08.09. 2020
Canada failing to bring suspected war criminals to justice: Amnesty International

A prominent human-rights organization says Canada is failing to bring suspected war criminals to justice more...

25.08. 2020
Call from Israel to remove reference to 'unrepentant Nazi' from Mt Hutt

The Simon Wiesenthal Centre in Jerusalem has called for the name of former Geraldine resident Willi Huber to be removed from Mt Hutt Ski Area more...

Shoah distortion

An important but imprecise book about how the narrative of the Holocaust is being rewritten more...

COVID 19 stopping deportation from Canada SS man person involved in business in Russia

WASHINGTON, April 17 – RIA Novosti. The epidemic of coronavirus to prevent the authorities of Canada to begin consideration of the case about the possibility of the deportation of the SS man Helmut Oberlander, a suspect of SK of the Russian Federation of involvement in the murder of 27 thousand people in the USSR in August 1942, said RIA Novosti the representative of the Council for immigration and refugees of Canada (IRB) Anna Pape more...

14.04.2020 BUITENLAND

Hij verbergt zijn gezicht voor de fotografen. De 93-jarige Bruno Dey wil niet herkend worden als de nazi die 75 jaar geleden aan de slag was als bewaker in een concentratiekamp. Een rol waarvoor hij nu pas terechtstaat. more...

Russian Investigators Probe Wartime Nazi Massacres

Russia on Thursday launched a probe into three World War II-era atrocities in areas occupied by Nazi forces more...

The card that netted a Nazi collaborator

An index card submerged in Baltic Sea has helped lead to the prosecution of a Nazi collaborator in United States more...

Judge Orders Deportation of Tennessee Man Who Served as Nazi Camp Guard

A United States immigration judge has ordered that a Tennessee man who served as a guard at a Nazi concentration camp in Germany during World War II be deported to the country, where he is a citizen and has continued to receive a pension based on his employment, “including his wartime service.” more...

Judge Orders Deportation of Tennessee Man Who Served as Nazi Camp Guard

“If you had told me then I would be in court cross-examining a Nazi in 2020, I would have said, ‘Not happening. Not possible for anyone to be doing that in 2020.’ But there you go,” said Mr. Rosenbaum, the director of Human Rights Enforcement Strategy and Policy at the department more...

Tennessee Resident Ordered To Be Deported For Assisting Nazi War Crimes

A German citizen residing in Tennessee, who served as a Nazi guard of prisoners at German concentration camps, was ordered to be deported for assisting Nazi-sponsored persecution, the Department of Justice (DOJ) reported in a press release Thursday more...

Former Nazi concentration camp guard Friedrich Karl Berger faces deportation from the United States

The camp detained Russian, Dutch and Polish civilians, as well as Jewish prisoners and political opponents from France, Italy and other countries more...

95 Year Old Nazi German Living In Oak Ridge Tennessee Ordered Deported

Friedrich Karl Berger, 94, of Oak Ridge, Tennessee, who voluntarily served as an armed guard in a Neuengamme Nazi concentration camp subcamp, had been a Tennessee resident for over 75 years, and was drawing an employment-based pension which included his Nazi service, has been ordered deported to Germany by the U.S. Department of Justice, where he still has citizenship more...

Serbia MPs Vote for Nazi Concentration Camp Site Memorial

Lawmakers in Serbia gave their support to new legislation to establish a memorial centre at the Staro Sajmiste site in Belgrade, where Serbs, Jews and Roma were murdered under the Nazi occupation in World War II more...

Waterloo’s Helmut Oberlander, 96, fights deportation over Nazi service

WATERLOO — Helmut Oberlander, the 96-year-old Waterloo man who served a Nazi death squad, is fighting what might be his last battle to stay in Canada more...


When accused Nazi war criminal Helmut Oberlander exhausted his final possible appeal at the Supreme Court of Canada last December, it appeared the next logical step was his deportation more...

Suspected Nazi Commander Living in US Dies at 100

A Minneapolis carpenter whom the Associated Press exposed as a former Nazi commander — a charge his family fiercely denied — has died more...

Michael Karkoc, Exposed as a War Criminal, Is dead at 100

Michael Karkoc, a retired Minnesota carpenter who was exposed as a former commander of a Nazi-led unit that was accused of atrocities in World War II, died on Dec. 14, public and cemetery records show. He was 100 more...

Minnesota man exposed as commander of Nazi-led unit dies

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — A retired Minnesota carpenter whom The Associated Press exposed as a former commander of a Nazi-led unit accused of war atrocities has died more...

La Cour suprême n’entendra pas l’appel d’un ex-nazi dépouillé de sa citoyenneté

Des groupes juifs à travers le pays ont salué la décision de la Cour suprême de ne pas permettre à un homme âgé ayant menti au sujet de son appartenance à un escadron de la mort nazi au cours de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale de continuer à se battre pour conserver sa citoyenneté canadienne more...

Canadian Supreme Court declines to hear citizenship appeal of ex-Nazi death squad member

(Reuters) – The Supreme Court of Canada on Thursday declined to hear the appeal of an ex-Nazi death squad member to restore his Canadian citizenship, which was revoked after the Canadian government learned of his wartime activities more...

Zweiter Weltkrieg: Wallonische Soldaten waren an Massaker an 6000 jüdischen Frauen beteiligt

An der Seite der Deutschen im Zweiten Weltkrieg eingesetzte wallonische Soldaten waren am Massaker an 6000 jüdischen Frauen im Konzentrationslager Stutthof in Polen beteiligt more...

How Holocaust Memory was Hijacked in Post-Communist States

Many East European countries are wary of beginning an honest conversation about the crimes committed on their territory during World War II, and instead have appropriated the memorialisation of the Holocaust to denigrate communism more...

Los últimos juicios contra el nazismo

La maquinaria legal y jurídica contra los criminales de guerra del III Reich sigue en marcha. Pero la falta de pruebas, la edad de los acusados y el debate ético que suscita juzgar a nonagenarios enfermos obstaculizan la labor de los fiscales y de los jueces more...

Lovac na naciste spreman za saradnju sa Rusijom

Direktor jerusalimskog odeljenja Centra Simon Vizental i čuveni „lovac na naciste“ Efraim Zurof izrazio je spremnost da, ukoliko ga ruska strana pozove, sarađuje u potrazi za nacističkim zločincima more...

Report: Finnish SS volunteers likely killed Jews in WWII

HELSINKI-- An Israeli Holocaust historian praised authorities in Finland on Sunday for publishing a report that concluded Finnish volunteers serving with Nazi Germany's Waffen-SS "very likely" took part in World War II atrocities, including the mass murder of Jews more...

Nazistjägare berömmer Finlands beslut att publicera rapport om finländska SS-män

Den israeliske historikern och nazistjägaren Efraim Zurof berömmer de finländska myndigheterna för att ha publicerat en rapport enligt vilken finländska SS-män högst sannolikt deltog i massmord på judar under andra världskriget more...

Finnish Report: Some Troops Helped to Kill Jews in WWII

HELSINKI — An Israeli Holocaust historian praised authorities in Finland for publishing a report that concluded Finnish volunteers serving with Nazi Germany's Waffen-SS, "very likely" took part in World War II atrocities, including the mass murder of Jews more...

Finnish volunteers in SS units took part in WWII Nazi atrocities, Finland says

After an Israeli historian’s appeal to Finland’s president to examine murder of Jews, country’s state archives look into the role of Finns in the Waffen-SS drive eastward in 1941-3 more...

Selvitys: Suomalaiset SS-miehet osallistuivat hyvin todennäköisesti juutalaisten, siviilien ja sotavankien surmaamiseen – ”Viimeisenä ammuttiin nuorin”

Kansallisarkiston perjantaina julkaistun selvityksen mukaan suomalaiset vapaaehtoiset syyllistyivät SS-joukoissa vuosina 1941–1943 sotarikoksiin more...

Deltog finländska SS-män i dödandet av judar? En officiell utredning presenteras - se direkt kl. 12.55

En redan på förhand mycket omdiskuterad undersökning om de finländska SS-männens verksamhet presenteras på fredag på Ständerhuset i Helsingfors. Professor Lars Westerlund, forskare vid Riksarkivet, har utrett SS-männens eventuella delaktighet i mord på judar och civilpersoner åren 1941-1943 more...

Uusi selvitys vahvistaa: Suomalaiset SS-miehet osallistuivat hyvin todennäköisesti juutalaisten, siviilien ja sotavankien surmaamiseen

Suomalaiset SS-miehet osallistuivat hyvin todennäköisesti juutalaisten, siviilien ja sotavankien surmaamiseen vuosina 1941–1943, tuoreessa selvityksessä todetaan more...

Riippumaton selvitys: Suomalaiset SS-miehet todennäköisesti osallistuivat saksalaisten mukana juutalaisten ja siviilien surmaamiseen 1941–1943

Selvityksen toteuttaneen Kansallisarkiston mukaan käytössä ollut lähdeaineisto ei kuitenkaan anna tarpeeksi yksityiskohtaista tietoa suomalaisten osallisuudesta more...

SS-selvitys julki: "Suomalaiset vapaaehtoiset osallistuivat hyvin todennäköisesti juutalaisten surmiin" – pitäviä todisteita ei löytynyt

Saksalaisissa SS-joukoissa palvelleet suomalaiset osallistuivat "hyvin todennäköisesti" juutalaisten, muiden siviilien ja sotavankien surmaamiseen itärintamalla toisessa maailmansodassa more...

:Selvitys: Suomalaiset SS-sotilaat osallistuivat hyvin todennäköisesti juutalaisten joukkosurmiin

Pääsääntöisesti suomalaiset suhtautuivat joukkosurmiin kielteisesti, sanoo Kansallisarkiston pääjohtaja Jussi Nuorteva more...

:HISTORIA: Riippumaton selvitys: Suomalaiset SS-miehet todennäköisesti osallistuivat saksalaisten mukana juutalaisten ja siviilien surmaamiseen 1941–1943

Valtioneuvoston kanslia on vastaanottanut perjantaina 8. helmikuuta Kansallisarkiston toteuttaman arkistoselvityksen suomalaisten SS-miesten osallisuudesta juutalaisten, siviilien ja sotavankien surmaamiseen vuosina 1941–1943 more...

Uusi selvitys ei löytänyt todisteita – suomalaisten SS-miesten osallisuus sotarikoksiin ”todennäköistä”

Lähdeaineisto ei anna riittävän yksityiskohtaisia tietoja yksittäisten tapahtumien tarkaksi arvioimiseksi more...

Selvitys: suomalaiset SS-miehet syyllistyvät todennäköisesti sotarikoksiin

Kansallisarkiston selvityksessä on käytetty lähteenä muun muassa päiväkirjamerkintöjä more...

Israel must stop pandering to Holocaust distorters

Eastern European countries are systematically rewriting the narrative of WWII and the slaughter of European Jewry more...

Marking International Holocaust Remembrance Day

There are several factors that help explain why the prosecution of Nazis is still ongoing more...

In Lithuania, some Nazi killers are also heroes

Only those individuals tried and found guilty in their lifetimes may be considered guilty, all others are considered to be completely innocent more...

Finnland untersucht 1.400 eigene SS-Männer im Zweiten Weltkrieg

Beteiligung finnischer Freiwilliger an Kriegsverbrechen in der Ukraine und im Kaukasus soll geprüft werden more...

Wie kämpften die Finnen in der Waffen-SS?

Bereits im März 1941 begann die SS, in Finnland Männer für ihre militärische Truppe zu werben. Inwieweit dieses Bataillon an Kriegsverbrechen an der Ostfront beteiligt war, soll jetzt geklärt werden more...

20. 12. 2018
Finnland untersucht Rolle von 1.400 Freiwilligen in SS-Einheit

Tel Aviv (APA/dpa) - Finnland untersucht die Rolle von mehr als 1.400 finnischen Freiwilligen in der SS-Einheit "Wiking" bei Gräueltaten während des Zweiten Weltkriegs more...

29. 09. 2018
Ex-Nazi soldier loses final appeal to keep Canadian citizenship

Court: 'Reasonable' to strip citizenship from former Nazi who lied in order to enter Canada more...

28. 09. 2018
Ex-Nazi interpreter Helmut Oberlander to appeal citizenship decision

'He wants his name, reputation and his family exonerated,' lawyer says more...

28. 09. 2018
Canada court clears way for deportation of Nazi war crimes suspect

Helmut Oberlander, who has been stripped of his citizenship, claims he was forced to join Einsatzkommando mobile killing squad because he could speak Russian and German more...

27. 09. 2018
Stripping Helmut Oberlander, 94, of Canadian citizenship 'reasonable,' court rules

TORONTO — A government decision to strip Canadian citizenship from an elderly man, who argued he was forced as a teenager to join a Nazi death squad, was reasonable, a Federal Court judge ruled on Thursday more...

22. 08. 2018
US Deports Geriatric Nazi Guard Who Lived in Queens

Jakiw Palij, a 95-year-old former Nazi concentration camp guard, living on welfare in Queens, NY, was deported early Tuesday morning to a nursing home in Münsterland, Germany, the White House announced Tuesday more...

22. 08. 2018
DOJ official: Nazi deportation sends 'message of deterrence' on human rights crimes

WASHINGTON (Circa) — The deportation of 95-year-old Nazi camp guard Jakiw Palij Monday was a significant development in the ongoing effort to rectify the errors that may have let thousands of war criminals flood into the United States. in the wake of World War II, according to the former director of the Department of Justice office designated with handling those cases more...

03. 09. 2018
‘Get the Nazi out of New York’: Secret operation to deport the last living Nazi defendant in the U.S. was a rare success

He had watched eight Nazi war criminals die on American soil long after federal judges had ordered them to leave, so when the email came in early July with news that Germany would finally take the last surviving Nazi defendant in the United States, Eli Rosenbaum tried not to worry more...

02. 09. 2018
La caza de los últimos nazis continúa

Las justicias de Alemania y Estados Unidos todavía siguen la pista de criminales de guerra de la Segunda Guerra Mundial more...

22. 08. 2018
Nazi camp guard Jakiw Palij deported from U.S. to Germany

NEW YORK CITY (JTA) – A former guard at a Nazi concentration camp has been deported to Germany from the United States, where he had lived for decades. Jakiw Palij, 95, had lived in Queens, New York. He had served as a guard at the Trawniki concentration camp near Lublin, Poland, during World War II, and may face prosecution in Germany for his actions more...

22. 08. 2018
Nazi hunter breathes 'a sigh of relief' after former concentration camp guard deported

Jakiw Palij lived in the U.S. for 69 years — even after authorities uncovered his Nazi past more...

22. 08. 2018
Se trata de Jakiw Palij y tiene 95 años. Residía en Estados Unidos

Estados Unidos expulsó a Alemania a un exmiembro de las temidas SS nazis que fue guardia del campo de trabajos forzados de Trawniki, en la Polonia ocupada, informó este martes la Casa Blanca more...

22. 08. 2018
Germany vows justice as former Nazi guard is extradited from US

Germany’s foreign minister has said the country has a “moral obligation” to seek justice for victims of the Holocaust, after 95-year-old former Nazi concentration camp guard, Jakiw Palij was deported from the US more...

22. 08. 2018
US deports 95-year-old ex-Nazi guard to Germany

BERLIN (AP) — A 95-year-old former Nazi concentration camp guard who lived quietly in New York City for decades was carried out of his home on a stretcher by federal agents and flown to Germany early Tuesday in what could prove to be the last U.S. deportation of a World War II-era war-crimes suspect more...

22. 08. 2018
Decades on, former Nazi camp guard deported to Germany from US

BERLIN: Germany, citing its “moral duty”, on Tuesday took in a 95-year-old former guard at a Nazi labour camp where more than 6,000 people were killed, after he was stripped of his US citizenship more...

21. 08. 2018
Estados Unidos deporta a Alemania a un ex guardia de campos de concentración nazi

El último sospechoso de crímenes de guerra nazi fue sacado de su casa en Nueva York este martes por la mañana y deportado a Alemania, tras años de esfuerzos para sacarlo de Estados Unidos more...

21. 08. 2018
Former Nazi Labor Camp Guard Jakiw Palij Removed to Germany

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Jakiw Palij, a former Nazi labor camp guard in German-occupied Poland and a postwar resident of Queens, New York, has been removed by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to Germany, Attorney General Jeff Sessions of the U.S. Department of Justice, Secretary Kirstjen M. Nielsen of the U.S. more...

21. 08. 2018<
US Deports Accused Former Nazi Guard to Germany

A 95-year-old New York City man believed to be a former guard at a labor camp in Nazi-occupied Poland arrived in Germany after being arrested and deported by US immigration authorities, US officials said on Tuesday more...

21. 08. 2018
U.S. deports accused former Nazi guard to Germany

WASHINGTON/BERLIN (Reuters) – A 95-year old New York City man believed to be a former guard at a labor camp in Nazi-occupied Poland has arrived in Germany after being arrested and deported by U.S. immigration authorities, U.S. officials said on Tuesday more...

21. 08. 2018
Former Nazi Labor Camp Guard Jakiw Palij Removed to Germany
Palij is 68th Nazi Removed from the United States

Jakiw Palij, a former Nazi labor camp guard in German-occupied Poland and a postwar resident of Queens, New York, has been removed by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to Germany, Attorney General Jeff Sessions of the U.S. Department of Justice, Secretary Kirstjen M. Nielsen of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Assistant Attorney General Brian A. Benczkowski of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division and ICE Deputy Director and Acting Director Ronald D. Vitiello announced today. ICE removed Palij based on an order of removal obtained by the Department of Justice in 2004 more...

21. 08. 2018
Other suspected Nazi war criminals removed from the US

NEW YORK (AP) — Since the 1970s, the U.S. government has initiated legal proceedings to expel just 137 of the estimated 10,000 suspected Nazi war criminals who immigrated to the U.S. after World War II more...

21. 08. 2018
95-year-old Nazi war criminal deported from U.S. back to Germany

JACKSON HEIGHTS, Queens -- Exclusive video from ABC News captured ICE agents arresting a notorious Nazi war criminal more...

21. 08. 2018
Ex-Nazi Guard in Queens Is Deported to Germany

Queens resident Jakiw Palij faces possible war crimes charges more...

21. 08. 2018
Nazi camp guard Jakiw Palij deported from US to Germany

(JTA) — A former guard at a Nazi concentration camp was deported to Germany overnight from the United States, where he had lived for decades more...

21. 08. 2018
Un ancien nazi vivant aux États-Unis est déporté vers l’Allemagne

BERLIN — Le dernier nazi soupçonné de crimes de guerre devant être expulsé des États-Unis a été emmené de son domicile de New York et déporté vers l’Allemagne tôt mardi matin, a indiqué la Maison-Blanche more...

21. 08. 2018
US has deported at least 67 suspected Nazi war criminals

Jakiw Palij latest to be expelled from country, though only 137 of estimated 10,000 suspected Nazis ever faced legal proceedings more...

21. 08. 2018
‘This Man Deserves What He Gets’: In Queens, a Nazi’s Long Flight From Justice Ends

The 95-year-old man in the red brick house at 33-18 89th Street in Jackson Heights, Queens, was known for keeping his yard spick-and-span, even tidying up rubbish on his neighbors’ stoops more...

21. 08. 2018
Ex-Nazi Guard in U.S., Now 95, Is Deported to Germany

BERLIN — The Nazi guard lived a quiet life in a racially diverse corner of New York City for decades, having lied on his United States immigration papers in 1949 about the type of work he did during World War II more...

20. 08. 2018
U.S. deports 95-year-old former Nazi concentration camp guard to German

The last Nazi war crimes suspect facing deportation from the U.S. was taken from his New York City home and spirited early Tuesday morning to Germany, following years of efforts to remove him from the United States more...

10. 07. 2018
Danger of Poland's Holocaust Law is in Whitewashing Polish Crimes - Author

srael and Poland have reached a compromise with regard to the law that prohibits blaming Poland for the Holocaust. According to the final version of the legislation, presented during a joint statement by both Israel and Poland, anyone found associating Nazi Germany's crimes with the entire Polish nation will face fines but not prison terms more...

25. 06. 2018
Dětská hračka rozpoutala boj o svobodu slova

Spor o svobodu slova, vliv ruské propagandy i spoluvinu za holokaust se rozhořel v Litvě more...

15. 06. 2018
„Sage nie, es ist vorbei“

Der Direktor des Simon Wiesenthal Center in Jerusalem, Efraim Zuroff, bezeichnet sich selbst als letzten „Nazijäger“ und sprach mit WINA über die Mühsal, Nazikriegsverbrecher auch vor Gericht zu stellen, und sein Engagement für einen Bewusstseinswandel in Osteuropa more...

03. 06. 2018
Finland begins probe into citizens who helped Nazis kill Jews

The world’s top Nazi-hunting organization welcomed on Sunday Finland’s establishment of an investigation into the participation of Finnish volunteers in crimes committed by Nazi Germany between 1941 and 1943 more...

31. 05. 2018
Finland calls for probe of Finnish SS soldiers' possible role in war crimes during WWII

The probe was prompted by a request from the "chief Nazi hunter" from an international Jewish human rights group, according to the prime minister's office more...

03. 05. 2018
Ex-Nazi death squad member appeals Canadian court

Helmut Oberlander served in the Nazi death squad Einstazkommando 10a. Jewish activists urged the court to 'come down on the side of justice' more...

13. 04. 2018
Un 'cazador de nazis' espera que sus presas vivan lo suficiente para ser castigados

JERUSALÉN (Sputnik) — Efraím Zuroff, historiador que lleva casi 70 años buscando y desenmascarando a los exnazis, desea una buena salud a los guardias de campos de concentración y verdugos de los judíos y espera que vivan lo suficiente para ser llevados ante la justicia more...

30. 03. 2018
Where the Genocide Museum Is (Mostly) Mum on the Fate of Jews

VILNIUS, Lithuania — During the Holocaust, many Lithuanian Jews were not killed in Nazi death camps, but by their neighbors, usually shot or even beaten to death more...

26. 01. 2018
Llevando los últimos nazis a la Justicia

En junio de 1981, varios meses después de haber comenzado a trabajar como investigador en Israel para la Oficina de Investigaciones Especiales (OSI) del Departamento de Justicia de Estados Unidos, la que fuera establecida en 1979 para enjuiciar a los criminales de guerra nazis y colaboradores que habían emigrado a América, Jerusalén fue la sede del Primer Encuentro Mundial de Sobrevivientes Judíos del Holocausto more...

25. 01. 2018
Wiesenthal-keskus kiittelee Suomea SS-vapaaehtoisten toimien selvittämisestä

Israelilainen Simon Wiesenthal -keskus kiittelee Suomen päätöstä tehdä selvitys suomalaisten SS-vapaaehtoisten toimista toisen maailmansodan aikana more...

25. 01. 2018
Финляндия выделит деньги на расследование преступлений финских добровольцев СС

Начальник канцелярии финского президента вчера вечером, 24 января, отправил письмо Эфраиму Зуроффу (Efraim Zuroff), директору правозащитной еврейской организации "Центр Симона Визенталя", где заявил, что Финляндия не оставит без внимания появившуюся недавно информацию о возможном участии финских добровольцев СС в расстреле евреев в годы Второй мировой войны more...

25. 01. 2018
Suomi tekee selvityksen: Murhasivatko suomalaiset SS-miehet juutalaisia toisessa maailmansodassa? - ”...päivänvaloon tuomani todisteet viittaavat vahvasti siihen”

Natsirikollisia jäljittävän Simon Wiesenthal -keskuksen johtaja lähestyi presidentti Niinistöä kirjeellä more...

24. 01. 2018
Finlandia investigará el papel de sus tropas durante el Holocausto

Itongadol.- Finlandia investigará las pruebas que sugieren que los soldados de su ejército estuvieron involucrados en el asesinato de judíos durante el Holocausto, según la oficina del presidente finlandés, Sauli Niinistö more...

24. 01. 2018
Finland to Probe Evidence Suggesting Their Soldiers Were Involved in Killing Jews During the Holocaust

The announcement by the office of President Sauli Niinisto about the initiation of the probe, the first of its kind in Finland, came Wednesday in a letter to Efraim Zuroff, a hunter of Nazis for the Simon Wiesenthal Center more...

24. 01. 2018
Suomalaisten SS-miesten väitetyt sotarikokset selvitetään

Taustalla ovat epäilyt siitä, että suomalaiset SS-vapaaehtoiset olisivat osallistuneet juutalaisten kansanmurhaan Ukrainassa more...

24. 01. 2018
Suomi tekee selvityksen suomalaisten SS-miesten toimista – Simon Wiesenthal -keskus oli esittänyt p

Suomi tekee selvityksen suomalaisten SS-vapaaehtoisten toimista toisen maailmansodan aikana. Simon Wiesenthal -keskus on pyytänyt presidentti Sauli Niinistöltä virallista selvitystä siitä, osallistuivatko suomalaiset SS-miehet juutalaisten murhiin Ukrainassa more...

24. 01. 2018
What Role Did Finland Play In The Holocaust?

Finland will investigate evidence suggesting that soldiers of its army were involved in killing Jews during the Holocaust, the office of Finnish President Sauli Niinistö said more...

20. 01. 2018
Bringing the last Nazis to justice

Germany has undergone a dramatic change in its prosecution policy more...

18. 01. 2018
Nazi Hunters Demand Finland's Answer on Volunteers' War Crimes in Waffen SS

Despite being a co-belligerent of Nazi Germany, Finland's traditional perspective on WW2 has been that Finns who volunteered for the Waffen SS did not participate in Nazi atrocities. This view, however, is becoming increasingly challenged, spurring reactions from Nazi hunters more...

17. 01. 2018
”Natsijahtaaja” vaatii selvitystä presidentti Niinistöltä: Paljastiko suomalaisen SS-vapaaehtoisen kirje juutalaisten teloitukset 1941?

Natsirikollisten jäljittäjä Efraim Zuroff kyselee israelilaislehdessä, miksi Suomen presidentti ei ole vastannut hänen kirjeeseensä suomalaisten mahdollisista sotarikoksista vuonna 1941 more...

15. 01. 2018
Investigarían crímenes de voluntarios finlandeses en el ejército nazi

Enlace Judío México – De tener éxito la confirmación de la más reciente revelación sobre el tema, se espera que de esta forma se recapacite sobre este dramático episodio de la historia de Finlandia y la colaboración de sus jóvenes con el nazismo more...

05. 01. 2018

Newly released information by the Mossad sheds light on the agency’s unsuccessful attempts to catch Nazi war criminals between the ’60s and ’90s more...

10. 09. 2017
"התוכנית הייתה לחטוף את מנגלה ולהביאו למשפט"

חברות אבטחה בינלאומיות וחברות חקירה פרטיות נשכרו לצורך איתורו של פושע המלחמה הנאצי, אף שהמוסד השקיע בלכידתו לא מעט מאמצים. מנהל אחת החברות סיפר בריאיון לאולפן ynet: "יהודים אמריקנים יצרו איתנו קשר וביקשו סיוע בחיפושים"

06. 09. 2017
תכניות ההתנקשות הדרמטיות והתקלות שבדרך: הנאצים שנמלטו מהמוסד

פיסות המידע שהושגו בעמל רב, האתגרים הבלתי צפויים ופושעי המלחמה שהצליחו להיחלץ ומעולם לא באו על עונשם. החלק השני בסדרה על המצוד של הארגון החשאי

06. 09. 2017
Why Did Israel Let Mengele Go?

TEL AVIV — For decades, Israel’s espionage agency, the Mossad, kept a file on Josef Mengele, the Nazi doctor responsible for, among other atrocities, selecting which new inmates at Auschwitz would die immediately in the gas chambers and which would be put to work first or subjected to his horrible “medical” experiments more...

05. 09. 2017
חשיפה: המצוד אחרי מלאך המוות מאושוויץ

במשך עשרות שנים ניהל המוסד מרדף חשאי אחרי ד"ר יוזף מנגלה, הרופא הנאצי הידוע לשמצה - בתיק עב כרס השמור בארכיון הארגון מתוארת שורה ארוכה של מבצעים נועזים, פריצות, האזנות, מעקבים, ניסיונות מתוחכמים להשיג מידע - ומפגש אחד בברזיל, פנים מול פנים. ביום שישי ב"ידיעות אחרונות": תיק מֶלְצֶר נפתח לראשונה - המוסד בעקבות ד"ר מנגלה

30. 07. 2017
Oy Canada!

If one compares the biographic profile of the Nazi war criminals who emigrated to Canada with those who entered the US, their wartime service was virtually the same more...

30. 07. 2017
前纳粹Helmut Oberlander公民身份再次被剥夺

加拿大再次剥夺93岁Helmut Oberland的公民身份,原因就是他曾在纳粹行刑队(Nazi death squad)服役,而在进入加拿大时撒谎。在Helmut Oberlander在前三次成功要求政府恢复公民身份后,这是政府第四次予以否决 more...

30. 07. 2017
The LINK Online

Helmut Oberlander is now 93. He is no longer a Canadian citizen, well technically at least more...

27. 07. 2017
Weisenthal Center demands extradition of denaturalized ex-Nazi

Helmut Oberlander has been stripped of his Canadian citizenship for a fourth time and has stated his intent to appeal the decision more...

26. 07. 2017
Former Nazi interpreter Helmut Oberlander stripped of Canadian citizenship again

The federal government has once again stripped Helmut Oberlander of his Canadian citizenship for serving in a Nazi death squad and lying about it to enter Canada more...

25. 07. 2017
Ex-Nazi Stripped Of Citizenship — For Fourth Time

MONTREAL (JTA) — A 93-year-old ex-Nazi stripped of his Canadian citizenship for an unprecedented fourth time is vowing to appeal the decision yet again more...

25. 07. 2017
Ex-Nazi interpreter Helmut Oberlander stripped of citizenship for 4th time

Lawyer says fourth legal fight over citizenship 'extremely unusual' more...

25. 07. 2017
Oberlander stripped of Canadian citizenship – again

In a case of déjà vu all over again, Helmut Oberlander has been stripped of his Canadian citizenship more...

25. 07. 2017
Ex-Nazi interpreter stripped of Canadian citizenship a fourth time intends to challenge order

For the fourth time in two decades, the federal government has stripped an ex-Nazi interpreter of his Canadian citizenship more...

25. 07. 2017
Un ancien interprète nazi dépouillé de sa citoyenneté canadienne pour une quatrième fois

Un ancien interprète qui aurait collaboré avec un groupe d’extermination nazi lors de la Seconde Guerre mondiale a été dépouillé de sa citoyenneté canadienne pour une quatrième fois, a rapporté le «Ottawa Citizen» more...

25. 07. 2017
Former Nazi Helmut Oberlander stripped of citizenship again

Oberlander, 93, defeated the Canadian government three previous times after having his citizenship revoked more...

17. 06. 2017
Full justice requires punishment

Under these circumstances, the validity of such trials can be questioned more...

18. 05. 2017
Ukraine urged to act against general who threatened to 'destroy Jews'

Senior Ukrainian Security Service reservist Vovk wrote on Facebook: “I am completely against Jews” more...

20. 04. 2017
Holocaust Memory Under Siege In Worlds Of Politics, Art

Jerusalem — Holocaust memory, or rather the lack of it, stalks the Trump White House. That troubling political reality has kept officials at Yad Vashem, Israel’s national Holocaust memorial and museum, on their toes in the first 100 days of the Trump administration more...

11. 04. 2017
What Ukraine’s Jews Fear

KIEV, Ukraine — Last September, I stood at the 75th-anniversary commemorations at Babi Yar — a mass grave where more than 33,000 Jews from Kiev were massacred in two days during the Holocaust — listening to President Petro Poroshenko deliver a stirring speech about why such atrocities must never be repeated more...

04. 04. 2017
Борьба за историческую правду о Холокосте в Украине

Со времени развала Советского Союза чуть более четверти века назад, роль местных нацистских коллаборантов в преступлениях Холокоста была костью раздора по всей Восточной Европе more...

04. 04. 2017
Пресса Израиля разоблачила ложь и манипуляции Украинского института национальной памяти

о влиятельной газете «The Jerusalem Post» вышла разгромная статья, изобличающая ложь и манипуляции Владимира Вятровича и Украинского института национальной памяти more...

30. 03. 2017
The fight for historical truth about the Holocaust in Ukraine

The current conflict with Russia has further radicalized the Ukrainian approach to historical memory more...

23. 03. 2017
Danes again scrap probe over WWII murder of Jews

COPENHAGEN - Denmark's top prosecutor says two elderly Danes—including one holding a Swedish passport—cannot be prosecuted because there is no evidence linking them to the mass murder of Jews in Belarus during World War II more...

21. 03. 2017
International nazi-jæger kritiserer rigsadvokaten for at lade koncentrations-lejrvagt undgå retssag

Den danske anklagemyndighed ser bort fra afgørende beviser, mener en mand, der har helliget sig jagten på nazistiske krigsforbrydere more...

16. 01. 2017
Canada silent on whether it will press on with Oberlander case

WATERLOO — Six months after another legal setback, the federal cabinet won't say if it will give up trying to strip Helmut Oberlander of his citizenship for serving in a Nazi death squad more...

13. 01. 2017
Nacistický zloduch zo Serede zomrel v sýrskej pivnici

Alois Brunner, pravá ruka Adolfa Eichmanna, jedného z architektov holokaustu, zomrel v roku 2001 zavretý v špinavej kobke v Damasku more...

12. 01. 2017
Report Says Top Nazi War Criminal Died Under House Arrest in Syria

NEW YORK - Infamous Nazi war criminal Alois Brunner, who has been described as “Eichmann’s right-hand man,” spent his last years living under house arrest in a dank basement in Damascus, according to a new report more...

12. 01. 2017
Novinár tvrdí, že nacista Brunner zomrel v Damasku v roku 2001

Paríž 12. januára (TASR) - Najhľadanejší nacista Alois Brunner, považovaný za pravú ruku Adolfa Eichmanna, zomrel v roku 2001 vo veku 89 rokov v sýrskom Damasku more...

12. 01. 2017
Fransk magasin: Slik endte kjent naziforbryter sitt liv i Syria

En av verdens mest kjente naziforbrytere skal ha endt sitt liv med ti års fangenskap i en falleferdig og skitten kjeller i Damaskus more...

12. 01. 2017
צדים פושעי מלחמה נאצים: "מוצאים בני 90 שאפשר להאשים"

אתמול דווח בצרפת כי אלויס ברונר, אחד מעוזרי אייכמן, מת ב-2001 בתנאים מחפירים בדמשק. צייד הנאצים ד"ר אפרים זורוף אמר לאולפן ynet בהתייחסו לנושא: "אסד כלא אותו בנסיבות קשות מאוד". עבור זורוף המאבק טרם תם: "מקווים שנספיק להגיע לכל הפושעים"

12. 01. 2017
Report: One of Adolf Eichmann's top aides died in Syria

Austrian SS officer Alois Brunner, responsible deporting 125,500 Jews to Nazi death camps, reportedly died in a Syrian jail in 2001 • Brunner was believed to have been living in Damascus under government protection more...

12. 01. 2017
Former Top Nazi Officer Alois Brunner Died in Syrian Jail in 2001, French Report Claims

Prior to new report, Eichmann's right-hand man was thought to have died around 2010 in Damascus, where he lived for decades and advised Syria's then-president, Hafez Assad more...

12. 01. 2017
Nazi war criminal Brunner 'died in Syria basement in 2001'

Nazi war criminal Alois Brunner, responsible for the deaths of an estimated 130,000 Jews, died in 2001 at the age of 89, locked up in a squalid Damascus basement, a French magazine reported Wednesday more...

11. 01. 2017
Brunner Squalor

One of the world's most wanted Nazi war criminals died in 2001 aged 89 after spending more than a decade incarcerated in a dilapidated Damascus basement, a French magazine has said more...

11. 01. 2017
Il criminale di guerra nazista Alois Brunner morì nel 2001 a Damasco

È quanto ha stabilito un'inchiesta. L'uomo era accusato di aver deportato oltre 128mila ebrei more...

11. 01. 2017
Nazi Alois Brunner died in Syria in 2001, French report says

PARIS: Alois Brunner, an Austrian SS officer found responsible for the World War II deportation of 125,500 European Jews to Nazi death camps, died in a Syrian jail cell in 2001, according to a report by two journalists published in France more...

11. 01. 2017
הפושע הנאצי בסוריה מת במרתף: "בשאר הפקיר אותו"

פושע המלחמה הנאצי אלויס ברונר, איש ה-ss שאחראי לגירוש 130 אלף יהודים למחנות ההשמדה באירופה, מת במרתף נעול בסוריה ב-2001. בן 89 היה במותו. כך חושפים שני עיתונאים בצרפת בתחקיר שנועד לחשוף פרטים חדשים על חייו המסתוריים של ברונר, שהוגדר כנאצי המבוקש בעולם, אחרי שנמלט לסוריה

11. 01. 2017
רב המרצחים הנאצי מת במרתף כשהוא סובל ובוכה

בתחקיר שמתפרסם כעת מתברר כי אלויס ברונר, שהוגדר כנאצי המבוקש בעולם והיה יד ימינו של אדולף אייכמן ימ"ש, מת בסבל לפני כ-15 שנה בדמשק בירת סוריה

11. 01. 2017
Nazista que deportou 125 mil judeus para campos de extermínio morreu em 2001 na Síria, diz relatório

Até agora, imaginava-se que Brunner, braço-direito de Adolf Eichmann, teria morrido por volta de 2010 em Damasco, para onde fugiu em 1954 more...

11. 01. 2017
Nazi monster who invented mobile gas chambers died in squalor

One of the world’s most wanted Nazi war criminals who invented the mobile gas chambers that sent 130,000 Jews to their death died in squalor -- but unrepentant more...

19. 12. 2016
EFRAIM ZUROF, LOVAC NA NACISTE Strašno je šta se radi u Hrvatskoj!

„U Hrvatskoj nema ustaštva”, ponosno je pre nekoliko dana izjavila hrvatska predsednica Kolinda Grabar Kitarović, koja se nedavno slikala sa ustaškom zastavom more...

30. 11. 2016
Natsien metsästäjä vaatii syytteitä keskitysleirin vapaaehtoisille tanskalaismiehille

Simon Wiesenthal -keskus ei hyväksy Tanskan yleisen syyttäjän päätöstä hylätä sotarikossyytteet kahden tanskalaismiehen osalta more...

30. 11. 2016
Un cazador nazi espera reavivar el caso danés de crímenes de guerra

Itongadol.- El Centro Simon Wiesenthal, con sede en Los Ángeles, Estados Unidos, presentó una queja el pasado lunes contra la decisión de los fiscales daneses de no presentar cargos contra dos hombres acusados de ser guardias voluntarios de la SS, en un campo de concentración en Bielorrusia more...

28. 11. 2016
Center överklagar nerlagt nazistmål

Simon Wiesenthal-centret som jagar nazistiska krigsförbrytare gör ett nytt försök att få två danskar fällda för krigsförbrytelser more...

28. 11. 2016
Rigsadvokat får sag om krigsforbrydelser i Hviderusland

To tidligere danske Frikorpsmænd var vagter i lejr i Hviderusland i 1942-43. Nazi-jægere vil have rejst sag more...

28. 11. 2016
Nazijæger klager over dansk nej til at retsforfølge frikorps-soldater

Statsadvokaten for Særlig Økonomisk og International Kriminalitet vil ikke rejse sag mod en dansk vagt fra en af tyskernes dødslejre i Hviderusland more...

04. 11. 2016
Danemark : non-lieu pour un nonagénaire visé par le centre Simon-Wiesenthal

Helmuth Leif Rasmussen avait admis avoir fait partie d’une unité volontaire créée par le Parti nazi danois more...

04. 11. 2016
Nazijæger: Vi vil appellere droppet sag mod 91-årig dansker

Danmark bør gøre som Tyskland, hvor tidligere lejrvagter er dømt, mener direktør i Simon Wiesenthal Centret more...

04. 11. 2016
Denmark ends probe into Dane over WWII murder of Jews

COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) — Danish prosecutors have decided not to prosecute an elderly Dane suspected of being involved in the mass murder of Jews in Belarus during World War II, saying they have “not found evidence he committed or took part in the killings more...

04. 11. 2016
Oskarżony o mordowanie Żydów. "Nie znaleźli dowodów"

Duńska prokuratura poinformowała, że nie znalazła dowodów na udział 91-letniego obecnie Duńczyka Helmutha Leifa Rasmussena w mordowaniu Żydów w obozie w Bobrujsku na terenie dzisiejszej Białorusi w czasie II wojny światowej more...

04. 11. 2016
Denmark ends probe into Dane over WWII murder of Jews

COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) — An elderly Dane accused of being involved in the mass murder of Jews in Belarus during World War II will not be prosecuted, Danish authorities said Friday, saying they have "not found evidence he committed or took part in the killings" more...

04. 11. 2016
Tidligere frikorpsmænd slipper for anklage om krigsforbrydelser

I det sandsynligvis sidste retsopgør efter Anden Verdenskrig opgiver statsadvokaten at rejse tiltale mod to tidligere Frikorps Danmark-soldater, der var vagter i en militærlejr i Hviderusland, hvor jødiske fanger blev dræbt more...

03. 11. 2016
91-årig Frikorps Danmark-soldat slipper for retssag

Der bliver ikke rejst tiltale mod en dansk mand, som blev politianmeldt i 2015 af israelsk nazijæger more...

14. 10. 2016
Russian investigators close case against deceased alleged Khatyn massacre accomplice

A criminal case against Vladimir Katryuk, who allegedly participated in the massacre in the Belarusian village of Khatyn during World War II, has been closed because of his death, Russia’s Investigative Committee announced on Friday more...

14. 10. 2016
Efraim Zuroff on being a Nazi hunter: I pray for the good health of war criminals

Efraim Zuroff has an unusual calling: he tracks down Nazi war criminals more...

07. 10. 2016
Der letzte Nazi-Jäger

Der Leiter des Jerusalemer Wiesenthal-Zentrums, Efraim Zuroff, lässt nicht locker, wenn es um das Aufspüren der letzten NS-Täter und -Kollaborateure geht. Dabei geht es auch um das Geschichtsbild more...

The 8 Most Wanted Nazi Criminals Who Are Still At Large

Each year since 2001, Efraim Zuroff of the Simon Wiesenthal Center produces an Annual Status Report on the Worldwide Investigation and Prosecution of Nazi war criminals which, since at least 2005, includes a list of “most wanted” criminals that are yet to be convicted more...

Nazisme: les dix criminels de guerre les plus recherchés

Opératrice radio dans le camp d’extermination d’Auschwitz, en Pologne d’avril à juillet 1944, elle devrait être jugée, à 92 ans, par un tribunal allemand cette année, pour la participation aux meurtres de 260000 personnes more...

Gardiens à Auschwitz ou Treblinka et toujours libres

Sur sa liste annuelle, les dix nazis que le centre Simon-Wiesenthal souhaite voir jugés coulent des jours paisibles aux Etats-Unis, au Canada ou en Allemagne more...

La traque des criminels nazis rattrapée par le temps

Eichmann, Barbie… A part les hauts dignitaires, le nombre de condamnations reste dérisoire more...

Nazis, l’inhumanité à perpétuité

Plus de soixante-dix ans après la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, la traque des derniers criminels du Troisième Reich divise ceux qui ont consacré leur vie à ce combat more...

Ukrainian Holocaust Perpetrators Are Being Honored in Place of Their Victims

Olevsk, a sleepy if ancient town deep in the backwoods of Ukraine, became part of my life in 2003 when I came across a dozen testimonies about vicious pogroms there at the beginning of the German-Soviet war of 1941 to 1945 more...

14. 07. 2016
Case of ex-Nazi death squad member back in federal cabinet's hands

OTTAWA - A long-running legal case about whether former Nazi death squad member Helmut Oberlander will be stripped of his citizenship is back in the hands of the federal cabinet more...

11. 07. 2016
Canada court torpedos bid to deport Nazi death squad member

Ottawa to decide if it will attempt for fourth time to boot Helmut Oberlander, after top court accepts argument he was conscripted against his will more...

08. 07. 2016
The last Nazi Hunter, Efraim Zuroff: 'People call me "Mr Holocaust." You need a sense of humour to do this job'

On a sunny morning in May, in the week of Yom HaShoah, the day on which Israel observes the remembrance of the Holocaust, Efraim Zuroff, the man known as ‘the last Nazi hunter’, was sitting in his office in Jerusalem, lamenting the fact that he was ‘all of a sudden one of the most in-demand people in Israel’ more...

08. 07. 2016
La Cour suprême n'entendra pas l'appel d'Ottawa au sujet d'un ex-nazi

La Cour suprême du Canada a refusé d'entendre l'appel du gouvernement fédéral, qui souhaite révoquer la citoyenneté d'Helmut Oberlander, un ex-membre d'un groupe d'extermination nazi more...

08. 07. 2016
Supreme Court rules federal cabinet must decide whether to deport suspected Nazi war criminal

OTTAWA — The Supreme Court of Canada has rejected a government challenge in the case of Helmut Oberlander, a 92-year-old Canadian fighting for two decades to retain his citizenship since being exposed as a former member of a Nazi death squad more...

07. 07. 2016
Former Nazi interpreter Helmut Oberlander wins citizenship victory in Supreme Court

The federal government will have to prove a 92-year-old Waterloo man was a willing participant in the activities of the Nazi death squad he worked for during the Second World War if it wants to kick him out of the country more...

07. 07. 2016
Canadá no puede echar al miembro de un grupo de exterminio nazi que ocultó haberlo sido

Helmut Oberlander fue miembro de un grupo de exterminio nazi tal y como él mismo confesó. Este jueves, con 92 años, ha ganado en los tribunales a Canadá, país que lleva 20 años intentando revocar su ciudadanía more...

07. 07. 2016
Former Nazi death guard Oberlander in Canada court win

A 92-year-old man who has admitted being a former Nazi death squad member has won a court victory in Canada, fending off the latest of several efforts to revoke his citizenship more...

07. 07. 2016
Former Nazi death squad member wins victory to stay in Canada

OTTAWA — A 92-year-old man who has confessed to being a former member of a Nazi death squad won a court victory Thursday against Canada, boosting his chances of staying in the country that has been trying to revoke his citizenship for two decades more...

07. 07. 2016
Top court won’t hear feds’ Oberlander bid

OTTAWA — A long-running legal case about whether Helmut Oberlander will be stripped of his citizenship is back in the hands of the federal cabinet more...

02. 06. 2016
Der Nationalist Symon Petliura geehrt

Dem Staatsmann aus den 1920er Jahren wird der Mord an 50000 jüdischen Landsleuten zur Last gelegt more...

31. 05. 2016
L’Ukraine honore un nationaliste dont les troupes ont tué 50.000 juifs

Tandis qu’en France, Bernard Henri Levy et d’autres escrocs affiliés à la CIA vendent à la communauté juive une révolution ukrainienne à peu près aussi progressiste que celles qu’il a soutenu sur la planète, de l’Afghanistan à la Libye en passant par la Yougoslavie, en Israël il s’élève quelques voix venues de l’extrême-gauche à l’extrême-droite pour dénoncer l’antisémitisme et le négationnisme encouragé dans ces pays more...

31. 05. 2016
Ukraine honors nationalist whose troops killed 50,000 Jews

Country for the first time observes a minute of silence in memory of Symon Petliura, a 1920s statesman killed by a Russia-born Jew more...

31. 05. 2016
Ukraine honors nationalists whose troops butchered Jews

Moment of silence observed for Symon Petliura, a 1920s statesman blamed for the murder of 50,000 Jews more...

31. 05. 2016
Ukraine honors nationalists whose troops butchered Jews

Moment of silence observed for Symon Petliura, a 1920s statesman blamed for the murder of 50,000 Jews more...

19. 05. 2016
Dansk historiker hjalp verdenskendt nazijæger: - Min holdning er uvedkommende

Den verdenskendte nazijæger Dr. Efraim Zuroff forsøger at få to danske nazister dømt for krigsforbrydelser. Den danske historiker Dennis Larsen har hjulpet i efterforskningen more...

11. 05. 2016
91-årig dansker blandt de mest jagede nazister fra Anden Verdenskrig

I 71 år er han gået fri. Men nu mener den berømte internationale nazijæger Efraim Zuroff, at det må være nok more...

10. 05. 2016
Nazijæger: Danske SS-forbrydere bør retsforfølges

Myndighederne bør sikre, at dansk vagt fra dødslejr stilles for retten, kræver organisation, der kæmper for retfærdighed for jødeudryddelsens ofre more...

05. 05. 2016
The Devil’s Diary review – the mind of Alfred Rosenberg, Hitler’s ‘chief ideologue’

Rosenberg was dedicated to rooting out ‘degenerate’ art and became a mastermind of the Holocaust more...

05. 05. 2016
We Must Learn From Legacy of Nuremberg

This year commemorates the 80th anniversary of the notorious Nuremberg Laws, the Nazi racist enactments that formed the legal basis for the Holocaust more...

05. 05. 2016
‘No Statue of Limitations on Genocide,’ Nuremberg Anniversary Confab Reminds – Why should the casual observer care about the seemingly obvious need to prosecute and convict Nazi war criminals, whether it be during the Nuremberg trials of the 1940s or similar proceedings in more recent years? more...

05. 05. 2016
Verdenskendt nazijæger jagter danskere: De havde uhyggelig rolle i kz-lejr

Den verdenskendte nazijæger Dr. Efraim Zuroff forsøger igen at få to danske SS officerer retsforfulgt for deres uhyrligheder i Østeuropa under 2. verdenskrig more...

05. 05. 2016
Against orders, some diplomats saved Jews during Holocaust

While many have heard of Sweden’s Raoul Wallenberg and Japan’s Chiune Sugihara, there are others who did just as much but who have been all but forgotten by history more...

05. 05. 2016
Lost Efforts: Evidence Against Danish WWII Criminal Pinched by Nazi Lovers

Former Danish Nazi Helmuth Leif Rasmussen had been under investigation for war crimes during World War II, until the incriminating documents vanished from the State Archives more...

05. 05. 2016
‘No statute of limitations on genocide,’ Nuremberg anniversary confab reminds

Why should the casual observer care about the seemingly obvious need to prosecute and convict Nazi war criminals, whether it be during the Nuremberg trials of the 1940s or similar proceedings in more recent years? more...

05. 05. 2016
Why the Nazi hunters’ epic quest is coming to an unheralded end

As Germany closes the book on Shoah-related trials, author Andrew Nagorski probes a seven-decade saga in his new book, ‘The Nazi Hunters’ more...

04. 05. 2016
The tip of a huge iceberg of Holocaust distortion

If anyone hoped that these two declarations would dampen the enthusiasm of Croatia’s neo-fascists, they were sadly disappointed more...

04. 05. 2016
Beviser mod dansk nazist forsvundet: "Siderne er simpelthen flået ud"

Helmuth Leif Rasmussen er tidligere dansk nazist og var under Anden Verdenskirg med i Frikorps Danmark som soldat more...

04. 05. 2016
Rigsarkivet: Beviser mod dansk nazist flået ud af sagsmappe

Dokumenter med centrale oplysninger om den tidligere danske nazist Helmuth Leif Rasmussen er forsvundet fra Statens Arkiver more...

04. 05. 2016
Beviser mod dansk nazist er forsvundet: Siderne er flået ud af sagsmappe

Dokumenter med centrale oplysninger om den tidligere danske nazist Helmuth Leif Rasmussen er forsvundet more...

04. 05. 2016
Beviser mod dansk nazist er forsvundet fra Statens Arkiver

Centrale dokumenter om en tidligere dansk nazist er på mystisk vis forsvundet fra Statens Arkiver more...

03. 05. 2016
Against orders, some diplomats saved Jews during Holocaust

Representatives of the Chinese, El Salvadorian and Albanian governments gathered in Jerusalem on Monday to discuss responses among members of the diplomatic community to the Holocaust, highlighting the role of consuls and ambassadors who took it upon themselves to save Jews despite orders to the contrary more...

03. 05. 2016
'Open Nationaal Archief voor jacht op oorlogsmisdadigers'

De Stichting Onderzoek Oorlogsmisdaden neemt juridische stappen tegen het Nationaal Archief, dat weigert informatie te verschaffen over Nederlanders die tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog in dienst van de SS concentratiekamp Vught hebben bewaakt more...

01. 05. 2016
Nazi hunter: Livingstone’s claims about Hitler ‘absurd’

Efraim Zuroff says Hitler in no way supported the establishment of a Jewish state and that Livingstone was simply trying to delegitimize Zionism through his allegations more...

29. 04. 2016
Ruim 70 jaar na de oorlog gaat jacht op nazi's door

Meer dan 70 jaar na de Tweede Wereldoorlog worden oorlogsmisdadigers nog altijd vervolgd. Onder hen de 94-jarige oud-SS'er Reinhold Hanning, tijdens de oorlog bewaker in het nazi-vernietigingskamp Auschwitz more...

14. 04. 2016
Centro entrega lista de nazistas que podem estar vivos

Jerusalém - O Centro Simon Wiesenthal, que persegue ex-criminosos nazistas, entregou à Justiça da Alemanha uma lista de 80 ex-membros dos Einsatzgruppen, os esquadrões da morte do Reich de Adolf Hitler , que ainda podem estar vivos, indicou o diretor da organização, Efraim Zuroff more...

12. 04. 2016
Roma face uncertain future amid Slovakia’s nationalist surge

His mouth open wide, four-year-old Milos is intent on managing a plate of fish and potatoes using adult-sized cutlery — a meal all too rare for the many Roma children living in squalor in Slovakia more...

10. 04. 2016
Chris släkting mördad i Hitlers dödsläger

STOCKHOLM/JERUSALEM. En nära släkting till Chris O'Neill dog i det tyska koncentrationslägret Dachau more...

02. 04. 2016
Opa Chris O'Neill hielp joden in WOII

STOCKHOLM - De opa van Chris O’Neill, de man van de Zweedse prinses Madeleine, heeft tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog joden gered more...

01. 04. 2016
Отто Скорцени: нацист, ставший наемным убийцей Моссада

11 сентября 1962 года исчез немецкий ученый – Хайнц Крюг находился в своем офисе, а домой не вернулся more...

31. 03. 2016
Historiker: Nyhedsbureauet AP samarbejdede med nazisterne

Det amerikanske nyhedsbureau Associated Press (AP) samarbejdede med Hitler-regimet fra 1930erne og indtil 1941. Resultatet blev, at den amerikanske offentlighed fik nyheder, der var produceret og udvalgt af det nazistiske Popagandaministerium more...

17. 03. 2016
Jewish groups demand Ottawa strip Oberlander of citizenship, deport him

TORONTO - Jewish groups are calling on the federal government to immediately strip Canadian citizenship from a 92-year-old man who was once a member of a brutal Nazi death squad more...

12. 03. 2016
Canadian Jewish Groups Petition for Deportation of Former Nazi

Helmut Oberlander allegedly served in a Nazi death squad responsible for killing 90,000 Jews in the Holocaust more...

05. 03. 2016
"El tiempo no disminuye la culpabilidad de los asesinos"

Efraim Zuroff, el caza-nazis más prominente y director del Centro Simon Wiesenthal, lanzó desde Berlín una campaña con la que quiere encontrar a criminales de guerra que aún se ocultan more...

26. 02. 2016
Ottawa to leave revocation of citizenship of dual Canadian citizens to the courts

In ending Ottawa’s power to rescind the citizenship of dual Canadian citizens on grounds of terrorism, treason or espionage, Immigration Minister John McCallum said Thursday that those cases were best handled by the courts more...

25. 02. 2016
Ex-member of Nazi death squad wins another chance to keep Canadian citizenship

TORONTO - The federal government has hit another roadblock in its decades-long effort to strip Canadian citizenship from a now 92-year-old man who was once a member of a brutal Nazi death squad more...

25. 02. 2016
‘The Right Wrong Man,’ by Lawrence Douglas

Not once but twice, in the period 1987-2012, the Ukrainian-American John Demjanjuk was tried and convicted of of­fenses committed as a World War II death camp guard more...

24. 02. 2016
Ex-member of Nazi death squad wins another chance to keep Canadian citizenship

Oberlander, an ethnic German born in Ukraine, has argued he had no choice when German forces conscripted him at age 17 in 1941 to serve as an interpreter in Einsatzkommando 10a more...

23. 02. 2016
Efraim Zuroff, lovec nacistů: Nacistickým zločincům přeji pevné zdraví, aby mohli před soud

Spořádaní devadesátiletí nacisté už vraždit nebudou, a tak je mnohé země nechtějí trestat – rozčiluje se Efraim Zuroff (68), přezdívaný pro svoji ne­únavnou snahu chytat nacistické vrahy pan Holocaust. Žezlo převzal po Simonu Wiesenthalovi. Zuroffova operace Poslední šance má za cíl dostat před soud poslední žijící válečné zločince. Za konkrétní tipy nabízí peníze a prý to docela dobře funguje more...

23. 02. 2016
Alleged Nazi war criminal wins reprieve against deportation

Helmut Oberlander, 92, was in death squad estimated to have killed 23,000 civilians and has lived in Canada since 1954 more...

23. 02. 2016
We owe it to the victims to convict elderly Nazis

Karl du Fresne's recent op-ed (What is gained from convicting elderly Nazis?, February 19) is hardly pleasant reading for a person like myself who has devoted the last 35 years to facilitating the prosecution of Nazi war criminals, but he does raise several legitimate points that deserve to be answered more...

22. 02. 2016
Ontario man fighting deportation over his role in Nazi death squad gets another reprieve from court

A 92-year-old Ontario man who has been fighting deportation for 20 years over his link to a Nazi killing unit has won another reprieve more...

17. 02. 2016
El Centro Simon Wiesenthal desmintió que Hitler se haya escapado a la Argentina

AJN.- El director de la oficina de Jerusalem del Centro Simon Wiesenthal, Efraim Zuroff, respondió, en diálogo con la Agencia Judía de Noticias, a los nuevos datos revelados por el History Channel que señalan que el Fuhrer huyó al país latinoamericano a través de un túnel subterráneo more...

14. 02. 2016
Anti-Semitic cartoon printed, prosecutor offends Holocaust survivors in Europe

Anti-Semitism has come to the forefront in European media this week after an anti-Semitic cartoon was published in Spain and an Austrian prosecutor said that a magazine was justified in describing Holocaust survivors as a “plague.” more...

14. 02. 2016
Simon Wiesenthal Center kritisiert Namen von R. in der Knivsberganlage der deutschen Minderheit

Das Simon Wiesenthal Center in Wien hat die deutschen Minderheit kritisiert, weil sie nach Ansicht des für die Aufarbeitung von Nazi-Verbrechen weltweit zuständigen Koordinators Dr. Efraim Zuroff auf der Gedenktafel für die deutsch-nordschleswigschen Gefallenen des Zweiten Weltkrieges „illegal“ Verbrecherorganisationen ehrt more...

27. 01. 2016
Adolf Eichmann: 13 facts about the 'banaliity of evil' who remained defiant until the end

Wednesday 27 January marked International Holocaust Remembrance Day across the world with events in schools, youth clubs and places of worship more...

27. 01. 2016
U.S. Government Believes 92 Year Old NYC Resident May Have Been Nazi Guard

Following the end of WWII, many of the Holocaust’s perpetrators escaped justice by fleeing to South America, or even living under assumed identities in the United States more...

27. 01. 2016
On Holocaust Day, Israel releases Eichmann’s plea to spare his life

Nazi bureaucrat, nabbed by Mossad for playing key organizing role in the Holocaust, wrote to Israeli president after trial that he was only following orders more...

27. 01. 2016
Dieci criminali nazisti ancora da processare

Dieci criminali di guerra nazisti da poter incriminare nel 2016. Di questi uno ha compiuto atti criminali in Italia: è Johann Robert Riss he si mise tristemente in luce per atti commessi a Padule di Fucecchio in Toscana il 23 agosto del 1944 che costarono la vita a 184 civili more...

27. 01. 2016
Israel Releases Eichmann Letter on Holocaust Day

Israel made public on Wednesday a decades-old handwritten plea from Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann for clemency for his role in the Holocaust, dated just two days before he was executed more...

27. 01. 2016
Israel publica una carta inédita del nazi Eichmann en la que pide clemencia

El presidente israelí, Reuven Rivlin, reveló este miércoles la solicitud de clemencia escrita por el criminal nazi Adolf Eichmann el 29 de mayo de 1962, dos días antes de su ejecución en Israel more...

27. 01. 2016
Revealed: The handwritten letter penned by architect of the Holocaust Adolf Eichmann in which he begs not to be executed... because he was only following orders

A handwritten letter penned by Adolf Eichmann dubbed the architect of the Holocaust has been revealed showing how he begged not to be executed as he was only following orders more...

27. 01. 2016
Israel releases Eichmann letter on Holocaust day

Israel made today public a decades-old handwritten plea from Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann for clemency for his role in the Holocaust, dated just two days before he was executed more...

27. 01. 2016
Så spred ”Auschwitz hyena” sin skräck: ”Hon njöt av att plåga”

Hon är en symbol för ondska och var en av de mest hatade nazisterna i dödslägren more...

27. 01. 2016
International Holocaust Remembrance Day spans across religions and borders

Last week, the Vatican issued a statement saying the memorial day “calls for a universal and ever deeper respect for the dignity of every person,” Radio Vatican reported more...

26. 01. 2016
In Israel leben zehntausende Holocaust-Überlebende weiter in Armut

Rund ein Viertel der Holocaust-Überlebenden in Israel lebt unter der Armutsgrenze. 45.000 der 190.000 in Israel lebenden Schoah-Opfer seien auf finanzielle und andere Zuwendungen angewiesen, erklärte der Verband der Hilfsgruppen für die Betroffenen aus Anlass des Internationalen Holocaust-Gedenktags, der am Mittwoch begangen wird more...

26. 01. 2016
Svensken förnekar att han var nazifångvakt

Nazijägarna vid Simon Wiesenthal-centret pekar ut en svensk man i 90-årsåldern som en tidigare lägervakt i Vitryssland där tusentals judiska fångar mördades under andra världskriget more...

25. 01. 2016
Neuer Verdacht gegen Name auf Gedenktafel auf dem Knivsberg – und es drohen weitere Fälle

Erst vor kurzem hatte eine Anfrage bei einem angesehenen dänischen Historiker ergeben, dass es keine neuen Verdachtsmomente gegen Personen gibt, die als Gefallene bzw more...

23. 01. 2016
Dansk nazist gjorde tjeneste i brutal KZ-lejr: 'Det skal have konsekvenser'

En dansk SS-soldat, hvis navn står støbt i metalbogstaver på et monument i Sønderjylland, gjorde ifølge Simon Wiesenthal Center tjeneste i KZ-lejren Dachau. Og det skal have konsekvenser, siger nazijæger Efraim Zuroff more...

23. 01. 2016
Endnu en nazist kan blive offer for vinkelsliberen

En dansk SS-soldat, hvis navn står støbt i metalbogstaver på et monument i Sønderjylland, gjorde ifølge Simon Wiesenthal Center tjeneste i KZ-lejren Dachau. Og det skal have konsekvenser, siger nazijæger Efraim Zuroff more...

30. 12. 2015
Thousands of Communist-Era ‘Criminals’ Petition Serbian Courts

Over 13,000 applications have been made over the past decade for people to be cleared of Communist-era offences - the most controversial being a request to declare Nazi-allied leader Milan Nedic not guilty more...

29. 12. 2015
Holocaust denial on the rise in Eastern Europe

After Lithuania changed the definition of 'genocide' and Baltic countries have turned murderers of Jews into national heroes, Holocaust researchers are accusing the State of Israel of standing idly by as history is being re-written more...

23. 12. 2015
"Srbija počinje rehabilitaciju kontroverznog vođe nacističke ere"

Jerusalim - - Nakon što je istoričar i lovac na naciste Efraim Zurof objavio autorski tekst u dnevnom listu Danas, o procesu rehabilitacije Milana Nedića u Srbiji pisao je i izraelski list Jerusalim post more...

15. 12. 2015
Serbia begins rehabilitating legacy of controversial Nazi-era leader

Serbia last week began the official rehabilitation of its controversial prime minister Milan Nedic, who ruled the country’s puppet government during the Nazi occupation and has been accused of collaborating in the destruction of the local Jewish population more...

15. 12. 2015
Zuroff: Nedićeva rehabilitacija uvreda za žrtve

Sedam godina nakon podnošenja zahtjeva za rehabilitaciju Milana Nedića počeo je postupak u Beogradu more...

15. 12. 2015
Zurof: Strašno!Rehabilitacija Nedića kao uvreda

Milan Nedić ne zaslužuje rehabilitaciju i bilo kakav korak u tom smeru bio bi uvreda za nacističke žrtve u Srbiji, ocenio je u autorskom tekstu za "Danas" direktor Centra "Simon Vizental" u Izraelu Efraim Zurof. more...

14. 12. 2015
Nedić ne zaslužuje rehabilitaciju

Od avgusta 1941. do maja 1942. ubijeno je 14.500 od približno 16.000 Jevreja koliko je živelo u Srbiji * Pokušaji da se opere uloga onih koji su aktivno omogućili i/ili učestvovali u uništavanju Jevreja je posebno sramna * Nedićeva rehabilitacija bi bila uvreda za žrtve nacista . more...

14. 12. 2015,
Zurof: Nedićeva rehabilitacija uvreda za žrtve nacista

Lovac na naciste i direktor centra "Simon Vizental" iz Izraela Efraim Zurof ocenio je da je pokretanje postupka rehabilitacije predsednika sprske vlade u vreme Drugog svetskog rata Milana Nedića sramno i strašno, jer je to pokušaj da se "opere" uloga onih koji su učestovovali u ubijanju Srba i uništavanju Jevreja. more...

14. 12. 2015
"Nedićeva rehabilitacija uvreda za žrtve nacista"

Lovac na naciste i direktor centra "Simon Vizental" iz Izraela Efraim Zurof rekao je da je pokretanje postupka rehabilitacije Milana Nedića sramno. more...

18. 10. 2015
Nazi hunters zeroing in on more suspects in Denmark

In June Nazi hunters reported a 90-year-old Danish man to the police for suspected involvement in crimes during the Second World War. more...

17. 10. 2015
Nazijæger vil anmelde flere Frikorps Danmark-folk

Nye spor belaster flere tidligere Frikorps Danmark-soldater, siger nazijægeren Efraim Zuroff til Berlingske. more...

17. 10. 2015
Nazijæger klar til at anmelde flere Frikorps Danmark-folk

Nye spor fundet i Statens Arkiver belaster flere nulevende Frikorps Danmark-soldater, lyder det fra Simon Wiesenthal Center. Organisationens nazijægerchef anmeldte i juli en 90-årig tidligere frikorpsmand for krigsforbrydelser begået under Anden Verdenskrig. more...

18. 09. 2015
„Nazijäger“ Simon Wiesenthal wollte „maximale Gerechtigkeit“

Vor zehn Jahren starb Simon Wiesenthal. Er war die wichtigste Symbolfigur der Jagd nach NS-Verbrechern. Das Wiesenthal-Zentrum setzt seinen Kampf fort, auch wenn nur noch wenige der Vollstrecker des Holocausts am Leben sind. more...

31. 07. 2015
Derfor skal vi gå efter SS-krigsforbrydere

Sagen om den danske SS’er Helmuth Leif Rasmussen belyser endnu en gang den triste kendsgerning, at de regeringsbærende partier efter Anden Verdenskrig har haft begrænset vilje og mod til at retsforfølge de danskere, som deltog i nogle af menneskehedens værste forbrydelser. more...

31. 07. 2015
Britain freed 100s of Nazis under US pressure, claims historian

Britain freed hundreds of suspected Nazi war criminals involved in the Holocaust under pressure from the United States, a leading historian has claimed. more...

31. 07. 2015
Germany shelves Nazi crimes probe of US man

BERLIN — German prosecutors have shelved their Nazi war crimes investigation of a retired Minnesota carpenter whom The Associated Press exposed as a former commander in an SS-led unit, saying Friday that the 96-year-old is not fit for trial. more...

30. 07. 2015
U.K. released hundreds of Nazis after the Holocaust, says leading historian

Dr. Dan Plesch says that the the former Nazi officers were released under pressure from the U.S., which wanted Germany on its side in the Cold War. more...

29. 07. 2015
Nazi hunter arrives in Denmark to report 90yo for war crimes against Jews in WWII
A famous Nazi hunter says he is arriving in Denmark on Monday, hoping to press criminal charges against a 90-year-old Danish citizen, who reportedly committed mass murders of Jews in Belarus during World War II. more...

27. 07. 2015
Pictured: Danish Nazi volunteer facing mass murder trial for horrors at death camp where 1,400 Jews were forced to dig their own graves and strip naked before being shot in the head

A retired lighting technician who served at a Second World War death camp where 1,400 Jews were executed could be the next Nazi tried for mass murder, it has emerged. more...

25. 07. 2015
1/3 detektiv, 1/3 historiker, 1/3 politisk lobbyist

Chefnazijægeren Efraim Zuroff agerer spydspids i slutspurten af mere end et halvt århundredes israelsk jagt på krigsforbryderne bag nazisternes systematiske udrydelse af op mod seks millioner jøder. more...

24. 07. 2015
Bringing justice in Denmark

Efraim Zuroff, the Simon Wiesenthal Center's chief Nazi hunter and head of its Israel office, ‎arrived in Denmark on Tuesday and contacted Danish police, asking them to investigate the 90-‎year-old Dane, Helmuth Leif Rasmussen, over possible involvement in the mass murder of Jews ‎in Belarus during World War II. more...

23. 07. 2015
A Nazi hunter identifies a new suspect in Denmark

A leading Nazi hunter has urged the Danish authorities to prosecute a 90 year old man who was a guard at a forced labour camp in Belarus where hundreds of Jews were murdered during the Second World War. Efraim Zuroff from the Simon Wiesenthal Centre says the Danes are reluctant to act. But the man concerned Helmuth Rasboel insists he did not kill any Jews. From Copenhagen, Malcolm Brabant reports. more...

23. 07. 2015
Kein Schlussstrich

Der Sheriff ritt in die Stadt: So ähnlich mögen manche gedacht haben, die vor laufenden Kameras erlebten, wie „der letzte Nazi-Jäger“ vor der Polizeiwache City Station am Halmtorvet in Kopenhagen Station machte, vor die Presse trat und mitteilte, dass er soeben Strafanzeige gegen einen 90-jährigen Dänen erstattet hatte, dem die Beteiligung am Mord jüdischer Bürger im weißrussischen Bobruisk zur Last gelegt wird. more...

22. 07. 2015
Nazi hunter targets 90-year-old former labor camp guard in Denmark

A leading Nazi hunter has urged authorities in Denmark to investigate 90-year-old Helmuth Rasboel, who was a guard at a forced labor camp where hundreds of Jews were murdered during World War II. more...

22. 07. 2015
Nazijægeren: Det er et spørgsmål om moral og retfærdighed

Efraim Zuroff, bedre kendt som Simon Wiesenthal Centerets chefnazijæger, har tirsdag eftermiddag politianmeldt den 90-årige dansker Helmuth Leif Rasmussen, der tjente for Frikorps Danmark under Anden Verdenskrig. more...

22. 07. 2015
»Man skal huske dem som de mennesker, de var«

Lars Larsen er murer og interesserer sig glødende for Frikorps Danmark. Det har givet ham indgående viden om et sort kapitel i danmarkshistorien og et nuanceret syn på dem, der deltog. more...

22. 07. 2015
Cine sunt "vanatorii de nazisti". "Contabilul de la Auschwitz", complice la asasinarea a 300.000 de evrei, printre ultimii condamnati

Este vorba despre dr. Efraim Zuroff, de la Centrul Simon Weisenthal din SUA, si Kurt Schrimm, seful institutiei germane responsabile cu cercetarea ororilor naziste. more...

22. 07. 2015
Nazi hunter asks police to probe Dane over crimes

HELSINKI (AP) — A leading Nazi hunter has asked Denmark to investigate a 90-year-old Dane suspected of being involved in the mass murder of Jews in Belarus during World War II. more...

22. 07. 2015
Nazi hunters target Danish SS volunteer

Simon Wiesenthal Centre asks police in Copenhagen to investigate Helmuth Leif Rasmussen, aka Rasboel, aged 90, over wartime mass killings of Jews in Belarus. more...

22. 07. 2015
»Man skal dømme SS-soldater, som vi dømmer IS-krigere«

Opgør: Det er selvmodsigende at gå benhårdt efter de danske syrienfarere, når ikke vi tilsvarende vil dømme de gamle danske nazister, mener bl.a. en historiker. more...

21. 07. 2015
Dansk anklagas för nazibrott

Danmark. En 90-årig dansk har polisanmälts för medhjälp till förbrytelser under andra världskriget. more...

21. 07. 2015
FAKTA: Sådan foregik retsopgøret i Danmark

En 90-årig dansk mand er tirsdag meldt til politiet for medvirken til forbrydelser under Anden Verdenskrig. more...

21. 07. 2015
Statsadvokat: Vi tager nazisag meget alvorligt

Det bliver statsadvokaten for internationale straffesager, som skal vurdere politianmeldelse om jødedrab. more...

21. 07. 2015
90-årig dansk man anklagas för nazibrott

En 90-årig dansk har polisanmälts för medhjälp till förbrytelser under andra världskriget. more...

21. 07. 2015
Statsadvokaten tager sag mod dansk nazist »meget alvorligt«

Tirsdag eftermiddag landede politianmeldelsen mod en 90-årig dansker, der deltog i Anden Verdenskrig for Frikorps Danmark, på statsadvokatens kontor. Nu begynder efterforskningen, lyder det. more...

21. 07. 2015
Nazi hunter files report with Danish police claiming 90-year-old man worked as a 'concentration camp guard' in Belarus

A top Nazi hunter has today filed a police complaint against a Danish man for allegedly working as a guard in a Belarus concentration camp during the Second World War. more...

21. 07. 2015
Nazi-jager: onderzoek Deense oud-nazi

Nazi-jager Ephraim Zuroff wil dat de Deense politie een onderzoek instelt naar een 90-jarige Deen. more...

21. 07. 2015
Nazijæger ankommet til København

Det er vigtigt for Anden Verdenskrigs ofre, at Frikorps Danmark-medlem bliver retsforfulgt, mener nazijæger. more...

21. 07. 2015
S: Politikerne skal blande sig udenom nazi-sag

Det er et anliggende for politiet og domstolene, ikke for politikerne, at der er indgivet en anmeldelse mod en 90-årig dansker, der tjente Frikorps Danmark i Hviderusland under Anden Verdenskrig. more...

21. 07. 2015
Nazijæger indgiver politianmeldelse mod 90-årig dansker

En 90-årig dansk mand, der tjente for Frikorps Danmark under Anden Verdenskrig, er blevet meldt til politiet for krigsforbrydelser begået under den verdensomspændende krig. more...

21. 07. 2015
Danske nazister i søgelyset: Krigsforbrydelser, drab og et liv på flugt

En 90-årig dansker er blevet anmeldt for forbrydelser begået under Anden Verdenskrig. Her er en liste over danske nazister, der blev dømt - eller slap fri. more...

21. 07. 2015
Nazi-Jäger erstattete Anzeige gegen Dänen

Der 90-Jährige soll Aufseher in einem Konzentrationslager in Weißrussland gewesen sein. more...

21. 07. 2015
Nazi hunter reports Danish man to police over war crimes

A top Nazi hunter on Tuesday filed a police complaint against a 90-year-old Danish man for allegedly working as a guard in a Belarus concentration camp during World War II. more...

21. 07. 2015
Her er fem af de mest berygtede danske nazister

Verdens førende nazijæger, Efraim Zuroff fra Simon Wiesenthalcentret i Israel, er i Danmark for at melde en 90-årig dansker for krigsforbrydelser begået under Anden Verdenskrig. more...

21. 07. 2015
Kendt nazijæger i København: Dansk kz-morder fortjener ingen barmhjertighed

Den verdenskendte nazijæger Efraim Zuroff er i Danmark. Han mener ikke, at de danske myndigheder har gjort nok for at retsforfølge en dansk mand, der angiveligt var vagt i en hviderussisk udryddelseslejr under Anden Verdenskrig. more...

21. 07. 2015
Dansker politianmeldt af international nazijæger

En tidligere Frikorps Danmark-soldat er tirsdag blevet meldt til politiet af international nazijæger. more...

21. 07. 2015
Nazi-Jäger Efraim Zuroff zeigte Dänen heute persönlich an

Er gilt als „Der letzte Nazi-Jäger“, und ab sofort nimmt er Dänen ins Visier: Efraim Zuroff, israelischer Historiker und Direktor des Simon Wiesenthal Centers, hat heute persönlich in Kopenhagen einen 90-jährigen dänischen Staatsbürger bei der Polizei angezeigt, um diesen vor Gericht zu bringen. more...

21. 07. 2015
Nazijæger: Det er et spørgsmål om moral og retfærdighed

Nazijægeren Efraim Zuroff har tirsdag politianmeldt en 90-årig dansker, der stod vagt i en koncentrationslejr i Hviderusland under Anden Verdenskrig. Zuroff håber nu, at »retfærdigheden vil ske fyldest«. more...

21. 07. 2015
Danske anmeldt av internasjonal nazijeger

København (NTB-Ritzau): En 90 år gammel danske er blitt politianmeldt for å ha vært delaktig i krigsforbrytelser under andre verdenskrig. more...

21. 07. 2015

Det bliver statsadvokaten for internationale straffesager, som skal vurdere politianmeldelse om jødedrab. more...

21. 07. 2015
Wiesenthal Center Head Seeks Arrest of Danish War Criminal

Efraim Zuroff, chairman of the Simon Wiesenthal Foundation, is in Copenhagen to o file an official complaint against a Nazi war criminal. more...

21. 07. 2015
Nazijæger kan bare komme an: Jeg var sendt afsted af Danmark

Magnus Møller fra Vejle har ligheder med en 90-årig mand, som nazijægeren Efraim Zuroff er på jagt efter i Danmark. Under 2. verdenskrig var begge nazister. more...

20. 07. 2015
תלונה במשטרה נגד פושע נאצי בן 90 מדנמרק

מנכ"ל מרכז ויזנטל הגיע לקופנהאגן בירת דנמרק על מנת להגיש תלונה במשטרה כנגד אזרח מקומי בן 90 הנחשד כפושע נאצי.

20. 07. 2015
Nazi hunter urges Danish police to probe guard at Holocaust camp

Suspect, aged 90, has admitted to witnessing executions of Jews in Nazi-occupied Belarus. more...

20. 07. 2015
LISTE: De ti mest eftersøgte nazi-forbrydere - 90-årig dansker er blandt dem

Verdens førende nazijæger lander mandag i København for at indgive politianmeldelse mod en 90-årig dansk mand for krigsforbrydelser begået i Hviderusland under Anden Verdenskrig. more...

20. 07. 2015
Meet the men who hunt down Nazis

As the “bookkeeper of Auschwitz” is sentenced to prison, dedicated investigators are still working to bring the last surviving Nazi criminals to justice. more...

19. 07. 2015
Usandsynligt at frikorpsmand bliver dømt

Hvis politiet skal indlede en sag mod den tidligere frikorpsmand Helmuth Leif Rasmussen kræver det, at nazijægeren Efraim Zuroff skal fremlægge nye oplysninger. more...

19. 07. 2015
'Nazi hunter' wants Dane charged for war crimes

A renowned ‘Nazi hunter’ from the Simon Wisenthal Center is coming to Denmark in the hopes of bringing charges against a 90-year-old Dane for war crimes committed during World War II. more...

18. 07. 2015
Eksperter: »Usandsynligt« at frikorpsmand bliver dømt

Det bliver meget svært at løfte bevisbyrden mod den 90-årige dansker, som Berlingske lørdag afslørede, bliver politianmeldt af verdens førende nazijæger. Det vurderer en historiker og en jurist. more...

18. 07. 2015
DF: Både godt og skidt med nazijægers ankomst

Det er positivt, at en af verdens førende nazijægere er på vej til Danmark for anmelde en 90-årig dansker for krigsforbrydelser under Anden Verdenskrig. more...

18. 07. 2015
Sådan foregik retsopgøret i Danmark

Den øverste direktør i Simon Wiesenthal Centerets afdeling for efterforskning af nazistiske krigsforbrydelser, Efraim Zuroff, lander mandag i Danmark med det hovedformål at politianmelde en 90-årig dansker for krigsforbrydelser begået i Hviderusland under Anden Verdenskrig. more...

18. 07. 2015
Jødisk samfund støtter politianmeldelse af mulig KZ-vagt

Hvis det skal afklares, om en 90-årig dansker har medvirket til forbrydelser mod menneskeheden som vagt i en KZ-lejr, er en politianmeldelse vejen frem, mener Jødisk Samfund. more...

18. 07. 2015
Nazijæger vil anmelde dansker for krigsforbrydelser

Verdens førende nazijæger kommer til Danmark for at politianmelde en 90-årig tidligere frikorpssoldat. more...

18. 07. 2015
Nazijeger vil ha dansk 90-åring bak lås og slå

København (NTB): Simon Wiesenthal-senteret vil politianmelde en dansk 90-åring som skal ha vært delaktig i krigsforbrytelser i Hviterussland under andre verdenskrig. more...

17. 07. 2015
Las atrocidades de cinco sanguinarios soldados nazis que escaparon a la cárcel

A pesar de que Oskar Groening ha sido condenado, otros criminales como Gerhard Sommer o Vladimir Katriuk han evitado las rejas. more...

17. 07. 2015
'Just because someone has reached 90, it doesn't turn them from a mass murderer into righteous gentile'

In the week when “Book­­keeper of Auschwitz” Oskar Groening was jailed, Nazi hunter Dr Efraim Zuroff explains why it is still vital to find all Nazi war criminals. more...

17. 07. 2015
90-årig afviser del i grusomheder

Den 90-årige dansker, der i næste uge vil blive politianmeldt for forbrydelser mod menneskeheden, afviser, at han skulle have været en del af mandskabet i kz-lejr. more...

17. 07. 2015
Nazijæger vil anmelde 90-årig dansker for krigsforbrydelser

Chefnazijægeren fra Simon Wiesenthal Centeret er på jagt i Danmark efter krigsforbrydere fra Anden Verdenskrig. more...

16. 07. 2015
Skaarup rykker for et retsopgør med danske nazister

DF's Peter Skaarup satser på, at den nye justitsminister, Søren Pind (V), vil igangsætte et retsopgør med de få tilbageværende Frikorps Danmark-soldater. more...

16. 07. 2015
Nazi hunter talks about Srebrenica, Old Fairgrounds memorial

The tragic crime in Srebrenica should not be minimized, but what happened there was not genocide, says Efraim Zuroff. more...

15. 07. 2015
Ex guardias de campos de concentración nazi son juzgados

Luneburgo, 15 jul (dpa) - Varios criminales nazis fueron llevados en los últimos años ante los tribunales o consiguieron evitar un juicio debido a su avanzada edad. more...

15. 07. 2015
Here Are the 5 Most Wanted Nazi War Criminals

On Wednesday, a court in Northern Germany sentenced 94-year-old Oskar Groening, a former SS-Unterscharführer, or junior squad leader, to four years in prison. His charge: 300,000 counts of accessory to murder as the “Bookkeeper of Auschwitz.” more...

10. 07. 2015
Wiesenthal Center slams Ukrainian Holocaust bill

The proposed law defines the Holodomor, a massive famine, as the “genocide of the Ukrainian people” and the Holocaust as the “genocide of the Jewish people.” more...

19. 06. 2015
Hvorfor er HL-senteret taust om nazismen i Ukraina?

Fire forskere fra HL-senteret (Senter for studier av Holocaust og livssynsminoriteter) har rykket ut mot debattanten Kari Jaquesson med beskyldninger om at hun «reproduserer anti-semittiske stereotypier». more...

17. 06. 2015
I «figli del nazismo» e quei pregiudizi che restano

Sono passati 70 anni, ma l’intolleranza c’è ancora: il 21% dei i tedeschi nati tra il 1933 e il 1945 è favorevole a negare agli ebrei i pari diritti. I risultati di uno studio universitario. more...

04. 06. 2015
US government paid millions in Social Security benefits to ex-Nazis

The US government paid more than $20 million worth of retirement benefits to at least 133 former Nazis over a period of more than 50 years, according to an internal auditing report released by the US Social Security Administration (SSA) last Saturday. more...

03. 06. 2015
Khatyn, la sangrienta masacre en la que los nazis quemaron vivos a bebés y niños

Vladimir Katriuk, miembro de las SS y presunto perpetrador de este trágico episodio, ha muerto sin ser condenado. more...

03. 06. 2015
COMMENT Vladimir Katriuk: when justice met politics

Vladimir Katriuk died peacefully last month in Ormstown, Que., at the ripe old age of 93. A source close to Katriuk revealed to the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center (FSWC) only two weeks ago that although his physical health was deteriorating, his mental faculties were quite good. Denaturalization and extradition on the charges of crimes against humanity were still entirely possible up until the day he died. more...

02. 06. 2015
Naziforbryter døde i Canada

Naziforbryteren Vladimir Katriuk, som stod som nummer to på Wiesenthalsenterets ønskeliste over ettersøkte naziforbrytere er død, melder hans advokat. more...

02. 06. 2015
The 20 Million U.S. Taxpayer Dollars Given to Nazis

Between 1945 and 1952, some 96,000 Jewish Holocaust survivors made their way to the United States. As they sought to start their lives anew and rebuild entire communities from the ashes of utter destruction, they were for the most part totally unaware that a significant number of their persecutors had followed them to these shores. As many as 10,000 Nazis settled in the United States after World War II. Most Nazis lied about their past when they applied for and ultimately received U.S. citizenship. When it came to others such as Otto von Bolschwing and Arthur Rudolph, the American government simply preferred to look the other way. more...

01. 06. 2015
Раздача нацистов по бросовой цене

Более 130 нацистских преступников в течение последних 50 лет получили от властей США около $20,2 млн в виде социальных пособий. more...

01. 06. 2015
Rekordrente für Nazi-Verbrecher in den USA

Die Verbrechen des Nationalsozialismus sind an Grausamkeit nicht zu übertreffen. Viele Täter flohen nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg in die USA und erhielten dort Renten in Millionenhöhe. more...

31. 05. 2015
«Они помогали убивать»

Профессиональный охотник за нацистскими преступниками — об опасности попыток переписывания истории в Восточной Европе. more...

31. 05. 2015
Ex-Nazis got $20.2M in U.S. benefits

WASHINGTON – Elfriede Rinkel’s past as a Nazi concentration camp guard didn’t keep her from collecting nearly $120,000 in American Social Security benefits. more...

31. 05. 2015
Nazis collected over $20m in social security benefits from U.S., official report says

According to an internal investigation by the Social Security Administration, more than $5.7m went to individuals found to have played a role in Nazi persecution. more...

31. 05. 2015
U.S. Paid Millions to Residents Tied to Nazi Crimes

WASHINGTON — The American government paid $20.2 million in Social Security benefits to more than 130 United States residents linked to Nazi atrocities over the course of more than a half-century, with some of the payments made as recently as this year, according to a federal investigation. more...

31. 05. 2015
People linked to Nazi crimes paid $20 million by US - Times LIVE

The millions of dollars paid out, a total far higher than officials had previously believed, indicate the ease with which thousands of former Nazis managed to settle into new lives in the United States with little scrutiny after World War II. more...

31. 05. 2015
Social Security Administration Paid 20 Million to Nazi Suspects

Thousands of former Nazi war criminals lied their way into the United States and later received old-age benefits. more...

31. 05. 2015
Nazi war criminals received over $20mn in US social security benefits - report

Over 130 suspected Nazi war criminals and collaborators received $20.2 million in benefits from the US Social Security Administration, according to the US inspector general of social security. more...

31. 05. 2015
Ex-Nazis received millions from US social security

The United States’ Social Security Administration paid $20.2 million in benefits to more than 130 suspected Nazi war criminals, SS guards, and others who may have taken part in atrocities during the Second World War, a watchdog has found. more...

31. 05. 2015
Watchdog says ex-Nazis got $20.2 million in Social Security

WASHINGTON (AP) — In a forthcoming report triggered by an Associated Press investigation, the top watchdog at the Social Security Administration found the agency paid $20.2 million in benefits to more than 130 suspected Nazi war criminals, SS guards, and others who may have participated in the Third Reich’s atrocities during World War II. more...

31. 05. 2015
U.S. Paid $20.2 Million in Social Security Benefits to Suspected Nazis: Report

The United States Social Security Administration paid out some $20.2 million in retirement benefits to suspected Nazi war criminals and other Nazi collaborators. more...

30. 05. 2015
Why one of the world’s most wanted suspected Nazis never faced justice

In 2012, a journalist visited Vladimir Katriuk at his farm about 40 miles outside Montreal. more...

29. 05. 2015
Vladimir Katriuk, Ukrainian-Born Beekeeper Accused of War Crimes, Is Dead at 93

Vladimir Katriuk, a Ukrainian-born beekeeper and former butcher who was No. 2 on the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s list of most wanted Nazi war criminals, died this month in a hospital in Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec, near where he lived. more...

29. 05. 2015
Nacističi ratni zločinac umro u Kanadi

MONTREAL - Kanađanin ukrajinskog porijekla Vladimir Katriuk, jedan od osumnjičenih za nacističke ratne zločine za vrijeme Drugog svjetskog rata, umro je u 93. godini, objavio je u četvrtak dneni list The Globe and Mail. more...

29. 05. 2015
Jewish groups rip gov't after alleged Nazi war criminal wanted by Russia dies

MONTREAL — The death of an alleged Nazi war criminal whom Jewish groups long sought to have brought to justice has underlined their frustration with what they see as Canada’s not pursuing this issue aggressively enough over the decades. more...

29. 05. 2015
One of the last surviving Nazi war crimes suspect dies at the age of 93

Vladimir Katriuk was the second most wanted Nazi this year by the US-based Simon Wiesenthal Centre that focuses on war criminals. more...

29. 05. 2015
Alleged Nazi war criminal, Vladimir Katriuk dies at 93

Earlier in May, Russia demanded he be deported to Russia to face trial. more...

29. 05. 2015
Alegado nazi referenciado pelo Centro Simon Wiesenthal morre aos 93 anos

Vladimir Katriuk morreu, aos 93 anos, no Canadá. Segundo a `BBC´, o ucraniano naturalizado mais tarde como canadiano surgia na segunda posição de uma lista de antigos soldados nazis mais procurados, a qual foi criada pelo Centro de investigação Simon Wiesenthal. more...

29. 05. 2015
L'un des criminels nazis les plus recherchés est mort à 93 ans au Canada

L'un des suspects de crimes de guerre nazis parmi les plus recherchés, est décédé la semaine dernière à l'âge de 93 ans au Canada où il vivait depuis plus de 60 ans sans avoir jamais répondu des atrocités dont il est soupçonné. more...

29. 05. 2015
Segundo nazista de lista de mais procurados do mundo morre em liberdade no Canadá

Ex-soldado das tropas da SS, Vladimir Katriuk estava à frente em lista formulada pelo centro Simon Wiesenthal, organização que investiga crimes do nazismo. more...

29. 05. 2015
Alleged Nazi war criminal died two weeks after Russia sought extradition

For more than half a century, Vladimir Katriuk tended after his ducks and beehives at his small farm on Dumas rural road, a short drive south of Montreal, near the border with the United States. Motorists ‎who dropped by could purchase his honey for $1.75 a pound. more...

29. 05. 2015
Twee meest gezochte nazi’s kunnen niet meer veroordeeld worden

De twee meest gezochte nazi’s op de lijst van het Simon Wiesenthal Centrum kunnen niet meer voor de rechtbank gedaagd worden. more...

29. 05. 2015
Les deux nazis les plus recherchés ne peuvent plus être poursuivis

Les deux nazis les plus recherchés de la liste du centre Simon Wiesenthal ne peuvent plus être poursuivis en justice. Le premier souffre de démence et l'autre est mort au Canada à 93 ans. more...

29. 05. 2015
Vladimir Katriuk, alleged Nazi criminal, dies in Canada

A Ukrainian man suspected of being a Nazi war criminal has died in Canada. more...

29. 05. 2015
Canadian Nazi war criminal Vladimir Katriuk dies aged 93

One of the world's most wanted Nazi war criminals has died in Canada aged 93. Vladimir Katriuk is said to have been involved in a World War II massacre in what is now Belarus. more...

29. 05. 2015
Décès au Canada d'un des principaux suspects de crimes de guerre nazis (presse)

Un Canadien d'origine ukrainienne, Vladimir Katriuk, l'un des principaux suspects de crimes de guerre nazis pendant la Seconde guerre mondiale, est décédé à l'âge de 93 ans, a rapporté jeudi le quotidien The Globe and Mail more...

29. 05. 2015
Morre no Canadá um dos principais suspeitos de crimes nazistas

O canadense de origem ucraniana Vladimir Katriuk, um dos principais suspeitos de ter cometido crimes de guerra nazistas durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, morreu aos 93 anos, informou nesta quinta-feira o jornal local The Globe and Mail more...

29. 05. 2015
Alleged Nazi War Criminal Wanted By Russia Dies In Canada

A Canadian man suspected of being a Nazi war criminal who participated in a 1943 massacre of villagers in Belarus has died, his lawyer says. more...

29. 05. 2015
В Канаде умер обвиняемый в убийствах жителей Хатыни бывший нацист Катрюк

В Канаде скончался бывший военнослужащий украинского батальона СС Владимир Катрюк (Vladimir Katriuk), которого ранее Следственный комитет России заподозрил в причастности к массовому убийству жителей белорусской Хатыни. Об этом пишет газета Globe and Mail. more...

29. 05. 2015
Gesuchter NS-Kriegsverbrecher in Kanada gestorben

Vladimir Katriuk stand auf der Liste der meistgesuchten NS-Verbrecher des Simon-Wiesenthal-Zentrums. more...

29. 05. 2015
Alleged Nazi war criminal wanted by Russia dies in Quebec

MONTREAL: Vladimir Katriuk, the man who held the No. 2 spot on the Simon Wiesenthal Center's list of most wanted Nazi war criminals, has died, his lawyer said Thursday. He was 93. more...

29. 05. 2015
Russia scolds Canada after suspected Nazi war criminal dies in Quebec

MONTREAL — The Russian Embassy in Ottawa reprimanded the Harper government Thursday after news emerged that a longtime Canadian resident who was No. 2 on the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s list of most wanted Nazi war criminals had died. more...

28. 05. 2015
Vladimir Katriuk, alleged Nazi war criminal, dies in Quebec

A Quebec man who was suspected of being a Nazi war criminal and involvement in a massacre in 1943 has died, his lawyer said Thursday. more...

28. 05. 2015
Un Québécois soupçonné de crimes de guerre nazis serait décédé

L'avocat d'un Québécois d'origine ukrainienne soupçonné par les Russes d'être un criminel de guerre nazi soutient que Vladimir Katriuk est mort la semaine dernière. more...

28. 05. 2015
MÉXICO: Muere uno de los principales sospechosos de crímenes nazis

Un canadiense de origen ucranio, Vladimir Katriuk, uno de los principales sospechosos de haber cometido crímenes de guerra nazis durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, murió a los 93 años, informó este jueves el diario local The Globe and Mail. more...

28. 05. 2015
Accused war criminal dies as Russia and Canada argue his fate

While a Canadian court determined in 1999 that Katriuk had falsified information in order to immigrate to Canada following WWII, it did not find that he had personally committed war crimes. more...

27. 05. 2015
Analysis: The Holocaust as a political issue

While much of Israel and world Jewry’s attention regarding anti-Semitism today is focused on increased Islamic vitriol and its concomitant violence in Western Europe, the use of Jewish themes in political discourse and the continuing debate over the singularity of the Holocaust in Eastern Europe still demands our concern. more...

17. 05. 2015
US Holocaust museum censures Ukraine over decision to honor Nazi collaborators

Itongadol. Ukraine’s decision last month to grant recognition to extend official recognition to a nationalist militia that collaborated with the Germans during World War Two has drawn condemnation from the United States. more...

15. 05. 2015
Ukraina kieltämässä hirmutekojen arvostelun

Venäjän presidentti Vladimir Putin on todennäköisesti hyvin mielissään Ukrainan uudesta laista, jonka mukaan puolalaisten siviilien ja juutalaisten joukkomurhiin toisen maailmansodan aikana syyllistyneitä ukrainalaisjoukkoja ei saa arvostella. more...

10. 05. 2015
Russia wants Quebec man extradited for Nazi war crimes

MONTREAL -- A 93-year-old Quebec man has been accused of being a Nazi war criminal by Russian officials, who want him extradited to stand trial. more...

10. 05. 2015
Los crímenes sin castigo de la guerra

El Centro Wiesenthal asegura que, desde Nuremberg, unos 106.000 soldados alemanes o nazis han sido acusados de crímenes de guerra, unos 13.000 han sido encontrados culpables y más o menos la mitad sentenciados. more...

09. 05. 2015
Moscou réclame l'extradition d'un nonagénaire soupçonné de crimes de guerre

Dans un geste hautement inhabituel, la Russie demandera au Canada d'extrader un homme de 93 ans réfugié au Québec et placé sur la liste des 10 criminels nazis les plus recherchés par une organisation internationale de défense des droits des Juifs afin qu'il soit jugé pour crimes de guerre. more...

09. 05. 2015
Moscou demande l’extradition d’un nazi de 93 ans

La Russie a demandé l’extradition d’un apiculteur de 93 ans de la Montérégie soupçonné d’être un criminel nazi, afin de le juger pour crimes de guerre. more...

08. 05. 2015
Russia seeks extradition of alleged Nazi collaborator in Quebec

Russian authorities have launched a criminal case and are seeking an extradition request against a 93-year-old alleged Nazi collaborator who currently resides in Ormstown, Que. more...

08. 05. 2015
Russia seeks extradition of alleged Nazi war criminal living in Quebec

Russian authorities are asking Canada to extradite an alleged war criminal of Ukrainian ancestry who’s lived here for more than 60 years, a request that appears designed to embarrass Ottawa while relations with Moscow remain frosty over President Vladimir Putin’s aggression in Ukraine. more...

05. 05. 2015
Os crimes sem castigo da Segunda Guerra Mundial

No final da Segunda Guerra Mundial, o mundo despertou do horror com uma destruição que nunca havia conhecido, 60 milhões de mortos e uma nova forma de crime, o extermínio em escala industrial de todo um povo, para o que foi preciso criar uma palavra, "genocídio". more...

05. 05. 2015
«Охота на зайцев». Помнят ли об этом военном преступлении?

5 мая – день освобождения концлагеря Маунтхаузена. В этом концлагере содержались главным образом пленные советские офицеры. Именно они совершили один из самых дерзких побегов. more...

03. 05. 2015 jpost.con
On Nazi war criminals and other suspects

In an op-ed recently published in The Jerusalem Post (“The irony of Lord Janner’s escape from trial” – April 27, 2015), former editor in- chief Jeff Barak linked two legal cases which ostensibly have no connection but relate to Jewish issues, and drew some disturbing and highly questionable conclusions. more...

29. 04. 2015
II Guerra Mondiale, amb. Cina a Mosca: tentano di falsificare storia

“È inaccettabile falsificare la storia, deformarla, seppellire il passato e dimenticare gli eroi ... Siamo fermamente contrari a qualsiasi tentativo di falsificare la storia della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, che mira a minare l’attuale ordine di pace del dopoguerra”. Lo ha detto l’ambasciatore cinese in Russia, Li Hui. more...

29. 04. 2015
Hitler's death 70th anniversary: Who let Nazi war criminals escape to South America after WW2?

In November 1945, in the German city of Nuremberg, the first international war crimes trial opened. Three of the top Nazi leaders – Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler and Joseph Goebbels – had already committed suicide, leaving behind 21 defendants as key players in a system that had cost the lives of 50 million. more...

29. 04. 2015
Lakeshore Village groundbreakers identified

WATERLOO — George Ellis, Col. Hugh Heasley, former Waterloo mayors James Bauer and Frank Bauer, and Helmut Oberlander are the mystery men who broke ground in 1965 for one of Waterloo's first suburbs. more...

28. 04. 2015
10 Nazi War Criminals Who May Escape Justice Forever

As time ticks onward, the atrocities committed in Nazi Germany are fading from living memory and into the pages of history books. more...

23. 04. 2015
Female Auschwitz guard and 'merciless' Nazi will 'never face justice'

As the world spotlight shines on a German courtroom in the trial of the 'Auschwitz bookkeeper' Oskar Groening, hidden in the shadows are the forgotten women who served as guards at Hitler’s death camps. more...

20. 04. 2015
Silence radio : la folle accélération de la décomposition ukrainienne

C’est dans le plus assourdissant des silences médiatiques que la gangrène de la décomposition s’accélère en Ukraine, non dans les nouvelles républiques novorusses ou en Crimée, mais au sein même du pouvoir de Kiev. more...

18. 04. 2015
'Nazi hunter' honors memory of Holocaust victims

GREENSBURG – On Holocaust Remembrance Day, 70 years after Hitler’s Nazi regime collapsed and surrendered to Allied forces, Dr. Efraim Zuroff pledged never to forget the six million Jews who lost their lives during the course of World War II. more...

15. 04. 2015
The lessons of Bergen-Belsen remain unlearned

The ghost of Nazi-inspired anti-Semitism was never exorcised from the Arab world. more...

15. 04. 2015
Seventy years after the Holocaust, European Union says never again

“There are Jewish communities in Europe that again feel insecure and we have been sadly reminded that violent anti-Semitism, intolerance and fanaticism remain a threat, ” EU says. more...

14. 04. 2015
Simon Wiesenthal Center Downgrades US in Annual Nazi-Hunting Report

In its annual Nazi-hunting report, the Simon Wiesenthal Center downgraded America’s efforts from A to B, marking the first time that the U.S. has been ranked that low in the report. more...

14. 04. 2015
Poll: Almost half of Israelis believe in possibility of another Holocaust

Almost half of all Israelis believe in the possibility of another Holocaust taking place in the future, a higher percentage than what was reported last year, the Israeli daily Haaretz reported Monday. more...

14. 04. 2015
Annual Nazi hunting report downgrades US, credits Germany

Simon Wiesenthal Center takes U.S. to task for its failure to prosecute a member of a notorious Nazi unit who lived quietly for decades in Minnesota. more...

14. 04. 2015
The last Nazis: Germany praised for hunting down war criminals by Simon Wiesenthal Center

German efforts to bring surviving Nazi war criminals to justice were praised and US failure to pursue charges against a man suspected of committing wartime atrocities condemned, in the annual report by the Simon Wiesenthal Centre. more...

13. 04. 2015
Ukrainian parliament recognizes militia that collaborated with Nazis

The Simon Wiesenthal Center condemned Ukraine’s recognition of the group as well as a second bill that equated communist and Nazi crimes more...

11. 04. 2015
Abbattute tre statue sovietiche

KIEV - Prosegue l'abbattimento di monumenti sovietici in Ucraina. Nella notte a Kharkiv sono state strappate dai loro piedistalli altre tre statue di leader o "eroi" bolscevichi: a cadere questa volta sono stati Sergo Ordzhonikidze, Nikolai Rudnev e Yakov Sverdlov more...

10. 04. 2015
Comunisti e nazisti uguali? Significa dimenticare la Shoah

Una legge mette al bando entrambi i totalitarismi. E in teoria ha senso. Ma gli ebrei hanno ragione a contestare la specificità del genocidio hitleriano more...

09. 04. 2015
Ucraina, nazismo e comunismo equiparati per legge dal Parlamento

Il provvedimento approvato a larga maggioranza vieta l'uso di simboli e la propaganda. La replica del direttore del centro Wiesenthal: «Una decisione oltraggiosa» more...

09. 04. 2015
Kiev: “Comunismo crimine come il nazismo”. Polemiche sulla legge ucraina: “Oltraggiosa”

Il direttore del centro Wiesenthal di Gerusalemme Efraim Zuroff attacca la Rada. more...

09. 04. 2015
Comunismo no es igual al nazismo, Centro Wiesenthal

TEL AVIV, 9 (ANSA)- El director del Centro Wiesenthal de Jerusalén, Efraim Zuroff, calificó hoy como "una decisión indignante" el proyecto de ley aprobado por el parlamento de Ucrania que equipara el comunismo con el nazismo. more...

09. 04. 2015
Ucraina equipara comunismo e nazismo. Centro Wiesenthal: "Decisione oltraggiosa"

Kiev ne vieta per legge simboli e propaganda. Carcere fino a 5 anni per i trasgressori. La protesta dell'organizzazione dello storico 'cacciatore' di criminali nazisti. more...

09. 04. 2015
Ucraina: comunismo come nazismo, legge ne vieta simboli

Il Comunismo come il Nazismo: alla vigilia del 70/mo anniversario della vittoria delle forze alleate su Hitler - pagato a caro prezzo dall'Urss - l'Ucraina equipara i due sistemi totalitari con una legge destinata a far discutere non solo in patria, dove le minoranze russofone continuano a sentirsi legate al retaggio sovietico, ma anche in Russia, erede di una storia di cui molti vanno ancora fieri contrapponendola a quella nazista more...

31. 03. 2015
Perché gli ex nazisti sono tutti in Sudamerica?

C'entrano il Vaticano e le dittature latinoamericane, secondo la tesi più accreditata. E quanti sono i gerarchi nazisti ancora ricercati? more...

29. 03. 2015
One man's journey to the heartland of fascism

Hostility to minorities and attempts to rewrite Holocaust history in Baltics - but no one cares, except Russia. more...

24. 03. 2015
Researchers discover Nazi hideout in Argentina jungle

An Argentine archaeologist who discovered what he thinks was a hideout built for German Nazis to flee to after World War II said more dark secrets may be buried there. more...

24. 03. 2015
Sorpresa en todo el mundo por un supuesto refugio nazi en Misiones

El hallazgo de un supuesto refugio nazi en Misiones generó ayer repercusiones en todo el mundo, despertando sorpresa y fascinación en medios de Alemania, Estados Unidos, Gran Bretaña y México, entre otros. more...

24. 03. 2015
Explican posible refugio nazi en selva argentina

Buenos Aires (AP) — En una región selvática de la provincia argentina de Misiones los nazis habrían construido un refugio para que se ocultaran las máximas autoridades del Tercer Reich luego de su derrota quienes, sin embargo, no llegaron a vivir allí, según los hallazgos de un grupo de arqueólogos. more...

24. 03. 2015
Is this the secret jungle hideout where Hitler and other Nazi leaders fled to after WWII?

These are the pictures of a secret jungle hideout where Adolf Hitler and other Nazi killers may have fled to after the Second World War. more...

24. 03. 2015
Report of Argentine ‘Nazi jungle bolt-hole’ debunked

Archaeologist Daniel Schavelzon admits his shock ‘discovery’ was ‘just speculation’. more...

24. 03. 2015
More secrets may lurk at suspected Nazi hideout in Argentina

An Argentine archaeologist who discovered what he thinks was a hideout built for German Nazis to flee to after World War II said more dark secrets may be buried there. more...

24. 03. 2015
Posible refugio de nazis en la selva misionera

En una región selvática de la provincia de Misiones los nazis habrían construido un refugio para que se ocultaran las máximas autoridades del Tercer Reich luego de su derrota quienes, sin embargo, no llegaron a vivir allí, según los hallazgos de un grupo de arqueólogos. more...

23. 03. 2015
Hidden in the depths of the Argentine jungle, secret Nazi bolthole for fleeing war criminals

A secret Nazi bolthole for fleeing war criminals has been found in a remote jungle area of Argentina. more...

23. 03. 2015
Possible Argentina Nazi Hideout Found In Jungle Contained German Coins, Researchers Say

Researchers in Argentina are investigating whether a cluster of buildings set in a virtually “inaccessible” jungle was built for a Nazi hideout after World War II. more...

23. 03. 2015
Suspected Nazi hideout discovered in Argentinian jungle

German coins dating to the Nazi regime were discovered inside the stone lair in a remote section of Argentina. more...

23. 03. 2015
Did Adolf Hitler flee here after 'FAKING death?' Secret Nazi hideout discovered in jungle

Archaeologists have discovered an outpost in a remote jungle in Argentina which is believed to have been built for some of the Führer's top aides. more...

23. 03. 2015
Nazi hide-out probed in Argentina

Among the Nazi war criminals who fled to Argentina was Erich Priebke, who lived in Bariloche for 50 years. more...

23. 03. 2015
Nazi Lair From World War II Found Hidden In Argentina Jungle

Archaeologists have found the ruins of what appears to have been a lair designed for Nazi fugitives hidden deep within the jungle of Argentina. more...

23. 03. 2015
Descubren refugio nazi en Argentina

Arqueólogos encuentran monedas alemanas de la década de 1940 en un sitio que habría servido de refugio para jerarcas nazis que escaparon a Sudamérica. more...

23. 03. 2015
Argentine archeologists investigate possible Nazi hideout

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina — Abandoned buildings found in a remote Argentine nature reserve may have been planned as a potential hideout for top Nazi officers, archaeologists said. more...

23. 03. 2015
Argentine archaeologists probe 'Nazi hide-out' for clues

Archaeologists are trying to determine whether ruined buildings in a remote nature reserve in Argentina were built as a hide-out for German Nazi officers. more...

23. 03. 2015
V argentinské džungli objevili skrýš nacistů. Ukrývala mince a keramiku

Argentinští archeologové objevili v džungli na severu země pozůstatky kamenného stavení, které s největší pravděpodobností sloužilo jako úkryt pro uprchlé nacisty po 2. světové válce. more...

20. 03. 2015
How a Nazi SS storm trooper went from being Hitler’s henchman to an Irish farmer

A notorious Nazi, known as “Hitler’s favorite commando” and “the most dangerous man in Europe,” Otto Skorzeny lived a peaceful life in a mansion on a 160-acre farm County Kildare 14 years after the end of World War II. more...

07. 03. 2015
Canada-Russia trade jibes over Nazi issue

A 93-year-old Quebec bee-keeper accused of being a Nazi war criminal has become the latest salvo in an increasingly hostile war of words between the Canadian and Russian governments. more...

27. 02. 2015
«Это я должен разрушить их жизнь, а не они мою»

Главный охотник за нацистами — об одержимости и отчаянии, непризнании вины и историческом ревизионизме, обыкновенности фашистов и несостоявшейся поездке Путина в Освенцим, а также о том, почему он никогда не будет считать свою миссию завершенной. more...

26. 02. 2015
New German law could affect Oberlander if Canada deports him

WATERLOO — An international Nazi hunter says Germany may now prosecute Helmut Oberlander for war crimes, if Canada ever deports him there. more...

18. 02. 2015
Nazivakt (93) siktet for medvirkning til drap på 170.000 mennesker
I over to år skal han ha jobbet som SS-vakt i dødsleiren Auschwitz. more...

03. 02. 2015
Separatist leader says 'miserable Jews' running Ukraine
Simon Wiesenthal Center accused the separatist leader of attempting to “sow internal ethnic discord in Ukraine and weaken the regime that the Russian insurgents are fighting.” more...

02. 02. 2015
PERSPECTIVES: Last Nazi standing
Seventy years after the end of World War II, Helmut Oberlander bears the dubious distinction of being the last of Canada’s all-too-few cases from that era to be resolved. He is the last Nazi standing. more...

02. 02. 2015
Iranian contest has cartoonists denying Holocaust
A twisted "art" contest sponsored by an Iranian museum -- with the apparent blessing of the Islamic Republic's regime -- has cartoonists competing for prizes and prestige by making fun of the Holocaust. more...

30. 1. 2015
Filmmaker's email claimed BBC 'policy' barred him from revealing hundreds of living Nazis - American shot, injured driving in Saudi Arabia
A leading Nazi-era expert working on a landmark BBC documentary about Auschwitz located “hundreds” of still-living former guards and other workers of the death camp – but refused to turn their names over to prosecutors, citing the British broadcasting giant’s "policy" of confidentiality, has learned. more...

29. 1. 2015
Blog pomagaj: Selektivno zgodovinopisje žali vse žrtve nacističnih zločinov
Še hujše žalitve je slišati od novih bojevnikov za resnico, ki so zdaj preplavili tradicionalne medije, zlasti pa njihove nove vulgarne spletne bratrance. more...

28. 1. 2015
Rewriting history?
History in the service of politics and ideological prejudices. This is how on the anniversary of the Auschwitz liberation some Eastern European and Ukrainian politicians are using the history of the Second World War. This is a case of historical revisionism blind to the truth. CrossTalking with Efraim Zuroff, Martin McCauley and Dmitry Babich. more...

27. 1. 2015
Je Auschwitz osvobodil praded Baracka Obame?
Obletnica osvoboditve taborišča: na slovesnost niso povabili­ predsednika države naslednice, katere vojaki so ga osvobodili. more...

27. 1. 2015
Helmut Oberlander plans to fight on after losing appeal of deportation order
A Waterloo man who served as an interpreter for the Nazis has lost his latest attempt to avoid deportation.more...

27. 1. 2015
Politics cast shadow over Auschwitz liberation anniversary
PRAGUE (JTA) — When they announced the ceremony marking the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, Polish officials insisted that at this year’s event, “the eyes of the world will be focused” on about 300 Holocaust survivors whose presence Tuesday at the former Nazi death camp near Krakow may be the last gathering of its sort.more...

27. 1. 2015
Top Nazi Hunter: Eastern Europe Rewrote the Holocaust
Eastern Europe minimizes Holocaust and equates it with Communist 'genocide,' says Dr. Zuroff - and Israel must act.more...

27. 1. 2015
Oberlander prosecution enters third decade
WATERLOO — Retired developer Helmut Oberlander plans another court appeal, 20 years to the day after Canada began prosecuting him for serving as a low-ranking interpreter with a Nazi death squad.more...

27. 1. 2015
“De pronto me encontré en libertad, sin saber para dónde coger”: sobreviviente de Auschwitz
Eugenia Unger lleva en el antebrazo izquierdo la marca que la identificó en Auschwitz. Hoy, 70 años después de su cierre, narra los últimos momentos de horror en ese campo.more...

26. 1. 2015
Nacističtí zločinci se stále ukrývají, i v Německu prý žijí bývalí dozorci
Německé úřady se dlouhodobě snaží o potrestání ve světě žijících nacistických zločinců, kvůli složitému hledání důkazů se jim to však často nedaří. Stovky nacistů hledaných pro válečné zločiny utekly po druhé světové válce do Latinské Ameriky, hlavně do Argentiny, Chile, Paraguaye a Brazílie.more...

26. 1. 2015
Former Nazi loses Canadian citizenship
Court determines 90-year-old lied about wartime service, expressed no remorse for being death-squad member.more...

25. 1. 2015
Oberlander loses citizenship — for third time
WATERLOO — Nazi death squad member Helmut Oberlander has lost a court appeal, but there's still no end in sight in his 20-year battle to avoid deportation.more...

22. 1. 2015
Judge denies Nazi-era war crime suspect’s attempt to get Canadian citizenship back: ‘Never expressed any remorse’
TORONTO — A Nazi-era war crime suspect stripped of his Canadian citizenship has lost his latest court appeal after a federal judge dismissed his claim he had served the Germans under duress.more...

21. 1. 2015 L'indro
It reinforces the canard of equivalency between Nazi and Soviet crimes. The new narrative that the post-Communist countries are trying to promote is an attempt to undermine the uniqueness of the Holocaust [0:29] and is basically a false narrative, because it minimizes or hides the crimes of local Nazi collaborators, who in eastern Europe were involved in mass murder — active participation in mass murder — and equates Nazi and Communist crimes, and as a result it paves the way for the glorification of anti-Communists, some of whom were actively involved in the Holocaust crimes more...

16. 1. 2015
Ex-Nazi collaborators equating USSR with fascists to whitewash own sins – Jewish intl. organization
There has been “a struggle going on for several years over the narrative of WWII and the Holocaust,” chief of the Nazi-hunting Simon Wiesenthal center, Efraim Zuroff, told RT.more...

14. 1. 2015
Poutine devrait être invité à Auschwitz
Il n'a pas fallu longtemps pour que les édifiants sentiments de si nombreuses personnes partout dans le monde dans le sillage de la marche Républicaine se dissipent ou, du moins, se refroidissent. more...

14. 1. 2015
Putin should be invited to Auschwitz
It didn't take long for the uplifting feelings so many people all over the world felt, in the wake of Sunday's million plus solidarity march in Paris, to dissipate. more...

04. 1. 2015
Wiesenthal Center pans Svoboda march but many Ukrainian Jews aren’t worried
While Ukrainian leaders have condemned anti-Semitism, some charge that the government has turned a blind eye to the ascension of racist figures due to their role in combating separatists. more...