News | Total: 54 |
German Nazi war crimes suspect, 96, who went on the run goes on trial
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Prosecution at trial of Nazi camp secretary: Gas chamber cries ‘clearly audible’
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Too many Nazi criminals are convicted and sentenced, but do no time
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100-year-old former Nazi guard to stand trial for war crimes
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100-year-old Nazi camp guard will stand trial in Germany accused of complicity in 3,518 murders
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100-year-old alleged ex-Nazi guard to stand trial on thousands of counts of being an accessory to murder
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Germany: 100-year-old ex-death camp guard to go on trial
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100-jähriger Wachmann aus KZ Sachsenhausen kommt vor Gericht
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Die Verhandlungsfähigkeit der Irmgard Furchner
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"Son viejos, pero siguen siendo culpables": el último cazador de nazis está en una carrera contra el tiempo
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