Full justice requires punishment
Under these circumstances, the validity of such trials can be questioned. More than six years have already passed since the landmark decision by a Munich court in May 2011 to…
Under these circumstances, the validity of such trials can be questioned. More than six years have already passed since the landmark decision by a Munich court in May 2011 to…
The average normal person would probably read about the death of a 95-year-old Auschwitz guard and think "good riddance, what a shame he lived so long." While I can easily understand…
Jerusalem-The Simon Wiesenthal Center today urged the German judicial authorities to expedite the remaining cases of Nazi war criminals in the wake of the recent death of convicted Auschwitz guard…
ירושלים-מרכז שמעון ויזנטל היום קרא לשלטונות גרמניה להחיש את משפטיהם של פושעים נאצים העומדים בפני משפט בעקבות מותו לפני שהחל לרצות את עונשו של ריינהולד הנינג ששירת כזקיף במחנה המוות…
מרכז ויזנטל קיבל בברכה היום את הרשעתו בגרמניה של אוסקר גרונינג, מי ששרת מספר שנים במחנה המוות אושוויץ-בירקנאו. בהודעה שנמסרה היום ע"י צייד הנאצים הראשי שלה, ומנהל המשרד בישראל דר…
Jerusalem – The Simon Wiesenthal Center welcomed the conviction today by a German court in Luneberg of Oskar Groening for his wartime service in the notorious Nazi death camp of…
Jerusalem – The Simon Wiesenthal Center announced here today that it had submitted to the German Ministers of Justice (Heiko Maas) and the Interior (Thomas de Maiziere) a list of…
Jerusalem–The Simon Wiesenthal Center today expressed its regret and frustration in the wake of the death in Philadelphia yesterday of Auschwitz guard Johann Breyer while facing extradition to Germany to…
Jerusalem – The Simon Wiesenthal Center today welcomed the recent announcement by Germany's leading Nazi war crimes prosecutor Kurt Schrimm that approximately twenty individuals who served as guards at the…
Jerusalem – The Simon Wiesenthal Center expressed deep satisfaction at the announcement today by officials of the German Central Prosecution Office (Zentrale Stelle) that it would pursue the cases of…