Latvian press review – December 5, 2002


"Diena"(in Latvian): D; "Neatkariga"(in Latvian): N; "Tchass"(in Russian): T;

"Business & Baltia"(in Russian): BB; "Vesti Segodnya"(in Russian): VS; LETA (news agency);

"Lauku Avize"(in Latvian): LA; "Dienas Bizness"(in Latvian): DB; “Telegraf”(in Russian): TEL

Jewish matters

Next week, the Nazi-hunting Simon Wiesenthal Center is preparing to place advertisements in Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian newspapers, reminding of the offer to buy information about war criminals for USD 10,000 the Estonian daily "Postimees" reported. On November 16, an advertisement with the text "Lithuanian Jews did not just disappear, they were brutally murdered in Vilnius, Kaunas, Shiauliai and more than one hundred other places," and a photo of a massacre of Jews in Kaunas was published in Lithuanian papers. Zuroff said that the center has already prepared photos to be published in Estonian papers. Cilja Laud, the leader of the Estonian Jewish community, said that she has not discussed the matter with Zuroff. So far, the project "Operation "Last Chance"" has yielded information about 60 alleged Nazi criminals in Lithuania, one or two suspects in Latvia, and six suspects in Estonia. Probes in Latvia, conducted by the Prosecutor General's Office, have failed to confirm the Wiesenthal Center's reported information about Nazi criminals from Latvia. (LETA)