03. 2010 lzinios.lt
Legionierių eitynės
Kaip ir kasmet kovo 16-ąją, vakar Rygoje įvyko Latvijos legionierių, Antrojo pasaulinio karo metais kovojusių nacistinės Vokietijos pusėje, eitynės. more..

16. 03. 2010 alfa.lt
Per SS legiono atminimo renginį Rygoje plevėsavo ir Lietuvos vėliavos (papildyta)
Per tradicinį renginį pagerbiant Antrojo pasaulinio karo metais nacistinės Vokietijos pusėje kovojusio „Waffen SS“ latvių legiono atminimą Latvijos sostinėje Rygoje buvo matyti ir kelios Lietuvos valstybinės vėliavos. more..

16. 03. 2010 abc.es
Centenares honran a legionarios letones que combatieron en las SS alemanas
La manifestación fue autorizada ayer por el Tribunal Administrativo de Riga después de que la Asamblea Legislativa de la capital prohibiera el pasado día 5 la celebración de la misma por recomendación de la Policía. more..

16. 03. 2010 lalsace.fr
Lettonie : d'anciens Waffen SS défilent à Riga
Un millier de personnes, vétérans ayant combattu dans les rangs de la Waffen SS contre l'armée soviétique pendant la deuxième guerre mondiale et leurs partisans, ont participé dans le calme mardi à Riga à leur marche annuelle. more..

16. 03. 2010 delfi.lt
Latvijos antifašistai SS latvių legiono atminimo eitynių dalyvius planuoja apmėtyti kiaušiniais ir pomidorais
Latvijos policija gavo informacijos, kad šalies antifašistai planuoja apmėtyti kiaušiniais ir pomidorais kovo 16 dieną Rygoje vyksiančių tradicinių SS latvių legiono atminimo eitynių dalyvius, vidaus reikalų ministrė Linda Murniecė sakė Latvijos komercinei televizijai LNT. more..

16. 03. 2010 volksblatt.posimis.com
Waffen-SS-Aufmarsch in Riga ruhig verlaufen
Bei Kundgebungen anlässlich des inoffiziellen "Tages der Legion" der lettischen Waffen-SS hat die Polizei am Dienstag in Riga mehrere Personen festgenommen. more..

16. 03. 2010 delfi.lt
SS latvių legiono atminimo renginyje Rygoje – Lietuvos vėliavos
Per tradicinį renginį pagerbiant Antrojo pasaulinio karo metais nacistinės Vokietijos pusėje kovojusio "Waffen SS" latvių legiono atminimą Latvijos sostinėje Rygoje buvo matyti ir kelios Lietuvos valstybinės vėliavos. more..

16. 03. 2010 independent.co.uk
FOTOD-VIDEO: leegionäride marsil piirduti sõimuga
Teisipäeval umbes kell 11 algas Riias traditsiooniline leegionäride rongkäik. Osa võttis umbes 1000 aktivisti erinevatest organisatsioonidest ja tavakodanikke. Marsiti toomkirikust vabadussambani. more...

16. 03. 2010 thestar.com
Hundreds in Latvia honour Nazi SS units amid angry protesters
Latvians who fought in two Waffen SS divisions on the side of Nazi Germany, while hundreds of police kept angry ethnic Russian protesters at bay. more...

16. 03. 2010 independent.co.uk
Thousands pay tribute to Latvia's fallen Nazi troops
They turned out in their hundreds despite the snow: grizzled old men in overcoats and thick anoraks. Nearly all of them were in their late eighties and many hobbled on walking sticks. Watched by more than 1,000 blue-uniformed riot police, they brandished red-and-white Latvian national flags and barked out patriotic wartime "warrior songs" that echoed ominously through the narrow streets of Riga's old town. more...

16. 03. 2010 dailymail.co.uk
Nazi SS veterans march through Riga in event attended by right-wing party linked to Tories
Veterans of the dreaded Nazi Waffen SS marched in freezing temperatures in the Latvian capital Riga today cheered by locals who view them as heroes. more...

04. 03. 2010 ves.lv
Нацизм и неонацизм не пройдут!
Те, кто ненавидит фашизм всеми фибрами души и кто готов отстаивать эту свою позицию с фактами на руках, 14 и 15 марта соберутся в Риге на международную научную конференцию под названием "Итоги Второй мировой войны: жертвы, праведники, освободители и палачи". more...

03. 03. 2010 ves.lv
Палач возвращается…
Новая попытка реабилитировать нацистского преступника Херберта Цукурса
Издание книги, посвященной "прославленному латышскому летчику Цукурсу", — это еще одно напоминание о том, что было бы с Латвией и со всеми нами, если бы не 9 мая 1945 года. more...

03. 03. 2010  
Summaries in English of articles from delfi.lv, "Latvijas Avize,"
and "Vesti Segodnja"

A day before commemoration day of legionnaires, a conference on rebirth of neo-Nazism and holocaust is intended to be organized. Head of Wiesenthal Center, Mr. Zuroff plans to attend the conference.

Latvian journalist Baiba Saberte has published a book "Laujiet man runat!" ("Let Me Speak!") on Herberts Cukurs, a Latvian aviator and journalist. more...

18. 12. 2009 delfi.lv
Зурофф критикует Балтию за симпатии к нацистам
Директор Центра Симона Визенталя и "охотник за нацистами" Эфраим Зурофф на этой неделе снова обвинил страны Балтии в нежелании преследовать участников Холокоста. more...

01. 10. 2009 latviansonline.com
War of words in Britain becomes diplomatic issue for Latvia
A squabble between British politicians has grown into a minor diplomatic issue between Latvia and the United Kingdom, but the foreign ministers of both countries say relations remain outstanding. more...

27. 07. 2009 Baltic News Service
“Recognizing Nazism and Communism as a common legacy is outrageous”
TALLINN, Jul 27, BNS - Efraim Zuorff, director of the Jerusalem office of the Nazi-hunting Wiesenthal Center, reitrated his opposition to a common day of remembrance of Nazi and Communism victims. more...

21. 07. 2009 russiatoday.com
“Recognizing Nazism and Communism as a common legacy is outrageous”
A recent resolution inspired by the Baltic States has called for Europe to recognise Communism and Nazism as equal phenomena, the idea of which to prominent Jewish historian Efraim Zuroff is outrageous, he told RT. more...

14. 07. 2009 nordeurope.kp.ru
Эфраим Зурофф не согласен с решением стран Балтии уравнять в преступлениях нацистов и коммунистов
Руководитель Центра Симона Визенталя обвиняет их правительства в пассивности при преследовании нацистских преступников. more...

27. 06. 2009 timesonline.co.uk
Nazi lovers? Not us, say David Cameron’s new EU friends in Latvia

The trek across Eastern Europe to find David Cameron’s Nazi-loving friends came to a wholly unsatisfactory conclusion yesterday. It turns out they are just a bunch of sweeties. more...

15. 12. 2008 alfa.lt
Analyzing Lithuanian Anti-Semitism
The ‘Double Genocide’ Theory Refuses to Quit

The Jewish human rights organization, the Simon Wiesenthal Center has once again ranked Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania as the countries that have completely failed in bringing Nazi criminals to justice. more...

27.03.2008 regnum.ru

Центр Визенталя: Латвийские власти пытаются переписать историю

Иерусалимский Центр Симона Визенталя охарактеризовал проведение традиционного марша памяти латышского легиона СС в Риге (Латвия) 16 марта как отражение усилия латвийских властей по отождествлению нацистского и советского режимов. more...

17.03.2008 Agence France Press

Nazi hunter blasts Latvian march honoring SS unit

The chief Nazi hunter of the Los Angeles-based Simon Wiesenthal Center on Monday blasted an annual Latvian march to honor countrymen who fought in a German combat unit during World War II, calling it part of Latvian efforts to equate Nazi and Soviet crimes. more...

4.07.2006 Agence France Press

Latvia remembers Holocaust amid debate over modern attitude

Riga (dpa) - The Baltic state of Latvia commemorated the Holocaust on Tuesday, amid continuing debate over modern Latvians' attitude to their past. more...

4.04.2006 Вести сегодня

"Самая позорная страница истории…"

Это кажется чем–то нереальным, сюрреалистическим. Как страна, на земле которой были уничтожены десятки тысяч мирных жителей еврейской национальности, допускает попытку реабилитации и пропаганды одного из исполнителей Холокоста в Латвии? Тем не менее это происходит… more...

3.04.2006 Telegraf
Interview with Latvian Prosecutor General Janis Maizitis

Among other issues, there was touched also issues of crimes against the Jewish residents:

TEL: recently President V.Vike-Freiberga was on the state visit to Israel , where she stated that our Prosecutor's Office still continues to investigate crimes against the Jewish residents during WWII. Are there any results of the work of the Prosecutor's Office in this respect?

Maizitis: We, of course, continue work in respect of both totalitarian regimes. If to speak about genocide and war crimes, I can say that currently at the Prosecutor's Office there are several criminal cases, related to this problem, initiated and they are on the process of investigation. One process is connected with elimination of civilians of Jewish nationality in 1941. This crime was committed in Rezekne County . The Prosecutor's Office has initiated also a criminal process on genocide that took place in 1941 in Bikernieki and Rumbula. In 2006 there was initiated a case also on the Riga Ghetto. In the framework of this process there are being checked contradictory info rmation and evidences related to Cukurs. We have results of checking regarding facts of elimination of peaceful residents in Strenci (Valmiera region) during WWII, as well as regarding facts of genocide against the Jewish residents in Jekabpils region in 1941. I can say with a full responsibility that this work continues in a reality.

Latvia braces for violence over Waffen SS parade
VESTIENA, Latvia, March 15 (Reuters) - The glory days of the Latvian Waffen SS come alive again as Visvaldis Lacis, a sprightly grandfather with bright blue eyes, tells war stories in his little house, deep in the snow-laden Latvian countryside. more...

Latvia, then and now

An official visit by a foreign head of state is always a good opportunity to assess the bilateral relations between Israel and the guest's country. This is particularly important when the visiting president comes from post-Communist Europe or, as in this case, from the former Soviet Union's Baltic republics. more...

17.03. 2005 GRANI.RU
Центр Визенталя осудил шествие эсэсовцев в Риге
Центр Симона Визенталя прокомментировал в четверг шествие ветеранов SS , которое состоялось накануне в столице Латвии. В распространенном заявлении директора израильского отделения Центра Эфраима Зуроффа указывается на "недопустимость восхваления тех, кто в годы второй мировой войны воевал на стороне нацистской Германии", передает РИА "Новости".
" Становится все более очевидно, что некоторые сегменты латвийского общества продолжают рассматривать тех, кто уничтожал евреев или просто воевал на стороне нацистов, как героев, в то время как эти люди не заслуживают никакой похвалы", - заявил Зурофф.
" Латвия сегодня расплачивается за свое нежелание преследовать латвийских нацистов как военных преступников. Такая позиция, подобно страшному сну, будет долгие годы преследовать латвийское общество", - подчеркивается в заявлении.
Центр Симона Визенталя, основанный в 1977 году, занимается поисками нацистских военных преступников, борьбой с неонацизмом и антисемитизмом, историей геноцида евреев Европы. Он аккредитован в качестве неправительственной организации при ООН и ЮНЕСКО. more...

11.03. 2005 MIGNEWS
Нацистский преступник Кукурс – повод для латышско-израильского скандала
Между Латвией и Израилем возник скандал, который очень напоминает скандал Риги с Москвой – поскольку речь идет об очередной попытке латышей "переписать историю" Второй Мировой войны. В феврале газета Latvijas Avize опубликовала статью – в связи с 40-й годовщиной смерти латышского военного летчика Гербертса Кукурса, причастного к убийствам десятков тысяч евреев, проживавших в Прибалтике. more...

Latvian whitewash spawns anti-Semitic uproar
Israeli responses to a prominent Latvian newspaper's whitewashing of the history of national hero Herberts Cukurs, whom the Mossad liquidated in the 1960s for his part in the murder of Jews, has triggered an anti-Semitic outpouring on the Internet and in the local press. more...

4 March 2005 humanrights.org
Digest of Integration and Minority Information Service
Representative of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre Efraim Zuroff has issued a statement, in which he sharply criticises the Latvian daily Latvijas Avize about its attempts to justify Herberts Cukurs, one of Latvian pilots who is accused in taking part in the Holocaust during the World War II. Besides, Efraim Zuroff notes that Latvia avoids talking about the role of Latvians in the Holocaust and that no Nazi War criminals have been brought to trial since Latvia regained its independence. Vesti Segodnya

24.07.2004 LETA
Press review

1.07. 2004 LETA
Press review


8.12.2003 Вести сегодня
Бауска, 1941 год: живые и мертвые

3.12.2003 LETA
Press review

2.12.2003 LETA
Press review

November 29 - December 1, 2003 LETA
Press review

25.07.2003 LETA
Press review

23.07.2003 BNS
Zuroff sai Lätist 38 vihjet juuditapjate kohta
Holokausti süüdlasi otsiv Simon Wiesenthali keskus teatas teisipäeval, et aasta aega kestnud kampaania käigus saadi Lätis andmeid 38 isiku kohta, kes võisid Teise maailmasõja ajal juutide tapmises osaleda. more...

23 07.2003 BNS
Latvian prosecution to check info given by Wiesenthal Center of suspect Holocaust criminals
The Latvian investigative office for crimes of totalitarian regimes will be checking on information recently received by the Simon Wiesenthal Center of ten people that may have participated in crimes of the Holocaust during World War II, as personnel of the Latvian Security Police. more...

18.03.2003 LETA
Press review

in Latvian:
Diena (D); Neatkariga Rita Avize (NRA); Lauku Avize (LA); Dienas Bizness (DB); Latvijas Vestnesis (LV); Vakara Zinas (VZ); Sports (S); Rigas Balss (RB); Latvijas Radio 1 (LR1); Latvijas Radio (LR2); LTV1; LTV7; LNT; TV3; TV5

in Russian:
Tchas (T); Bizness & Baltija (BB); Vesti Segodnja (VS); Telegraf (TEL); Panorama Latvii (PL); Kommersant Baltic Daily (KBD), Vecernaja Riga (VR); Latvijas Radio 4 (LR4)

The general secretary of New Era, Grigorijs Krupnikovs, says Latvian Jewish Community has nothing to do with the activities of Eiframs Zurofs, admitting that the respective announcements in newspapers are amoral. (VS)

15-17.03.2003 LETA
Press review

Läti ajaleht keeldus Wiesenthali keskuse kuulutust avaldamast
Sten A. Hankewitz
Läti Liepaja linna ajaleht Kurzemes Vards keeldus valdamast Simon Wiesenthali keskuse kuulutust, kus kutsuti üles võimudele üles andma endisi natsikurjategijaid.
Kurzemes Vards keeldus avaldamast kuulutust, mille tellisid Wiesenthali keskus ja Targum Shlishli fond ning kus kutsuti andma informatsiooni II maailmasõja ajal juutide mõrvamises osalenud inimeste kohta, pakkudes info eest tasuks 10 000 dollarit. more...

13.03.2003 The Baltic Times, #348
Newspaper refuses to run Nazi-hunting ad
J. Michael Lyons
A newspaper in the Latvian port city of Liepaja has refused to publish an advertisement offering $10,000 for information about Nazi war criminals, saying cash rewards were an inappropriate way to hunt down Holocaust perpetrators. more...

Latvian newspaper refuses ad seeking Nazi war criminals
Elli Wohlgelernter
Operation: Last Chance, the Simon Wiesenthal Center's special campaign offering a $10,000 reward for information that assists in bringing Nazi war criminals to justice, has reached a snag in Latvia, where one local newspaper has refused to publish the center's advertisement. more...

18.01.2003 Newsday, Inc.
$10,000 Reward for Nazi Info
Latvian newspapers published ads Friday announcing a $10,000 reward for information that leads to the conviction of aging Nazi war crimes suspects.

The advertisements are part of "Operation Last Chance," an effort to prosecute Nazi war criminals that is being led by the Los Angeles-based Simon Wiesenthal Center. They were to appear Saturday as well.

"The fact that somebody has got away with this for 50 years does not diminish the nature of the crime," said Efraim Zuroff, the director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center's Jerusalem office. The ads show grainy photos of Jews being led to killing sites, luggage in tow.

Prosecutors in the former Soviet republic said gathering evidence against the few surviving suspects - men in their 80s and 90s - has been difficult. "If anyone comes forward with information we are ready to investigate," said Dzintra Subrovska, a spokeswoman for Latvia's prosecutor general's office.

13.03.2003 The Baltic Times, #348
Nazi hunters advertise in Latvia
A Latvian newspaper has published advertisements offering a $10,000 reward for information leading to the trial and conviction of Nazi war criminals. more...

17.01.2003 World AP – Europe
Latvia Ads Hunt for Nazi War Suspects
Latvian newspapers published ads Friday announcing a $10,000 reward for information that leads to the conviction of aging Nazi war crimes suspects. more...

5.12.2002 LETA
Press review

27.11.2002 JTA
Reward program for Nazi criminals
to launch ads in Latvia and Estonia
Adam B. Ellick
A reward for information on Nazi war criminals has led the Lithuanian government to investigate possible war crimes in two of the country’s villages.
In July, the Simon Wiesenthal Center and the Miami-based Targun Shlishi Foundation launched Operation Last Chance, a program offering a $10,000 reward for information that leads to the conviction and punishment of Nazi war criminals. more...

$10,000 reward yields leads on Nazi war criminals
Elli Wohlgelernter
Two months after a $10,000 reward was offered in the Baltic countries for information leading to the conviction of Nazi war criminals, 17 people have come forward and submitted 51 names of perpetrators, giving hope to Nazi-hunter Efraim Zuroff that prosecution is still possible despite the apparent lack of political will to bring Nazis to trial in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. more...

31.07.2002 Baltimore Jewish Times
Estonia Blasted On Holocaust Crimes
A heated dispute between the Simon Wiesenthal Center and the Estonia Security Police Board over Estonian participation in the Holocaust could hinder the country's's bid to join NATO. more...

30.07.2002 JTA
Despite concerns on Shoah issues, groups back seven NATO hopefuls
WASHINGTON, July 30 (JTA) — The American Jewish Committee has become the first major American organization to endorse a second round of NATO expansion. more...

12.07.2002 LETA
Dozens of Nazi criminals living in Latvia - Zuroff
Several dozen Nazi war criminals still live in Latvia undisturbed, Efraim Zuroff, director at the Israel-based Simon Wiesenthal Center, told a press conference in Riga yesterday. more...

Press review

12.07.2002 ЧАС

12.07.2002 ТЕЛЕГРАФ

11.07.2002 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia
Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in relation to the initiative of Dr Efraim Zuroff, Head of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre in Jerusalem
At the end of his visit to the Baltic States, after visiting Lithuania and Estonia, Dr Efraim Zuroff, Director of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre in Jerusalem, has launched a project “Operation: Last Chance” in Riga.

Latvia believes that there is no statute of limitation for war crimes and crimes against humanity. Therefore, anyone who has committed such crimes must be called to account in accordance with the law. Latvia aims at objective investigation into the crimes committed under totalitarian regimes, regardless of the political views of the person having committed the crime. It was already at the time of restoration of independence that the Supreme Council of the Republic of Latvia adopted a Declaration “On Denouncing and the Inadmissibility of Genocide and Anti-Semitism in Latvia”, expressing regret about the involvement of a number of Latvians in these crimes. The Latvian Prosecutor General's Office has announced that the criminal cases of K. Kalejs and K. Ozols, who were charged with war crimes committed during World War II, are not closed. The Latvian Government's efforts in Holocaust education, research and remembrance have been welcomed by several countries, including the USA and Israel .

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is of the opinion that Efraim Zuroff as an individual or as head of the Jerusalem Simon Wiesenthal Centre has the right to perform activities in Latvia if they do not contravene Latvian legislation. Latvia holds the view that the general claims that are addressed to it do not help the activities being undertaken by the Latvian law enforcement institutions. Claims such as these do not facilitate uncovering of the truth, as they are too generalised and inconcrete and are not based on specific facts.

The Government of Latvia is doing its best to not only denounce war criminals, but also to educate the public in order to prevent a repeat of such crimes. Special attention is being paid to education on the Holocaust. The activities of the History Commission are focused on investigating and explaining the Nazi and Communist regimes. The highest award of Latvia, the Three-Star Order, has been conferred on the saviours of Jews in Latvia. The Bikernieki memorial has been restored, and the Riga City Council has allocated funding for the reconstruction of the burial-ground for the Nazi victims in Rumbula. At present the responsibility for investigations into crimes committed under the Nazi and Communist regimes have been assigned to Colonel G. Rutkis, Head of the Security Police.

(end of text)  

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11.07.2002 OriginalDissent.com
Wiesanthal Center Launches Hunt for Nazi War "Criminals"

Riga - 11 July 2002-The Simon Wiesenthal Center today concluded the initial stage of "Operation Last Chance" by launching the project in the Latvian capital of Riga. The project was presented at a press conference held at the local Jewish community with the participation of Israel director, Dr. Efraim Zuroff, who is coordinating "Operation Last Chance, "Targum Shlishi Foundation President Aryeh Rubin of Miami, who is funding the project and Mr.Arkady Suharenko, Chairman of the Latvian Jewish community. The project has already been presented this week in Lithuania and in Estonia.

"In a country like Latvia, in which the only ongoing Nazi war crimes investigations are being carried out against suspects who have already died, I believe that Operation Last Chance is badly needed," said Zuroff. He pointed to the failure of the Baltic countries to prosecute Nazi war criminals since they obtained independence, emphasizing the lack of political will in this regard. "The results speak for themselves. In Latvia, a country in which there was extensive collaboration with the Nazis and more than 95% of the local Jewish community was murdered, not a single Nazi war criminal was ever convicted since Latvian independence."

Latvian nationalists tried to rattle Zuroff by demanding that Communist criminals also be included in the program, but the Israeli based Nazi hunter replied that the Centers expertise and priority was to bring Holocaust perpetrators to trial. Those who believed that Communist crimes were worse than those of the Holocaust should invest their energies in trying to bring the guilty to trial instead of attempting to interfere with the efforts of Nazi hunters," said Zuroff. more... ________________________________________________________________________

11.07.2002 PANORAMA
LTV "Panorama" about Zuroff’s press conference
" Panorama" emphasized that, although Zuroff said that dozens of untried Nazi war criminals still live in Latvia, he wasn't able to name concretely any of them. "P" reported also that Zuroff announced premiums of 10 000 USD for those, who would provide information about the war criminals. more...

15.06.2002 LETA
Press review
Jewish Related Issues:
" TEL" (p.3, with photo of Arkadij Sukharenko) publishes the comments of Head of the Jewish Community, Arkadij Sukharenko, on Zuroff's visit under the headline "The Past Cannot Be Sold". more...